Wednesday 25 July 2012

list of api's

Complete list of supported API’s

4566 is the number of supported API's in oracle applications as of today (according to 20-apr-2011). Prototype scripts and xls4oracle template scripts is now available in 2 zip files. Pls. goto Prototypes and Scripts for xls4oracle templates
Here is a list of the 914 packages containing the 4566 procedure and functions (source:
AHL_DI_DOC_INDEX_PUB Document This is the public interface to create and modify documents and its associated suppliers and recipients.
AHL_DI_DOC_REVISION_PUB Document Revision This is the public interface to create, modify and delete document revisions.
AHL_DI_SUBSCRIPTION_PUB Document Subscription This is the public interface to create, modify and delete document subscriptions.
AHL_FMP_MR_PUB Maintenance Requirement Package containing APIs to create, update and delete Maintenance Requirement(MR) and its associations to Document References,
AHL_MC_ITEM_COMP_PUB Master Configuration This is the public package that handles Creation,Modification,Termination and copying of
AHL_MC_ITEMGROUP_PUB Item Group Association This is the public package that creates and modifies the Item groups and item-group associations for Master Configuration
AHL_MC_MASTERCONFIG_PUB Master Configuration This is the public package that handles creation/modification/deletion of Master Configurations
AHL_MC_NODE_PUB Master Configuration This is the public package that handles creation/modification/deletion of Master Configurations Nodes
AHL_OSP_ORDERS_PUB Process OSP Order This package provides the procedure to Validate, Insert/Update/Delete an osp order header along with its associated lines.
AHL_OSP_SHIPMENT_PUB Process OSP Shipment This package Contains Record types and public procedures to process shipment headers, and lines that are related to OSP Orders.
AHL_PC_ASSOCIATION_PUB Units/Parts Association This is the public interface to associate the Product Classification with Units/Parts
AHL_PC_HEADER_PUB Product Classification Header This is the public interface to create, modify and terminate Product Classifiaction Header
AHL_PC_NODE_PUB Product Classification Nodes This is the public interface to Create /Modify and Delete Product Classification Nodes
AHL_RM_OPERATION_PUB Operation Package containing APIs to create, update and delete Operations and its associated document references, resource requirements,
AHL_RM_ROUTE_PUB Route Package containing APIs to create, update and delete Routes and its associated document references, operations, resources
AHL_UA_FLIGHT_SCHEDULES_PUB Unit Flight Schedules Package containing APIs to process flight schedules and following transit visits.
AHL_UC_INSTANCE_PUB Unit Configuration Node This package provides the APIs for processing the node instance in a Unit Configuration.
AHL_UC_UNITCONFIG_PUB Unit Configuration Header This package provides the APIs for processing the Unit Configuration headers.
AHL_UC_UTILIZATION_PUB Unit Configuration Utilization This package provides the APIs for updating the Utilization on a Unit Configuration.
AHL_UC_VALIDATION_PUB Unit Configuration Validation This package provides the APIs for validating a Unit Configuration.
AHL_UMP_UF_PUB Utilization Forecast This is the public interface to process utilization forecast for Product Classification node, item, unit or item instance.
AHL_UMP_UNITMAINT_PUB Maintain Unit Maintenance Plan Schedule Builds and Calculates Unit and Item instance Maintenance Plan Schedule.
AME_API Approval Process This package contains APIs that a typical workflow uses to process an
AME_API2 Parallel Approval Process This API package contains routines that a typical workflow uses to process
AME_API3 Ancillary Parallel Approvers Process This API package contains ancillary routines.
AME_API4 Approval Process Groups This package contains ancillary APIs.
AML_SALES_LEADS_V2_PUB Oracle Leads Management Public Wrapper API This package provides consolidated methods to create leads and supported
AMS_ACTMETRIC_PUB Oracle Marketing Activity Metrics Public API This package provides methods to create, update, or delete marketing
AMS_CAMP_SCHEDULE_PUB Oracle Marketing Campaign Schedules Public API This package provides methods to create or update a marketing campaign schedule.
AMS_CAMPAIGN_PUB Oracle Marketing Campaigns Public API This package provides methods to create or update a marketing campaign.
AMS_METRIC_PUB Oracle Marketing Metrics Definition Public API This package provides methods to create marketing metrics.
AP_PO_VENDORS_APIS_PKG Suppliers Package This Package provides APIs to allow users to import suppliers,
AR_ADJUST_PUB Adjustment Adjustment API allows users to create, approve, update, and reverse
AR_BR_CANCEL_UNPAID_API_PUB Unpaid Bill Unpaid Bill API sets the status for each unpaid bill receivable to
AR_BR_REMIT_IMPORT_API_PUB Remittance Import Remittance Import API allows the user to import a remittance from a
AR_CMGT_CREDIT_REQUEST_API Credit Request Creation The Credit Request Creation API creates a credit request in the
AR_CREDIT_MEMO_API_PUB Credit Memo Approval and Creation Credit Memo Approval and Creation API lets you initiate the creation
AR_DEPOSIT_API_PUB Deposit Deposit APIs provide an extension to existing functionality of
AR_INVOICE_API_PUB Invoice Creation Invoice Creation API allows users to create an invoice using simple
AR_PREPAYMENTS_PUB Prepayment The Prepayments API enables the creation of a receipt in advance of
AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB Receipt Receipt APIs provide an extension to existing
AR_REVENUEADJUST_PUB Revenue Adjustment Revenue Adjustment APIs allow users to recognize event-based revenue
AS_SALES_LEADS_PUB Oracle Leads Management Public API This package provides methods to create, update, or delete leads, lead product
BEN_CWB_AUDIT_API Compensation Workbench Audit Log This package contains API to generate audit log for data changes in
BEN_CWB_PERSON_GROUPS_API Compensation Workbench Budget Detail This package contains Compensation Workbench Budget APIs.
BEN_CWB_PERSON_INFO_API Compensation Workbench Person Information This package contains Compensation Workbench Person APIs.
BEN_CWB_PERSON_RATES_API Compensation Workbench Person Award This package contains Compensation Workbench Person Award APIs.
BEN_CWB_PERSON_TASKS_API Compensation Workbench Person Task This package contains Compensation Workbench Person Task APIs.
BEN_CWB_PL_DSGN_API Compensation Workbench Plan Design This package contains Compensation Workbench Plan Design APIs.
BEN_CWB_STOCK_OPTN_DTLS_API Compensation Workbench Stock Option This package contains APIs to upload third party stock option data.
BOM_IMPORT_PUB Structure Import This package provides APIs for importing structure and its related entities
BOM_INVOKE_BO Invoke Business Object API for invoking  methods in BOM Public packages from a different schema.
BOM_OE_EXPLODER_PKG Order Entry Exploder This API  contains methods for the custom bom exploder for use by Order Entry.
BOM_SECURITY_PUB BOM Security Policy Package This API  contains methods to ensure BOM security
BOMCUMYD Cumulative Yield calculation for Flow and Network Routing This API contains procedures to calculate a) Cumulative Yield values for
BOMPCCLT Lead Time Rollup calculation This API contains procedures to calculate Cumulative Lead Times for
BOMPEXPL Structure Exploder This API contains methods to explode BOM based on the module passed.The possible values for module are
BOMPIMPL Implode BOM Package This API contains methods to implode BOM .It contains two different imploders,
BOMPXINQ Structure Export This API contains methods to Explode BOM and Export the data to PL/SQL tables.This method
CDR_PUB_API_INITIALIZATION LSH API Initialization This is a public interface that is used internally to initialize all other Oracle LSH external API packages.
CDR_PUB_ATK_ADAPTER LSH ATK ADAPTER This package is used to create adapter domain and adapter area for user defined adapters.
CDR_PUB_CLA_HIERARCHY_VALS LSH CLA HIER Values This is a public interface for classification hierarchy value-related operations.
CDR_PUB_CLA_OBJ_CLASSIFICATION LSH Obj Classification This is a public interface for assigning and removing object classifications.
CDR_PUB_CLA_SUBTYPES Subtype Classification This is a public interface for all Classification subtype functions
CDR_PUB_DEF_CONSTANTS LSH Definition Constants This is a public interface that hosts definition constants for LSH APIs.
CDR_PUB_DEF_FACTORY_SUPPORT LSH Factory Support This is a public interface that hosts utility APIs for other packages.
CDR_PUB_DEF_FACTORY_UTILS LSH Factory Utility This is a public interface that hosts utility APIs for other packages.
CDR_PUB_DEF_FACTORY_VALIDATE LSH Factory Validate This is a public interface that hosts APIs for checking object validation on various objects.
CDR_PUB_DF_APPLICATIONAREA LSH Application Areas This is a public interface for Application Area-related operations, including creating, modifying, and removing Application Areas, and copying and moving object definitions into an Application Area.
CDR_PUB_DF_BUSINESSAREA Business Area This is a public interface for Business Area-related APIs, including creating, modifying, and
CDR_PUB_DF_BUSINESSAREA_HIER Business Area Hierarchies This is a public interface for all Business Area Hierarchy-relatedoperations, including creating, modifying,
CDR_PUB_DF_BUSINESSAREA_JOIN Business Area Join This is a public interface for Business Area Join-related operations, including creating, modifying, and
CDR_PUB_DF_DATAMART Data Marts This is a public interface for Data Mart-related operations, including creating, modifying, and removing Data Marts.
CDR_PUB_DF_DOMAIN LSH Domain This is a public interface for Domain-related operations, including creating, modifying, and removing Domains.
CDR_PUB_DF_EXECUTIONSETUP LSH Execution Setup This is a public interface for Execution Setup-related operations, including creating, modifying, and removing Execution Setups.
CDR_PUB_DF_LOADSET Load Sets This is a public interface for Load Set-related operations, including creating, modifying, and removing Load Sets.
