If HR is not completely installed. We can
define the employees and positions in Oracle purchasing,
However if HR is installed
then the apps will force you to define the employees ,supervisors and positions
in the HR module.
In Oracle HR,People are
different from the employees. Not all the people defined are employees.
Employee information goes into the table "hr_employees" and the
people information goes into the "per_all_people_f" table,but an employee will be in both the
hr_employees and per_all_people_f tables. Typically if there are any contacts
for an employee ,then they will be entered as the people.
-- The below query can be
tried to see if the HR product is installed or not. Interesting all the HR
related code is present in the applicaction user PER and not HR
('USER', 'RESP', 'APPL', 'NLS'))
Normally, whenever a purchase
order is raised ,say,by an employee. then it will be routed thru the next in
the hierarchy.
And there are two types of
hierarchies in the Oracle purchasing module. One is position approval hierarchy
and another
hierarchy. This setting can be defined using the path
setup => Organization => Financials
Options screen. => Human Resources tab.
If the "Use Approval
Hierarchies" check box is checked, then it means that the position approval hierarchy is used.
If the "Use Approval
Hierarchies" check box is unchecked, then it means that the
employee/supervisor hierarchy is used.
Let us briefly dwell on what is the difference
between these two hierarchies. In the case of position approval hierarchy,
firstly a hierarchy of all the positions in the company are defined. for ex,
Manager, Senior Manager, Executive director ,Vice President,etc; all these
positions are first defined. So if a manager raises a PO, then that document is
routed up the hierarchy i.e it is routed to the senior manager.
In the case of
employee/supervisor hierarchy, while we are defining an employee ,say ,Smith,
then his manager ,say, David, is also specified. And a document is routed to
that manager David.
INcidentally in Oracle
purchasing, there are lot of document types defined. That is ,a requisition(Internal
or Purchase), planned purchase order, standard purchase order.etc We can see
these types from the path setup => Purchasing => Document Types.
what are the products that we
would be supporting in this suite. outerjoin when the where conditions purchase
order total price.
HR Stuff.
The profile option MO: Operating Unit will
always the store the operating unit id and not the inventory_org id
The Profile option MO:Top Operating Level
stores the values of set of books, legal entity or operating unit.
If it is SOB, user can run the report with
any LE underneath that sob
if it is LE,
user can run the report with any OU
underneath that LE
if it is OU,
user can run the report with any OU mentioned in the MO: Operating Unit
profile option.
There are certain predefined oracle app
reports which we can run with above mentioned reporting levels.
Ex : Aging 4 Buckets report.*/
Hr_organization_information table stores two classes of information
If org_information_context = 'CLASS', then it
gives information about the org itself.
whether it is a Legal Entity,Operating Unit, Inventory Organization.
Interestingly ,the below query will give you
info about everything other than set of books id,which makes sense as sob is
accounting stuff.
,haou.name Name
hr_organization_information hoi
,hr_all_organization_units haou
where hoi.organization_id =2398
hoi.organization_id =
org_information_context = 'CLASS'
/* If org_information_context = 'Accounting
Information',it provides information on ow it is related to other Orgs.
Given a specific organization id,get a list
of parents i.e set of books,legal entity and operating unit, run it.
If the org_information_context is Accounting
Information, the org_information1 will store the set of books id
and org_information3 will give the inventory
org id. Hence given the set of books id we can get all the
heirarchy in one particular record as below.
select org_information1 set_of_books_id
hr_organization_information hoi
where org_information1= 1 -- this
isthe sob id
and hoi.organization_id = haou.organization_id
org_information_context ='Accounting
select * from gl_sets_of_books where set_of_books_id = 34
select * from hr_organization_units where organization_id = 61
select * from fnd_profile_options
where profile_option_name like 'GL_SET_OF_BKS_NAME'
select * from fnd_profile_options_tl
where user_profile_option_name like 'GL%Set%'
select * from hz_cust_accounts order by creation_date desc
select * from hz_cust_account_roles where cust_account_id = 4193
select partner_id from pv_Partner_profiles
order by creation_date desc
-- Set the environment in the
production environment ( fnd_client_info.set_org_context)
SELECT employee_id FROM fnd_user WHERE user_name LIKE 'PLUI'
SELECT * FROM per_all_people_f WHERE last_name ='ADAMS' and first_name ='JAMES'
SELECT * FROM per_all_people_f WHERE person_id in (37303)
SELECT job_id, person_id, position_id FROM per_all_assignments_f WHERE person_id in (37303)
SELECT name job_name FROM per_jobs WHERE job_id = 10349
-- This query given a job function,will give
the approval group.
select control_group_name from po_control_groups where control_group_id in
(select control_group_id from po_position_controls where end_date is not null and job_id in (
select job_id from per_jobs_vl where name like 'E7-G AND A' ) )
-- This query ,given a
approval group, will give the approval
select * from po_control_rules where control_group_id in
(select control_group_id from po_control_groups where control_group_name = 'NCE
10/CE 10')
-- This query given a job
function name, will give the approval
limits.(Make sure you set the correct org_id before you check the amount
select * from po_control_rules where control_group_id in
(select control_group_id from po_control_groups where control_group_id in
(select control_group_id from po_position_controls where end_date is not null and job_id in (
select job_id from per_jobs where name like 'E7-G AND A' )
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