CDR_PUB_DF_MAPPING LSH Mapping This is a public interface for mapping-related operations, including creating and modifying mappings at the Table Descriptor and Column levels
CDR_PUB_DF_NAMING LSH Namings This is a public interface which hosts the Naming API to update the Version label
CDR_PUB_DF_NAMING_UTIL LSH Naming This is a public interface that is used to retrieve data from naming-related tables.
CDR_PUB_DF_NOTIFICATIONS LSH Notifications This package hosts all the Notification related APIs
CDR_PUB_DF_OWNERSHIP LSH OwnerShip This API is no longer available
CDR_PUB_DF_PARAM_RELATION LSH Parameter Relations This is a public interface for operations related to passing values from one Parameter to another within a Report Set or Workflow.
CDR_PUB_DF_PARAMETER LSH Parameters This is a public interface for operations involving defined Parameter objects
CDR_PUB_DF_PARAMETER_SET LSH Parameter Sets This is a public interface for operations involving parameter sets </br>
CDR_PUB_DF_PLANNED_OUTPUT LSH Planned Output This is a public interface for all Planned Output related functions, including creating, modifying, removing, and copying Planned Outputs.
CDR_PUB_DF_PROGRAM LSH Program This is a public interface for Program-related functions, including creating, modifying, and removing Programs.
CDR_PUB_DF_SOURCECODE LSH Source Code This is a public interface for Source Code-related operations, including creating, modifying, and removing Source Code objects.
CDR_PUB_DF_TABLE LSH Table Creation This is a public interface for all operations related to Tables, Columns, and Constraints, including creation, deletion, modification, and checking in and out of these objects.
CDR_PUB_DF_VARIABLE LSH Variable This is a public interface for Variable-related operations, including creating, modifying, and removing Variables.
CDR_PUB_DF_WORKAREA Work Areas/Check In Work Area This is a public interface for Work Area-related operations, including creating, modifying, removing, cloning, checking in and installing Work Areas.
CDR_PUB_DF_WORKFLOW LSH Workflow This is a public interface for Workflow-related operations, including creating,
CDR_PUB_EXE_EXTERNAL LSH External This is a public interface that hosts the API to upload output CLOBs into Oracle LSH.
CDR_PUB_EXE_MSG_API LSH Msg Submission This package contains the API to add a submission request to the message queue.
CDR_PUB_EXE_RUNTIME LSH Runtime This is a public interface to retrieve information about a currently running job.
CDR_PUB_EXE_SUBMISSION LSH Submission This package contains a procedures to log the messages when a job is running and to create the submission record
CDR_PUB_EXE_USER_UTILS LSH User Utils This package contains APIs to set and retrieve the execution status of LSH Programs.
CDR_PUB_MSG_PUB LSH Read Message This is a public interface that is used for reporting, by reading messages from the system's message stack.
CDR_PUB_PRINT_OUTPUT LSH Print Output This package includes APIs for submitting a job for printing, and for retrieving the BLOB and CLOB objects associated with the CDR output.
CDR_PUB_RS_OTD_FILE LSH OTD Files This is a public interface used to create, modify and remove OTD files,
CDR_PUB_RS_OVERLAY_TEMPLATE LSH Report Set Overlay Template This package is used to create, checkin, checkout,
CDR_PUB_RS_REPORT_SET LSH Report Sets This is a public interface for all the Report Sets related functions.These APIs provide a number of procedures for Report Sets including Create Report Sets, Modify Report Sets, Remove Report Sets, Checkin Report Set,
CDR_PUB_RS_REPORT_SET_ENTRY LSH Report Set Entry This is a public interface for Report Set Entry-related operations, including creating, modifying, and removing Report Set Entries, getting information about the Report Set and Report Set Entries, and changing the Report Set structure.
CDR_PUB_SECURITY_PKG LSH Security This is a public interface for object security-related operations.
CDR_PUB_VL_VALIDATION LSH Validation This is a public interface for validation-related operations.
CN_CALC_SUBMISSION_PUB Create/Update Calculation Submission Batch This package provides the APIs for creating and updating a calculation submission batch.
CN_COMMISSION_CALC_PUB Calculate Projected Compensation Public Application Program Interface The calculate_Commission procedure in cn_commission_calc_pub is used for
CN_COMP_PLAN_PUB Create Compensation Plan This package is used to create compensation plans.
CN_GET_TX_DATA_PUB Mass Adjustments Package for Mass Adjustments  (JSP Version)
CN_MULTI_RATE_SCHEDULES_PUB Rate Tables Public Application Program Interface This package is used to perform the following procedures related to rate tables.
CN_PAYGROUP_PUB Pay Group The procedures in this package can be used to get pay group information, validate the input, create pay groups, update pay groups, and delete pay groups.
CN_PLAN_ELEMENT_PUB Plan Element The procedure in this package can be used to create, update, delete and duplicate a plan element.
CN_PMTPLAN_PUB Payment Plan This procedure is used to create, update, and delete payment plans.
CN_PMTSUB_PUB Submit Payrun Concurrent Programs This procedure is used to pay a payrun and update the subledger, run the
CN_POST_COLLECTION_TAE_PUB OIC Integration With TA Engine Public Application Program Interface This public package integrates the Oracle Incentive Compensation collection
CN_PRD_QUOTA_PUB Period Quotas distribution The procedure in this package can be used to distribute the target of the specified plan element
CN_PROCESS_TAE_TRX_PUB Populate TAE Data in OIC Public Application Program Interface This public package populates results from the Territory Assignment Engine
CN_ROLE_PLANS_PUB Role to Compensation Plan Assignment There are three APIs for CN_ROLE_PLANS_PUB.
CN_SCA_CREDITS_BATCH_PUB Get Sales Credits Public Application Program Interface This package is accessed by users of the Sales Credit Allocation Module via
CN_SCA_CREDITS_ONLINE_PUB Get Sales Credits Public Application Program Interface(Online) This package is accessed by the users of the Sales Credit Allocation module
CN_SCA_WF_CUST_PKG Workflow Process custom Revenue Distribution This package includes public APIs for Sales Credit Allocation custom Revenue
CN_SCA_WF_PKG Workflow processes for Revenue Distribution and Transaction Transfer This package includes public APIs for Sales Credit Allocation standard Revenue
CN_SRP_CUSTOMIZE_PUB Salesperson Customization This procedure allows user to customize the target, goal, payment amount
CN_SRP_PAYGROUP_PUB Assign Pay Groups The procedures in this package can be used to assign salesreps to a pay group and to update thatassignment.
CN_SRP_PMT_PLANS_PUB Assign Payment Plans This procedure is used to create, update, and delete payment plan assignments for salesrepsindividually or in mass.
CN_SRP_PRD_QUOTA_PUB Salesperson Period Quotas Distribution This procedure distributes the target for a plan element across the periods
CS_CHARGE_CREATE_ORDER_PUB Charges This public interface for the charges functionality in Oracle Service, provides functions that enable
CS_CHARGE_DETAILS_PUB Service Charges This public interface for the charges functionality in Oracle Service, provides functions
CS_INCIDENTLINKS_PUB Service Request Link Service Request Links provides functions to enable user to create, update and delete
CS_MULTIORG_PUB Service Charges This public interface for the charges functionality in Oracle Service, determines the default operating
CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB Service Request Allows users to create, update service request details, update service request status
CSD_REPAIRS_PUB Depot Repair APIs This is the public interface for the Depot Repair API.
CSF_DEBRIEF_PUB Debrief This is the public interface for Debrief transactions.
CSI_II_RELATIONSHIPS_PUB Manage Instance-to-Instance Relationships This is a public API for managing Instance-to-Instance Relationships.
CSI_ITEM_INSTANCE_PUB Manage Item Instances This is a public API for Item Instances Management.
CSI_SYSTEMS_PUB Manage Systems This is a public API for managing Systems.
CST_COST_API Item Cost API This package contains Item Cost APIs.
CZ_CF_API Configuration API This package provides procedures and functions to perform various operations on configurations.
CZ_MODELOPERATIONS_PUB Model Operations API This is the public interface to operations on configuration models and configuration UIs.
EAM_ACTIVITYSUPN_PUB Activity Suppression This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of suppression relationships of theasset activity associations.
EAM_ASSET_AREAS_PUB Asset Areas This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of asset areas.
EAM_ASSET_ROUTES_PUB Asset Routes This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of asset routes.
EAM_ASSETATTR_GRP_PUB Asset Group and Attributes Group Association This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE /Validationof asset attribute groups.
EAM_ASSETATTR_VALUE_PUB Asset Attributes Values This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE /Validation of asset attributevalues.
EAM_ASSETNUMBER_PUB Asset Number This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of asset numbers.
EAM_COMPLETION Maintenance Work Completion This is the public API for maintenance work order completion/uncompletion
EAM_DEPT_APPROVERS_PUB Department Approvers This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of Department Approvers.
EAM_ITEM_ACTIVITIES_PUB Asset Activity This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of Asset Activity association.
EAM_METER_PUB EAM Meters This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of meters.
EAM_METERASSOC_PUB Asset Meter This package is used for the INSERT of Asset Meters Association.
EAM_METERREADING_PUB Meter Reading package This package is used for creating and disabling the meter readings.
EAM_PARAMETERS_PUB Eam Parameters This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of Eam Parameters.
EAM_PMDEF_PUB Preventive Maintenance Schedule This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of PM Schedules.
EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB Asset Maintenance Work Order Creation This package is used for creation of asset maintenance work order(Single/Multiple)
EAM_SETNAME_PUB Preventive Maintenance Set Name This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of PM Set Names.
EC_POAO_EXT Purchase Order Acknowledgments Extension Columns API This is a stub API provided as part of the Extensible Architecture feature of the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and can be used to populate extension columns in the Purchase Order Acknowledgments EDI transaction.
EC_POCAO_EXT Purchase Order Change Acknowledgments Extension Columns API This is a stub API provided as part of the Extensible Architecture feature of the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and can be used to populate extension columns in the Purchase Order Change Acknowledgments EDI transaction.
EDR_ERES_EVENT_PUB E-records Evidence Store APIs These APIs raise an e-signature event or related events in deferred mode.
EDR_EVENT_RELATIONSHIP_PUB E-records Evidence Store APIs These APIs establish relationships between e-records.
EDR_EVIDENCESTORE_PUB E-records Evidence Store APIs This is the public interface for the Evidence Store, and it retrieves the e-record details.
EDR_FILES_PUB Upload and request approval for a file This API provides a generic file upload management system for uploading files
EDR_STANDARD_PUB Oracle E-Records Utility This package contains all general Oracle E-Records utilities.
EDR_TRANS_ACKN_PUB E-records Evidence Store APIs This API is used to sends appropriate acknowledgement to evidence store
EGO_ITEM_PUB Catalog Item Maintenance This package provides functionality for maintaining items, item
EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PUB User-Defined Attributes This package provides User-Defined Attributes functionality for all
ENG_ECO_PUB Create or Update Change Change Management solution offers mechanisms to control changes to entity such as Item.
ERROR_HANDLER Error Handler You can use this API for  logging/retrieving Error or Warning messages.This API should be used along with
FA_ADDITION_PUB Asset Addition API Create asset additions.
FA_ADJUSTMENT_PUB Adjustments API Create asset adjustments.
FA_ASSET_DESC_PUB Update Asset Description API This is the public interface for the Asset, Invoice, and Retirement
FA_CIP_PUB Capitalize/Reverse Capitalize API Capitalizes assets and reverses capitalization of assets.
FA_DELETION_PUB Delete Asset API Deletes assets from the system.
FA_INV_XFR_PUB Invoice Transfer API Creates asset transfers.
FA_RECLASS_PUB Reclassify Asset API Creates asset reclassifications.
FA_RESERVE_TRANSFER_PUB Reserve Transfer API Transfers reserve between two group assets in the same book.
FA_RETIREMENT_ADJUSTMENT_PUB Group Retirement Adjustment API Performs group retirement adjustments.
FA_RETIREMENT_PUB Retirement/Reinstatement API Creates asset retirements, reinstatements, cancellation of retirements, and
FA_REVALUATION_PUB Revaluation API Creates asset revaluations.
FA_TRANSFER_PUB Asset Transfer API Create asset transfers.
FA_UNIT_ADJ_PUB Unit Adjustments API Adjusts units of an asset.
FA_UNPLANNED_PUB Unplanned Depreciation API Creates unplanned depreciation.
FND_CONC_GLOBAL Concurrent Global package This package is used for submitting sub-requests from PL/SQL concurrent programs.
FND_CONCURRENT Request Set Utility APIs for concurrent processing.
FND_FILE FND File This package contains the procedures to write text to log and output files.
FND_FLEX_EXT Key Flexfield Validation Public Key FlexField server side validation functions.
FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS_PKG Form Function Table Handler to insert or update data in FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS table.
FND_FORM_PKG Form Table Handler to insert or update data in FND_FORM table.
FND_GLOBAL Application Context APIs Application context related APIs.
FND_MENU_ENTRIES_PKG Menu Entry Table Handler to insert or update data in FND_MENU_ENTRIES table.
FND_MENUS_PKG Menu Table Handler to insert or update data in FND_MENUS table.
FND_MESSAGE Message Dictionary APIs to Set, Retrieve, Clear the messages in Message Stack.
FND_OBJECT_TABLESPACES_PUB Customize Object Classification This package contains procedures for registering or customizing
FND_PROFILE Profile Management APIs APIs to manipulate values stored in client
FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS_PKG Profile Table Handler Table Handler to Insert
FND_PROGRAM Concurrent Program Loaders Contains procedures for creating the concurrent program executables, concurrent programs with parameters and incompatibility rules, request sets and request groups
FND_REQUEST Concurrent Request Contains concurrent processing related utilities
FND_REQUEST_INFO Request Information Used in MLS functions to get the MLS information for a request.
FND_RESP_FUNCTIONS_PKG Responsibility Function Table Handler to insert or update data in FND_RESP_FUNCTIONS table.
FND_RESPONSIBILITY_PKG Responsibility Table Handler to insert or update data in FND_RESPONSIBILITY table.
FND_SECURITY_GROUPS_PKG Security Group Table Handler to insert or update data in FND_SECURITY_GROUPS table.
FND_SET Request Set Includes procedures for creating concurrentprogram request sets, adding programs to a request set, deletingprograms from a
FND_SSO_MANAGER SSO Manager This package provides APIs for central Login/Logout Management
FND_SUBMIT Request Set Submission This package contains the APIs for request set submission.
FND_TABLESPACES_PUB Customize Tablespace Model This package contains procedures for customizing tablespace model
FND_USER_PKG User Table Handler to insert or update data in FND_USER table.
FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_API User Responsibility Group Table Handler to insert or update data in FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS table.
GHR_AGENCY_APPEALS_API Agency Appeal This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting
GHR_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment This package contains the Assignment API.
GHR_COMPLAINANT_APPEALS_API Complainant Appeal This package contains the procedures for creating, updating and deleting GHR
GHR_COMPLAINT_ADRS_API Complaint Tracking Alternate Dispute Resolution This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting
GHR_COMPLAINT_API Complaint This package contains the procedures for creating and updating GHR
GHR_COMPLAINT_BASES_API Complaint Base This package contains the procedures for creating, updating and deleting GHR
GHR_COMPLAINT_CLAIMS_API Complaint Claim This package contains the procedures for creating, updating and deleting GHR
GHR_COMPLAINT_INCIDENTS_API Complaint Incident This package contains the procedures for creating, updating and deleting GHR
GHR_COMPLAINT_PEOPLE_API Complaint People This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting
GHR_COMPLAINTS_CA_DETAILS_API Complaint Corrective Action Detail This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting
GHR_COMPLAINTS_CA_HEADERS_API Complaint Corrective Action Header This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting
GHR_DUTY_STATION_API Duty Station This package contains Duty Station APIs.
GHR_ELEMENT_API Request for Personnel Action Element This API processes Federal HR elements.
GHR_NOAC_LAS_API Nature of Action / Legal Authority Code Combination This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting US
GHR_NOAC_REMARKS_API Nature of Action Code /Remark combination This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting US
GHR_PA_REMARKS_API Request for Personnel Action Remark This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting
GHR_PAR_EXTRA_INFO_API Request for Personnel Action Extra Information This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting
GHR_PDC_API Position Description Classification This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting
GHR_PDI_API Position Description This package contains the Position Description APIs.
GHR_PERSON_ADDRESS_API Person Address This package contains person address APIs.
GHR_POSNDT_API Position DateTrack This package contains the procedures for Creating Federal HR Position
GHR_SF52_API Request for Personnel Action This package contains the procedures for creating, updating, and deleting a
GL_JOURNAL_IMPORT_PKG Journal Import Functions Provides functions to use with Journal Import.
GMD_ACTIVITIES_PUB Activities API This interface is used to create, update and delete Activities.
GMD_FETCH_VALIDITY_RULES Validity Rules Fetch package This interface is used to fetch information reqd.
GMD_FORMULA_DETAIL_PUB Formula Details API This interface is used to create, update and delete Formula Details.
GMD_FORMULA_PUB Formula Header API This interface is used to create, update and delete Formula Headers.
GMD_OPERATION_ACTIVITIES_PUB Operation Activities API This interface is used to create, update and delete Operation Activities.
GMD_OPERATION_RESOURCES_PUB Operation Resources API This interface is used to create, update and delete Operation Resources.
GMD_OPERATIONS_PUB Operation Header API This interface is used to create, update and delete Operation Headers.
GMD_OUTBOUND_APIS_PUB Public level outbound GMD Quality API package This is Public level outbound GMD Quality API package
GMD_QC_TESTS_PUB Quality Tests package This interface is used to create and delete Test details.
GMD_RECIPE_DETAIL Recipe Details API This interface is used to create and update Recipe Details like Process Loss, Customers,
GMD_RECIPE_FETCH_PUB OUTBOUND:Recipe API This interface is used to retrieve or export Recipes data such as
GMD_RECIPE_HEADER Recipe Header API This interface is used to create, update and delete Recipe Headers.
GMD_RESULTS_PUB GMD Results Package This interface is used for processing QM Results.
GMD_ROUTING_STEPS_PUB Routing Steps API This package is used to create or modify Routing Steps and Dependencies.
GMD_ROUTINGS_PUB Routings Header API This interface is used to insert, update, delete and undelete Routing Headers.
GMD_SAMPLES_PUB GMD Samples Package This interface is used to create, delete, and validate samples.
GMD_SPEC_PUB Quality Specifications package This interface is used to create and delete Specifications.
GMD_SPEC_VRS_PUB QC Spec Validity Rules package This interface is used for processing QC Spec Validity Rules.
GMD_STATUS_PUB GMD-NPD Change Status API This interface is used to modify the Status of an entity (Formula, Recipe,
GME_API_PUB Process Execution Public API's Contains the headers for the Process Execution (GME) APIs in Oracle
GMF_ALLOCATIONDEFINITION_PUB GMF Allocation Definitions API This is the public interface for OPM Allocation Definitions API
GMF_BURDENDETAILS_PUB GMF Burden Details API This is the public interface for OPM Burden Details API
GMF_ITEMCOST_PUB GMF Item Cost API This is the public interface for OPM Item Cost API
GMF_RESOURCECOST_PUB GMF Resource Cost API This is the public interface for OPM Resource Cost API
GMI_OM_ALLOC_API_PUB GMI Allocate OPM Orders API This is the public interface for Allocating Process Order Management lines.
GMI_PICK_CONFIRM_PUB GMI Pick Confirm OPM Orders API This is the public interface for Pick Confirm OPM Orders API.
GMIPAPI GMI Inventory API This is the public interface for OPM Inventory API
GMP_CALENDAR_API GMP_CALENDAR_API This is the public interface for fetching data from OPM Shop Calendar
GMP_RESOURCE_DTL_PUB GMP_RESOURCE_DTL_PUB This is the public interface for OPM Plant Resources API
GMP_RESOURCES_PUB GMP_RESOURCES_PUB This is the public interface for OPM Generic Resources API
GMP_RSRC_AVL_PKG GMP_RSRC_AVL_PKG This is the API for Resource Availability calculations.
HR_ABSENCE_TYPE_API Absence Attendance Type This package contains Absence Attendance Type APIs.
HR_ACCRUAL_PLAN_API Accrual Plan This package contains accrual plan APIs.
HR_API_HOOK_CALL_API API Hook Call This package contains APIs for maintaining User Hook Calls.
HR_APPLICANT_API Applicant This package contains applicant APIs.
HR_APPLICATION_API Application This package contains applications APIs.
HR_APPRAISAL_TEMPLATES_API Appraisal Template This API contains Appraisal Template APIs.
HR_APPRAISALS_API Appraisal This package contains Appraisals APIs.
HR_ASG_BUDGET_VALUE_API Assignment Budget Value This package maintains assignment budget values.
HR_ASSESSMENT_GROUPS_API Assessment Group This package contains APIs to maintain assessment groups.
HR_ASSESSMENT_TYPES_API Assessment Type This package contains APIs relating to assessment types.
HR_ASSESSMENTS_API Assessment This package contains APIs that maintain assessments.
HR_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment This package contains APIs for maintaining employee, applicant and
HR_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO_API Assignment Extra Information This package contains APIs for maintaining extra information for
HR_AU_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Australia This package contains applicant API for Australia.
HR_AU_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Australia This package contains assignment APIs for Australia.
HR_AU_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Australia This package contains employee APIs for Australia.
HR_AU_PERSON_API Person for Australia This package contains person API for Australia.
HR_AU_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD_API Personal Payment Method for Australia This package contains personal pay method API for Australia.
HR_AU_SUPER_API Superannuation Contribution for Australia This package contains superannuation contribution APIs for Australia.
HR_AU_TAX_API Tax for Australia This package contains tax APIs for Australia.
HR_AUTHORIA_MAPPING_API Authoria Mapping This package contains APIs that maintain mapping information for the
HR_BATCH_MESSAGE_LINE_API Batch Message Line This package contains APIs that will maintain line messages information for
HR_BE_CONTRACT_API Employment Contract for Belgium This package contains contract APIs for Belgium.
HR_BE_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Belgium This package contains employee APIs for Belgium.
HR_CA_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Canada This package contains APIs used while creating Canadian Applicants.
HR_CA_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Canada This package contains person assignment APIs.
HR_CA_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Canada This package contains Canadian Employee Creation APIs.
HR_CAGR_ENT_ITEM_API Collective Agreement Entitlement Item This package contains APIs that maintain collective agreement entitlement
HR_CAGR_ENT_LINES_API Collective Agreement Entitlement Line This package contains APIs that maintain entitlement lines used by
HR_CAGR_ENTITLEMENT_API Collective Agreement Entitlement This package contains APIs that maintain entitlements used by collective
HR_CAGR_GRADE_STRUCTURES_API Collective Agreement Grade Structure This package contains APIs which maintain collective agreement grade
HR_CAGR_GRADES_API Collective Agreement Grade This package contains APIs which maintain collective agreement grades.
HR_CAGR_PARAMETER_API Collective Agreement Parameter This package contains APIs which maintain collective agreement parameters.
HR_CANCEL_HIRE_API Cancel Hire This package contains APIs relating to canceling employee hires.
HR_CANCEL_PLACEMENT_API Cancel Placement This package contains APIs relating to canceling contingent worker
HR_CHANGE_START_DATE_API Change Start Date This package contains the API for changing the start date of an employee or
HR_CN_APPLICANT_API Applicant for China This package contains applicant API for China.
HR_CN_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for China This package contains assignment APIs for China.
HR_CN_CONTACT_API Personal Contact for China This package contains the contact APIs for China.
HR_CN_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for China This package contains employee APIs for China.
HR_CN_PERSON_ADDRESS_API Person Address for China This package contains APIs for creation of personal addresses for China.
HR_CN_PERSON_API Person for China This package contains API for updation of person details for China.
HR_CN_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD_API Personal Payment Method for China This package contains APIs for creation of personal payment methods for
HR_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_API Collective Agreement This package contains APIs which maintain collective agreements.
HR_COMP_ELEMENT_OUTCOME_API Competence Element Outcome This package contains competence element outcome APIs.
HR_COMPETENCE_ELEMENT_API Competence Element This package contains Competence Element APIs.
HR_COMPETENCE_OUTCOME_API Competence Outcome This package contains competence outcome APIs.
HR_COMPETENCES_API Competence This package contains competences APIs.
HR_CONTACT_API Personal Contact This API creates a new contact.
HR_CONTACT_EXTRA_INFO_API Contact Extra Information This package contains APIs to maintain contact extra information records
HR_CONTACT_REL_API Contact Relationship This package contains APIs to maintain contact relationship information.
HR_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker This package contains contingent worker APIs.
HR_CONTRACT_API Employment Contract This package contains APIs that maintain contract information for an
HR_DE_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Germany This package contains assignment APIs for Germany.
HR_DE_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Germany This package contains employee APIs for Germany.
HR_DE_LIABILITY_PREMIUMS_API Liability Premium for Germany This package contains APIs to maintain liability premiums for Germany.
HR_DE_ORGANIZATION_LINKS_API Organization Link for Germany This package contains APIs to maintain organization links for Germany.
HR_DE_SOC_INS_CLE_API Social Insurance Contribution This package contains APIs to maintain social insurnace contributions for
HR_DELIVERY_METHODS_API Delivery Method This package contains APIs that will maintain the delivery methods used to
HR_DEPLOYMENT_FACTOR_API Deployment Factor This package contains person deployment factor APIs.
HR_DK_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Denmark This package contains applicant APIs.
HR_DK_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Denmark This package contains assignment APIs for Denmark.
HR_DK_CONTACT_API Contact for Denmark This package contains contact APIs.
HR_DK_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for Denmark This package contains contingent worker APIs.
HR_DK_EMPLOYEE_API Employee For Denmark This package contains employee APIs.
HR_DK_PERSON_API Person for Denmark This package contains person APIs.
HR_ELC_CANDIDATE_API Election Candidate This package creates candidates for an election for a representative body.
HR_ELC_CONSTITUENCYS_API Election constituency This API creates constituencies for election.
HR_ELC_RESULT_API Election Result This API updates the election candidate record with the election results and
HR_ELECTIONS_API Election This package contains APIs that create and maintain election information.
HR_EMPLOYEE_API Employee This package contains employee APIs.
HR_EMPLOYEE_APPLICANT_API Employee Applicant This package contains employee applicant APIs.
HR_ES_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Spain This package contains applicant APIs for Spain.
HR_ES_CONTACT_API Personal Contact for Spain This package contains contact APIs for Spain.
HR_ES_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for Spain This package contains contingent worker APIs for Spain.
HR_ES_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Spain This package contains employee APIs for the Spain.
HR_ES_PERSON_API Update Person for Spain This package contains update person APIs for Spain.
HR_EX_EMPLOYEE_API Ex-Employee This package contains Ex-Employee APIs.
HR_FI_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Finland This package contains applicant APIs.
HR_FI_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Finland This package contains assignment APIs for Finland.
HR_FI_CONTACT_API Contact for Finland This package contains contact APIs.
HR_FI_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for Finland This package contains contingent worker APIs.
HR_FI_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Finland This package contains employee APIs for Finland.
HR_FI_PERSON_API Person for Finland This package contains person APIs for Finland.
HR_FI_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYMENT_API Previous Employment for Finland This package contains previous employment APIs for Finland.
HR_FI_QUALIFICATION_API Qualification for Finland This package contains qualification APIs for Finland.
HR_FR_APPLICANT_API Applicant for France This package contains an applicant API for France.
HR_FR_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for France This package contains Assignment APIs for France.
HR_FR_CONTRACT_API Employment Contract for France This package contains contract APIs for France.
HR_FR_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for France This package contains an API to maintain employees for France.
HR_FR_JOB_API Job for France This package contains a job API for France.
HR_FR_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_API Periods of Service for France This package contains a period of service API for France.
HR_FR_PERS_PAY_METHOD_API Personal Payment Method for France This package contains personal payment method APIs for France.
HR_FR_PERSON_ADDRESS_API Person Address for France This package contains address APIs for France.
HR_FR_PERSON_API Person for France This package contains an API to maintain a person record for France.
HR_FR_PQH_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Public Sector France This package contains APIs to create employee records in Public Sector
HR_GRADE_API Grade The package contains APIs that maintain grade information.
HR_GRADE_RATE_VALUE_API Grade Rate Value This package contains APIs that will maintain rate values for grades.
HR_GRADE_SCALE_API Grade Scale This package contains APIs that maintain grade scales.
HR_GRADE_STEP_API Grade Step This package contains APIs that maintain grade steps.
HR_HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_API Organization Hierarchy Element This package contains APIs that create and maintain hierarchy elements.
HR_HK_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Hong Kong This package contains applicant related APIs for Hong Kong.
HR_HK_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Hong Kong This Package contains assignment related APIs.
HR_HK_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Hong Kong This package contains employee APIs for Hong Kong.
HR_HK_PERSON_ADDRESS_API Person Address for Hong Kong This package contains person address related APIs.
HR_HK_PERSON_API Person for Hong Kong This package contains API for updation of Person details.
HR_HK_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD_API Personal Payment Method for Hong Kong This package contains APIs for creation of personal payment methods for Hong
HR_HU_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Hungary This package contains Applicant APIs for Hungary.
HR_HU_CONTACT_API Personal Contact for Hungary This package contains contact APIs for Hungary.
HR_HU_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for Hungary This package contains Contingent Worker APIs for Hungary.
HR_HU_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Hungary This package contains Employee APIs for Hungary.
HR_HU_PERSON_API Update Person for Hungary This package contains update person APIs for Hungary.
HR_IN_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for India This package contains the assignment APIs.
HR_IN_CONTACT_EXTRA_INFO_API Contact Extra Information for India This package contains contact extra information APIs.
HR_IN_CONTACT_REL_API Contact Relationship for India This package contains contact relationship APIs.
HR_IN_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for India This package contains contingent worker APIs.
HR_IN_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for India This package contains employee APIs.
HR_IN_LOCATION_API Location for India This package contains location APIs.
HR_IN_PERSON_ADDRESS_API Person Address for India This package contains person address APIs.
HR_IN_PERSON_API Person for India The package contains person APIs.
HR_IN_PERSON_EXTRA_INFO_API Person Extra Information for India This package contains person extra information APIs.
HR_IN_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD_API Personal Payment Method for India The package contains personal payment method APIs.
HR_IT_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Italy This package contains employee APIs for Italy.
HR_JOB_API Job This package contains APIs for maintaining job details.
HR_JOB_REQUIREMENT_API Job Requirement This package contains APIs for maintaining job requirement information.
HR_JP_PERSON_API Person for Japan This package contains the person APIs for Japan.
HR_JPBP_API Business Process for Japan This package contains business process APIs for Japan.
HR_KI_HIERARCHIES_API Knowledge Integration Hierarchy This package contains APIs that maintain the knowledge integration
HR_KI_INTEGRATIONS_API Knowledge Integration This package contains APIs that maintain HR Knowledge Integration
HR_KI_OPTION_TYPES_API Knowledge Integration Option Type This package contains APIs to maintain knowledge integration option types.
HR_KI_OPTIONS_API Knowledge Integration Option This package contains APIs to maintain the knowledge integration privilege
HR_KI_TOPIC_INTEGRATIONS_API Knowledge Integration – Topic Integration This package contains APIs that maintain definitions of the knowledge
HR_KI_TOPICS_API Knowledge Integration -Topic This API maintains definitions of the knowledge integration topics used
HR_KI_USER_INTERFACES_API Knowledge Integration User Interface This package contains APIs that maintain definition for the HR Knowledge
HR_KW_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Kuwait This package contains applicant APIs.
HR_KW_CONTACT_API Contact for Kuwait This package contains contact APIs.
HR_KW_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for Kuwait This package contains contingent worker APIs.
HR_KW_CONTRACT_API Contract for Kuwait This package contains contract APIs for Kuwait.
HR_KW_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Kuwait This package contains employee APIs for Kuwait.
HR_KW_PERSON_API Person for Kuwait This package contains Person APIs for Kuwait.
HR_KW_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYMENT_API Previous Employment for Kuwait This package contains previous employment APIs.
HR_LOCATION_API Location This package contains APIs for maintaining location information.
HR_LOCATION_EXTRA_INFO_API Location Extra Information This package contains APIs to maintain location extra information records.
HR_MAINTAIN_PROPOSAL_API Maintain Proposal This package contains APIs for creating and maintaining Salary Proposal
HR_MX_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Mexico This package contains applicant APIs for Mexico.
HR_MX_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Mexico This package contains APIs for maintaining employee, applicant and
HR_MX_CONTACT_API Personal Contact for Mexico This API creates a new contact for Mexico.
HR_MX_CONTACT_REL_API Contact Relationship for Mexico This package contains APIs to maintain contact relationship information for
HR_MX_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for Mexico This API creates contingent worker for Mexico.
HR_MX_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Mexico This package contains employee APIs for Mexico.
HR_MX_EMPLOYEE_APPLICANT_API Employee Applicant for Mexico This package contains employee applicant APIs for Mexico.
HR_MX_EX_EMPLOYEE_API Ex-Employee for Mexico This package contains Ex-Employee APIs for Mexico.
HR_MX_PERSON_ABSENCE_API Person Absence for Mexico This package contains Person Absence APIs.
HR_MX_PERSON_API Person for Mexico This API updates person information for Mexico.
HR_MX_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD_API Personal Payment Method for Mexico This package contains personal payment method APIs for Mexico
HR_NL_ABSENCE_ACTION_API Absence Action for Netherlands This package contains Dutch Absence Action APIs.
HR_NL_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Netherlands This package contains assignment APIs for the Netherlands.
HR_NL_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Netherlands This package contains employee APIs for the Netherlands.
HR_NO_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Norway This package contains applicant APIs.
HR_NO_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Norway This package contains the assignment APIs for Norway.
HR_NO_CONTACT_API Contact for Norway This package contains the contact APIs for Norway.
HR_NO_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for Norway This package contains contingent worker APIs.
HR_NO_CONTRACT_API Contract for Norway This package contains contract APIs for Norway.
HR_NO_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Norway This package contains employee APIs for Norway.
HR_NO_JOB_API Create Job for Norway This package contains job APIs for Norway.
HR_NO_PERSON_API Person APIs for Norway This package contains person APIs for Norway.
HR_NO_QUALIFICATION_API Qualification APIs for Norway. This package contains Qualification APIs for Norway.
HR_NO_QUALIFICATION_TYPE_API Qualification Type for Norway This package contains qualification type APIs for Norway.
HR_NZ_APPLICANT_API Applicant for New Zealand This package contains applicant related APIs.
HR_NZ_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for New Zealand This package contains assignment related APIs.
HR_NZ_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for New Zealand This package contains employee APIs for New Zealand.
HR_NZ_PERSON_ADDRESS_API Person Address for New Zealand This package contains person address related APIs.
HR_NZ_PERSON_API Person for New Zealand This package contains API for updation of Person details.
HR_NZ_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD_API Personal Payment Method for New Zealand This Package contains APIs for creation of personal payment methods for New
HR_NZ_TAX_API Tax for New Zealand This package contains tax related APIs.
HR_OBJECTIVES_API Objective This package contains objective APIs.
HR_ORGANIZATION_API Organization This package contains APIs that create and manage HR Organizations.
HR_PARTICIPANTS_API Participant This package contains participant APIs.
HR_PAY_SCALE_API Scale This package contains APIs that maintain pay scales.
HR_PAY_SCALE_VALUE_API Scale Rate Value This package contains APIs that will maintain rate values for pay scale
HR_PERF_REVIEW_API Performance Review This package contains performance review APIs.
HR_PERFORMANCE_RATINGS_API Performance Rating This package contains performance ratings APIs.
HR_PERIODS_OF_PLACEMENT_API Period of Placement This package contains Period of Placement APIs.
HR_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_API Periods of Service This package contains Period of Service APIs.
HR_PERSON_ABSENCE_API Person Absence This package contains APIs to create update and delete absences for a
HR_PERSON_ADDRESS_API Person Address This package contains APIs that create and maintain address information for
HR_PERSON_API Person This API updates person information.
HR_PERSON_EXTRA_INFO_API Person Extra Information This API maintains person extra information.
HR_PERSON_TYPE_USAGE_API Person Type Usage This package maintains person type usages.
HR_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD_API Personal Payment Method This package contains Personal Payment Method APIs.
HR_PHONE_API Phone This package contains phone APIs.
HR_PL_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Poland This package contains applicant APIs.
HR_PL_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Poland This package contains assignment APIs.
HR_PL_CONTACT_API Contact for Poland This package contains contact APIs.
HR_PL_CONTACT_REL_API Contact Relationship for Poland This package contains contact relationship APIs.
HR_PL_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for Poland This package contains contingent APIs.
HR_PL_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Poland This package contains employee APIs.
HR_PL_PERSON_ADDRESS_API Personal Address for Poland This package contains person address APIs.
HR_PL_PERSON_API Person for Poland This package contains person APIs.
HR_PL_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD_API Personal Payment Method for Poland This package contains personal payment method APIs.
HR_PL_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYMENT_API Previous Employment for Poland This package contains previous employment APIs.
HR_POS_HIERARCHY_ELE_API Position Hierarchy Element This package contains APIs that create and maintain position hierarchy
HR_POSITION_API Position This package contains position APIs.
HR_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO_API Position Extra Information This package contains APIs that create and maintain position extra
HR_POSITION_REQUIREMENT_API Position Requirement This package contains position requirement API.
HR_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYMENT_API Previous Employment This package contains APIs that maintain previous employment information for
HR_PROGRESSION_POINT_API Scale Point This package contains APIs that maintain points within pay scales.
HR_QUALIFICATION_TYPE_API Qualification Type This package contains qualification type APIs.
HR_RATE_API Rate This package contains HR Rate APIs.
HR_RATE_VALUES_API Rate Value This package contains APIs to create and maintain Grade Rate Values and
HR_RATING_LEVELS_API Rating Level This package contains rating level APIs.
HR_RATING_SCALES_API Rating Scale This package contains rating scale APIs.
HR_RETAINED_RIGHTS_API Retained Rights This package contains APIs which create and maintain retained rights.
HR_RU_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Russia This package contains applicant APIs for Russia.
HR_RU_CONTACT_API HR contact APIs for Russia This package contains contact APIs for Russia.
HR_RU_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for Russia This package contains contingent worker APIs for Russia.
HR_RU_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Russia This package contains employee APIs for Russia.
HR_RU_PERSON_API Update Person for Russia This package contains update person APIs for Russia.
HR_SA_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Saudi Arabia This package contains applicant APIs for Saudi Arabia.
HR_SA_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Saudi Arabia This package contains assignment APIs for Saudi Arabia.
HR_SA_CONTACT_API Personal Contact for Saudi Arabia This package contains contact APIs for Saudi Arabia.
HR_SA_CONTINGENT_WORKER_API Contingent Worker for Saudi Arabia This package contains contingent worker APIs for Saudi Arabia.
HR_SA_CONTRACT_API Employment Contract for Saudi Arabia This package contains contract APIs for Saudi Arabia.
HR_SA_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Saudi Arabia This package contains employee APIs for Saudi Arabia.
HR_SA_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_API Period of Service for Saudi Arabia This package contains period of service APIs for Saudi Arabia.
HR_SA_PERSON_API Person for Saudi Arabia This package contains person APIs for Saudi Arabia.
HR_SA_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYMENT_API Previous Employment for Saudi Arabia This package contains previous employment APIs for Saudi Arabia.
HR_SALARY_BASIS_API Salary Basis This package contains APIs to create and maintain a salary basis.
HR_SALARY_SURVEY_API Salary Survey This package contains APIs to create and maintain salary survey master
HR_SALARY_SURVEY_LINE_API Salary Survey Line This package contains APIs to create and maintain a Salary Survey details
HR_SALARY_SURVEY_MAPPING_API Salary Survey Mapping This package contains APIs to create and manage mappings of salary survey
HR_SG_APPLICANT_API Applicant for Singapore This package contains Applicant related APIs for Singapore.
HR_SG_ASSIGNMENT_API Assignment for Singapore This package contains assignment related APIs.
HR_SG_EMPLOYEE_API Employee for Singapore This API creates employes for Singapore.
HR_SG_PERSON_API Person for Singapore This API updates the Person details.
HR_SG_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD_API Personal Payment Method for Singapore This Package contains APIs for creation of personal payment methods for
HR_SIT_API Special Information Type This package contains APIs which create and maintain special information
HR_SP_PLACEMENT_API Grade Step Placement This package contains APIs that create and maintain the grade step
HR_STD_HOL_ABS_API Standard Holiday Absence This package contains Standard Holiday Absence APIs.
HR_UPLOAD_PROPOSAL_API Upload Proposal API This package contains APIs to create and maintain salary proposals.
HR_VALID_GRADE_API Valid Grade This package contains APIs that create and maintain valid grades.
HXC_RECURRING_PERIODS_API Recurring Period This package contains Recurring Periods APIs.
HXC_TIME_RECIPIENT_API Time Recipient This package contains Time Recipient APIs.
HXC_TIME_SOURCE_API Time Source This package contains Time Source APIs.
HXC_TIMESTORE_DEPOSIT TimeStore Deposit This package contains procedures that can be used to manage timecards and
HZ_CLASSIFICATION_V2PUB Classification This package contains the public APIs for class categories, class code
HZ_CONTACT_POINT_V2PUB Contact Point This package contains the public APIs for contact points.
HZ_CONTACT_PREFERENCE_V2PUB Contact Preference This package contains the public APIs for contact preference.
HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLE_V2PUB Customer Account Role This package contains the public APIs for customer account roles and role
HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_SITE_V2PUB Customer Account Site This package contains the public APIs for customer account sites and site uses.
HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_V2PUB Customer Account This package contains the public APIs for customer accounts and related entities.
HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_V2PUB Customer Profile This package contains the public APIs for customer profiles and customer profile
HZ_FORMAT_PHONE_V2PUB Format Phone This package contains the public APIs used to parse the phone number into country_code,
HZ_FORMAT_PUB Name and Address Formatting This package contains the public APIs for Global Name and Address formatting.
HZ_HIERARCHY_V2PUB Hierarchy Retrieval This package includes the public APIs for hierarchy retrieval.
HZ_LOCATION_SERVICES_PUB Location Service This package contains the public APIs for submitting address validation requests.
HZ_LOCATION_V2PUB Location This package contains the public APIs for locations.
HZ_ORGANIZATION_INFO_V2PUB Organization Information This package contains the public APIs for Organization-related entities.
HZ_ORIG_SYSTEM_REF_PUB Source System Management This package contains the public APIs related to source systems.
HZ_PARTY_CONTACT_V2PUB Party Contact This package includes the create and update procedures for contacts and contact roles.
HZ_PARTY_INFO_V2PUB Credit Request Creation The Credit Request Creation API creates a credit request in the  Credit
HZ_PARTY_SITE_V2PUB Party Site This package includes the create and update procedures for all party site information.
HZ_PARTY_V2PUB Party This package contains the public APIs to create and update persons, organizations, and groups.
HZ_PERSON_INFO_V2PUB Person Information This package contains the public APIs for person-related entities.
HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_V2PUB Relationship Type This package contains the public APIs for relationship types.
HZ_RELATIONSHIP_V2PUB Party Relationship This package contains the public APIs for party relationships.
IBY_INSTRREG_PUB Payment Instrument Registration The IBY_INSTRREG_PUB is the public interface for payment instrument
IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB Credit Card Payment Processing The IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB package provides payment processing APIs.
IEX_CASE_UTL_PUB Create Update Collections Case Start of Comments
IEX_DISPUTE_PUB Create Dispute Creates a dispute.
IEX_PROMISES_PUB IEX Promises API Creates a promise.
IEX_SCORE_PUB Scoring API Scoring APIs allow the user to manage scoring engines in Oracle Collections.
IEX_STRATEGY_PUB Create/Close Collections Strategy Start of Comments
IGC_CC_OPN_UPD_GET_LNK_PUB Contract Commitment Operations API This package body is used for Contract Commitment Open API operations.
IGF_SE_PAYMENT_PUB Create payment A public API that creates payment information for a given authorization id
IGF_SP_ASSIGN_PUB Import Sponsorship Relationships The Sponsorship Assignment API is a public API that is used to assign a number of students to a sponsor automatically.
IGS_ADMAPPLICATION_PUB Admission Application This Package contains Public API's for giving ratings,Outcome,offer reponse and Qualificationcodes to an Admission Application
IGS_AS_SUAO_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Unit Outcome The Unit Outcome Legacy import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
IGS_AS_SUARC_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Student Unit Attempt Reference Codes The Unit Attempt Reference Codes  Legacy import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
IGS_AS_TRNCMT_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Transcript Comment The Transcript Comments import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
IGS_AV_LVL_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Level Advanced Standing The Advanced Standing Unit Level Legacy Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
IGS_AV_UNT_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Unit Advanced Standing The Advanced Standing Unit Legacy Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
IGS_EN_SPA_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Student Program Attempt The Student Program Attempt Legacy Import process is a public API designed for
IGS_EN_SPAT_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Student Term Record The Student Program Attempt Term Record Import process is a public API designed for use in populating
IGS_EN_SPI_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Intermission The Student Intermission Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with
IGS_EN_SPAA_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Award Aim The Student Award Aim Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data
IGS_EN_SUA_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Student Unit Attempt The Student Unit Attempt Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with
IGS_EN_SUSA_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Student Unit Set Attempt The Student Unit Set Attempt Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows
IGS_FI_CREDITS_API_PUB Import Credits The Credits API is a public API that is used internally or externally to create payment or credit information in the Student Finance module of Student System.
IGS_FI_WAIVERS_API_PUB Import Manual Waivers The Import Waives API is a public API used externally to create waivers.
IGS_GR_GRD_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Graduand The Graduand Legacy import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
IGS_HE_SPA_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Student Program Attempt HESA Detail The Student Program Attempt HESA Detail Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
IGS_HE_SUSA_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Student Unit Set Attempt HESA Detail The Student Unit Set Attempt HESA Detail Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
IGS_PR_CLSRNK_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Class Rank The Class Rank Legacy import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
IGS_PR_PROUT_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Progression Outcome The Progression Outcome Legacy import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data during a system conversion.
IGS_PRECREATE_APPL_PUB Pre-Create Admission Application The Pre Create Application Package contains Public API's for Pre Creation of Admission Application.
IGS_PS_GENERIC_PUB Program Structure and Planning Import A public API to import data from external system to OSS for unit section and its details.
IGS_PS_SCH_INT_API_PUB Import Schedule A public API to import data into Scheduling Occurrence Interface Table.
IGS_RATINGS_PUB Assign Review Groups and Evaluators This Package contains Public API's for assigning review groups and Evaluators to Admission Application.
IGS_RE_SPRVSR_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Research Supervisor The Research Supervisor Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with
IGS_RE_THE_LGCY_PUB Import Legacy Research Thesis The Research Thesis Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with data
INV_ITEM_CATEGORY_PUB Category Maintainence This package provides functionality for maintaining categories, category
INV_KANBAN_PUB Kanban Replenishment This package provides routines for performing replenishment through
INV_LABEL Label Printing request for WMS/MSCA This procedure initiates a label print request for Oracle Warehouse
INV_LOC_WMS_PUB Locator Maintenance API The Locator Maintenance procedures allow users to create, update and delete
INV_LOT_API_PUB Lot Number API This is the public API for Inventory lots allows a user to create, update and
INV_MGD_MVT_STATS_PUB Movement Statistics Provides various functionality for the Movement Statistics module.
INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB Move Order API Use these procedures to create and process Move Order Headers and Lines
INV_PICK_RELEASE_PUB Inter-company transaction flow This package provides APIs used to Pick Release
INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB Quantity Tree This package provides routines to query material availability for
INV_RESERVATION_PUB Material Reservation This is the public package that is used to create, update, delete, and
INV_RESERVATIONS_INTERFACE Material Reservation Interface This package contains programs to process reservation
INV_SALESORDER Inventory Sales Orders This package can be used to manage sales orders that are represented in
INV_SERIAL_NUMBER_PUB Inventory Serial Number The Serial Numbers procedures allow users to create, update and validate serials.
INV_TRANSACTION_FLOW_PUB Inter-company transaction flow This package provides routines to create, update and query
INV_TXN_MANAGER_PUB Material Transaction This package contains the Inventory Transactions Process wrapper which
IRC_AGENCY_VACANCIES_API Agency Vacancy This package contains agency vacancy APIs.
IRC_ASG_STATUS_API Assignment Status History This package contains Assignment Status History APIs.
IRC_DEFAULT_POSTING_API Default Posting This package contains Default Posting APIs.
IRC_DOCUMENT_API Document This package contains Document APIs.
IRC_JOB_BASKET_ITEMS_API Job Basket This package contains Job Basket APIs.
IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFS_API Notification Preferences This package contains Notification Preferences APIs.
IRC_PARTY_API Party This package contains Recruiting Candidate APIs.
IRC_POSTING_CONTENT_API Posting Content This package contains APIs for job adverts.
IRC_REC_TEAM_MEMBERS_API Recruiting Team Member This package contains APIs for recruiting team members.
IRC_RECRUITING_SITES_API Recruiting Site This package contains APIs for recruiting sites.
IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_API Search Criteria This package contains APIs for work preferences, job searches and vacancy
IRC_VACANCY_CONSIDERATIONS_API Vacancy Consideration This package contains APIs for marking the consideration status of a
IRC_VARIABLE_COMP_ELEMENT_API Variable Compensation Element This package contains APIs for variable compensation elements for a vacancy.
JTF_IH_PUB Customer Interaction Management The JTF_IH_PUB package provides a common framework for CRM modules to
JTF_NOTES_PUB Notes This is a Notes public interface that can be used to validate, create, update, and delete notes.
JTF_RS_GROUPS_PUB Groups API Group create and update API
JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PUB Resource API Resource create/update/delete API
JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB Salespersons API Salesperson create and update API
JTF_TASK_ASSIGNMENTS_PUB Task Assignment This is a Task Manager public interface that can be used to validate, create, update, and delete task assignments.
JTF_TASK_REFERENCES_PUB Task Reference This is a Task Manager public interface that can be used to validate, create, update, and delete task references.
JTF_TASKS_PUB Task Manager This is a Task Manager public interface that can be used to validate, create, update, and delete tasks.
JTF_TERR_ASSIGN_PUB Get Winning Territory-Resources This package provides a public API to find the winning territory-resources
JTF_TERRITORY_PUB Create Territory and Assign Resources This package provides the public APIs for creating a territory or
JTF_TTY_GEOSOURCE_PUB Create Geography Data This package provides a public API for inserting geographic
MTL_CCEOI_ACTION_PUB Cycle Count Interface API The Cycle Count Interface procedures allow users to perform online processing to the Cycle Count
MYPACKAGENAME Billing Extensions This extension contains procedure that will be called by the Oracle Projects for Billing Extensions.
OE_INBOUND_INT Sales Order Services This API allows clients to perform various operations on sales orders.
OE_ORDER_PUB Process Order API This public API allows users to perform various operations on sales orders in the Order Management system.
OKE_IMPORT_CONTRACT_PUB Create Project Contract This is the public interface to import project contracts.
OKL_ACCOUNT_GENERATOR_PUB Account Generator API Account generator derives the account code based on the
OKL_ACCOUNTING_PROCESS_PUB Accounting Process API Accounting Process transfers accounting entries from the accounting
OKL_AM_AMORTIZE_PUB Amortize API Amortize API creates and updates asset amortization transactions.
OKL_AM_CREATE_QUOTE_PUB Create Termination Quote API Create Termination Quote API allows users to create a termination quote
OKL_AM_INTEGRATION_PUB Termination API Terminate API invalidates all termination quotes that
OKL_AM_LEASE_LOAN_TRMNT_PUB Termination API Terminate API terminates the lease or loan contract.
OKL_AM_TERMNT_QUOTE_PUB Termination Quote API Terminate Quote API allows users to create, update and approve termination
OKL_CASH_APPL_RULES_PUB Cash Application Cash Application Rules API allows users to create a receipt against
OKL_CONTRACT_BOOK_PUB Contract Booking API Contract Booking API allows users to book a lease contract.
OKL_CONTRACT_STATUS_PUB Get Contract Status API Contract Status API allows users to get the status of a
OKL_CREATE_ADJST_PUB Lease Adjustments Create Adjustment API allows users to adjust an invoice balance in
OKL_CREDIT_MEMO_PUB Credit Memo Credit Memo API creates credit memos in the transaction tables.
OKL_CREDIT_PUB Credit API Credit API allows users to perform actions on credit lines
OKL_EXECUTE_FORMULA_PUB Execute Formula API Execute Formula API validates and executes the formula using the parameters
OKL_INS_POLICIES_PUB Insurance Policy API Insurance Policy API allows users to perform actions on
OKL_INS_QUOTE_PUB Insurance Quote Insurance Quote API creates insurance quotes and policies for a contract.
OKL_INTEREST_CALC_PUB Interest Calculation Interest Calculation API calculates interest on amounts paid
OKL_LTE_PLCY_WRAP_PUB Late Policies API Create Late Policies API allows users to perform actions
OKL_MASTER_LEASE_AGREEMENT_PUB Master Lease Agreement API Master Lease Agreement API allows users to perform actions on
OKL_RULE_APIS_PUB Get Contract Rules API Contract Rules API allows users to obtain the terms and
OKL_RULE_EXTRACT_PUB Contract Rules API Contract Rules API allows users to query terms and conditions
OKL_SETUPDQUALITYS_PUB Create Quality Association API Setup Product Quality Association API allows users to perform
OKL_SETUPPDTTEMPLATES_PUB Setup Product Templates API Setup Product Templates API allows users to perform actions
OKL_SETUPPQUALITYS_PUB Setup Product Qualities API Setup Product Qualities API allows users to perform actions on
OKL_SETUPPQVALUES_PUB Setup Product Quality Values API Setup Product Quality Values API allows users to perform actions
OKL_SETUPPQYVALUES_PUB Setup Quality Values API Setup Quality Values API allows users to perform actions on
OKL_SETUPPRODUCTS_PUB Create Product API Setup Product API allows users to perform actions
OKL_STREAM_BILLING_PUB Stream Billing API Stream Billing API extracts eligible stream elements and
OKL_VENDOR_AGREEMENT_PUB Vendor Agreement API Vendor Agreement API allows users to perform actions on
OKS_CON_COVERAGE_PUB Coverage utility procedures Package containing APIs to retrieve Coverage information, specifically,
OKS_ENTITLEMENTS_PUB OKS Entitlements Package of procedures and functions for retrieving contract information and
OKS_OMINT_PUB Order Integration utility procedures Package of APIs for retrieving customer Service information, specifically,
OTA_ACTIVITY_CATEGORY_API Course Category This package contains the Course Category API.
OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_API Course This package contains the course APIs.
OTA_ANNOUNCEMENT_API Announcement This package contains the Announcement APIs.
OTA_CATEGORY_USAGE_API Category Usage This package contains the category usage APIs that create or update a
OTA_EVENT_API Class This package contains the class APIs.
OTA_LEARNING_PATH_API Learning Path This package contains the Learning Path APIs.
OTA_LP_CATEGORY_API Learning Path Category Inclusion This package contains Learning Path Category Inclusion APIs.
OTA_LP_ENROLLMENT_API Learning Path Enrollment This package contains learning path enrollment APIs.
OTA_LP_MEMBER_API Learning Path Component This package contains Learning Path Component APIs.
OTA_LP_MEMBER_ENROLLMENT_API Learning Path Component Enrollment This package contains learning path component enrollment APIs.
OTA_LP_SECTION_API Learning Path Section This package contains learning path section APIs.
OTA_NHS_API External Learning This package creates and updates a user's external learning.
OTA_OFFERING_API Offering This package contains the offering APIs.
OTA_RESOURCE_BOOKING_API Resource Booking This package contains the Resource Booking APIs.
OTA_RESOURCE_USAGE_API Resource Usage This package creates, updates, and deletes resource associations at the
OTA_SKILL_PROVISION_API Course Other Information This package contains the Course Other Information APIs.
OTA_TCC_API Cross Charge This package contains the APIs to create and update a cross charge.
OTA_TDB_API_INS2 Enrollment This package creates a learner enrollment in a class.
OTA_TDB_API_UPD2 Enrollment This package updates the enrollment of a learner in a class.
OTA_THG_API General Ledger Flexfield This API maintains the detail mappings between Oracle General Ledger's Chart
OTA_TMT_API Measurement Type This package contains the measurement type APIs for use by Organization
OTA_TPC_API Training Plan Cost This package contains the Organization Training Plan Cost APIs.
OTA_TPM_API Training Plan Component The APIs in this package create, update, and delete Personal and
OTA_TPS_API Training Plan The APIs in this package create, update, and delete personal or organization
OZF_CHARGEBACK_ATTRMAP_PUB Chargeback Attribute Mapping API This package defines the procedures that repopulate the Global Header structure
OZF_CLAIM_PUB Claim Public API This is the public API for claims, and this package includes procedures
OZF_FUNDS_PUB Budget Public API This package is used to create, update, and delete funds in Oracle Trade
OZF_OFFER_PUB Offer Public API The Offers Public API is used for creating and updating offers from
OZF_RESALE_PUB Indirect Sales Data Processing Public API This package defines the procedures that are required for processing
PA_AGREEMENT_PUB Create Agreement This package contains the public AMG APIs for agreement and
PA_BUDGET_PUB Create Budget This package contains the public AMG APIs for Budgets that will be used by the external system
PA_CALC_OVERTIME Overtime Calculation. This is a template package that contains the procedures that can be modified to implement overtime calculation.
PA_CC_AP_INV_CLIENT_EXTN internal Payables invoice Attributes Override Extension. When using Intercompany or Inter Project Billing, you must define organization controls using the Provider/Receiver Controls window.
PA_CC_CA Cost Accrual Identification This extension is used for cost accrual identification.
PA_CC_IDENT_CLIENT_EXTN Cross Charge Processing Method Override This package contains the extensions you can use to implement your business rules for various aspects of cross charge feature.
PA_CC_TP_CLIENT_EXTN Transfer Price Override. The extension determine_transfer_price specifies a transfer price for the transaction being processed.
PA_CI_NUMBER_CLIENT_EXTN Control Item Document Numbering Extension This extension enables you to create your own logic for numbering issues and change documents when automatic numbering is enabled
PA_CLIENT_EXTEN_CIP_GROUPING CIP Grouping This extension is used to define a unique method that your company uses to specify how expenditure lines are grouped to form asset lines.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_ALLOC Create Client Extension Allocation This extension contains procedures that define the source,target,offset,basis for an allocation rule,
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_ASGMT_APPRVL Assignment Approval Changes Extension This extension enforces change in duration,change in work type conditions whether an approval is required for an assignment.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_ASSET_ALLOC Asset Allocation Basis Extension This extension is used to define your own allocation bases for allocating unassignedand common costs across multiple project assets.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_ASSET_CREATION Asset Lines Processing Extension This extension is used to create project assets(capital assets and retirement adjustment assets) and asset assignment
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_BILL_CYCLE Client Extension Billing Cycle This extension contains a function to derive the next billing date for a project.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_BILLING Labor Billing. This Package is used  as the basis of your labor billing extension procedures.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_BUDGET Budget Calculation This extension allows you to define rules for validating a budget before it's status is changed.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_BUDGET_WF Budget Workflow This extension enables you to customize the workflow processes for changing the status of a budget.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_BURDEN Burden Costing This extension is used to override the burden schedule ID.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_CAP_INT Capitalized Interest Extension This extension enables you to customize the capitalized interest calculation process.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_CHECK_CMT Commitment Changes When you run the PRC:Update Project Summary Amounts process,Oracle Projects checks the commitments for each project to see
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_CIP_ACCT_OVR CIP Account Override Extension This extension enables you to override the CIP account associated with the asset lineto specify a different account for
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_COSTING Labor Costing. This is a Labor Costing Extension Package Specification template.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_DEPRN_EXP_OVR Depreciation Account Override Extension This package contains the function which is defined for Depreciation Expense Account Override.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_DFFTRANS Client Extension Descriptive Flexfield Transfer This extension is used to map segments of descriptive flexfield that are transferred from Payables to
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_FUNDING_REVAL Funding Revaluation Factor. This Client Extension can be use customized by the users to specify funding revalution factor to revise the founding amount.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_GEN_ASSET_LINES Asset Assignment This extension contains procedures used to generate asset lines process.Oracle Projects callsthis extension.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_INV_ACTIONS Automatic Invoice Approve/Release This extension contains procedures that you use as the basis of automatic invoiceapprove/
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_INV_TRANSFER AR Transcation Type Extension This extension is used for AR Transcation type billing.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_OUTPUT_TAX Output Tax In the Tax Defaults implementation option, you set up a hierarchy for determining default tax codes for invoice lines.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_PRE_CAP_EVENT Capital Event Processing Extension This extension is called by PRC:Create Periodic Capital Event process for eachproject for which a capital event is created.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_PROJ_STATUS Project Verification. This extension you use as the basis of your project verification.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_PROJECT_WF Project Workflow. This extension is used as the basis of your project workflow extension.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_PTE AutoApproval This extension contains procedures to define consitions under which expense reports are approved automatically.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_RETENTION Retention Billing. This Client Extension can be customized by the users to define company's business rules to bill withheld amounts.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_STATUS Project Status inquiry(PSI) You can use a PSI client extension to derive an alternate column value, even if you have entered a column definition in the PSI Columns
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_TXN Labor Transaction. Oracle Projects provides a template package and procedure that you use as the basis of your labor transaction extension procedures.
PA_CONTROL_ITEMS_WF_CLIENT issue and Change Workflow. This extension enables you to customize the workflow processes for
PA_COST_PLUS Cost Plus Applications Programming Interface (API) Oracle Projects provides a procedure you can use to call the Cost Plus Application Programming Interface.
PA_EVENT_PUB Project Billing Events This package contains the public AMG APIs which provide an open interface for external systems
PA_ORG_CLIENT_EXTN Verify Organization Change. The Verify Organization Change Extension enables you to build business rules to determine whether an organization change is allowed
PA_OVERRIDE_AR_INST Receivables installation Override. The Receivables Installation Override client extension allows you to use a third-party receivables system for the majority of your receivables
PA_PROJECT_PUB Project Pub This package contains the public AMG APIs for project and task information
PA_PURGE_EXTN Archive Custom Tables This package contains the extensions to purge your custom tables.By default the extension
PA_PURGE_EXTN_VALIDATE Archive Project Validation This package contains the extension to define additional business rules for validating projects.
PA_REPORT_WORKFLOW_CLIENT Project Status Report Workflow. This is a project status report workflow extension which enables you to customize
PA_RESOURCE_PUB Create Resources This package contains the public AMG APIs that will be used to export the resource lists and the resources
PA_REV_CA Cost Accrual[Billing] You can use the cost accrual billing extension client extension to apply
PA_SECURITY_EXTN Project Security. This extension used for implementing Project security.
PA_TRX_IMPORT Post-import{Transaction import}. Oracle Projects provides a single open interface, called Transaction Import.
PA_WORKPLAN_WORKFLOW_CLIENT Workplan Workflow. The workplan workflow extension enables you to customize the  workflow processes for submitting,
PATCX Transaction Control. Oracle Projects provides a template package that contains the procedure that you modify to implement transaction control
PAY_ACTION_INFORMATION_API Action Information This package contains action information APIs.
PAY_AU_MODULE_PARAMETERS_API Module Parameters for Australia This package contains module parameter APIs for Australia.
PAY_AU_MODULE_TYPES_API Module Types for Australia This package contains module type APIs for Australia.
PAY_AU_MODULES_API Modules for Australia This package contains module APIs for Australia.
PAY_AU_PROCESS_MODULES_API Process Modules for Australia This package contains process module APIs for Australia.
PAY_AU_PROCESS_PARAMETERS_API Process Parameters for Australia This package contains process parameter APIs for Australia.
PAY_AU_PROCESSES_API Processes for Australia This package contains process APIs for Australia.
PAY_BAL_ATTRIB_DEFINITION_API Balance Attribute Definition This package contains Pay Balance Attribute definition APIs.
PAY_BAL_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_API Balance Attribute Default This package creates the pay balance attribute default.
PAY_BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT_API Balance Adjustment This package contains the Balance Adjustment API.
PAY_BALANCE_ATTRIBUTE_API Balance Attribute Pay Balance Attribute API.
PAY_BALANCE_CATEGORY_API Balance Category This package contains the Balance Category API.
PAY_BALANCE_TYPES_API Balance Type This package contains Balance Type APIs.
PAY_BATCH_ELEMENT_ENTRY_API Batch Element Entry This package contains Batch Element Entry APIs.
PAY_CA_EMP_FEDTAX_INF_API Employee Federal Tax Information for Canada This package contains Federal Tax Information APIs.
PAY_CA_EMP_PRVTAX_INF_API Employee Provincial Tax Information for Canada This package contains employee provincial tax information APIs for Canada.
PAY_CITY_TAX_RULE_API City Tax Rule This package contains city tax rules APIs.
PAY_CNU_API Contribution Usage This package contains Contribution Usage APIs.
PAY_COST_ALLOCATION_API Cost Allocation This package contains the Cost Allocation API.
PAY_COUNTY_TAX_RULE_API County Tax Rule This package contains county tax rules APIs.
PAY_DATETRACKED_EVENTS_API DateTrack Events This package contains APIs for Datetracked Events.
PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_API Element Entry This package contains element entry APIs.
PAY_ELEMENT_EXTRA_INFO_API Element Extra Information This package contains element extra information APIs.
PAY_ELEMENT_LINK_API Element Link This package contains element link APIs.
PAY_ELEMENT_TYPE_USAGE_API Element Type Usage This package contains element type usage APIs.
PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_API Element Type This package contains element type APIs.
PAY_EVENT_GROUPS_API Event Groups This package contains APIs for Event Groups.
PAY_EVENT_PROCEDURES_API Event Procedure This package contains APIs for Event Procedures.
PAY_EVENT_QUALIFIERS_API Event Qualifiers This package contains APIs for Event Qualifiers.
PAY_EVENT_UPDATES_API Event Update This package contains APIs for Event Updates.
PAY_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGES_API Event Value Change This package contains APIs for Event Value Changes.
PAY_FEDERAL_TAX_RULE_API Federal Tax Rule This package contains federal tax rules APIs.
PAY_FORMULA_RESULT_RULE_API Formula Result Rule This package contains Formula Result Rule APIs.
PAY_IE_PAYE_API PAYE Detail for Ireland This package contains the PAYE Details API for Ireland.
PAY_IE_PRSI_API PRSI Detail for Ireland This package contains the PRSI Details API for Ireland.
PAY_IN_ORG_PAYMENT_METHOD_API Organization Payment Method for India This package contains organization payment method APIs.
PAY_INPUT_VALUE_API Input Value This package contains input value APIs.
PAY_ITERATIVE_RULES_API Iterative Rule This package contains the Iterative Rules API.
PAY_LINK_INPUT_VALUES_API Link Input Value This package contains link input value APIs.
PAY_NCR_API Net Calculation Rule This package contains Net Calculation Rule APIs.
PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHOD_API Organization Payment Method This package contains Organization Payment Method APIs.
PAY_PAYROLL_API Payroll This package contains Payroll APIs.
PAY_PMED_ACCOUNTS_API Provincial Medical Account This package contains Proincial Medical Accounts APIs.
PAY_RUN_TYPE_API Run Type This package contains the Create Payroll API.
PAY_RUN_TYPE_ORG_METHOD_API Run Type Organization Method This package contains the Run Type Organization Method API.
PAY_RUN_TYPE_USAGE_API Run Type Usage This package contains APIs for Run Type Usages.
PAY_STATE_TAX_RULE_API State Tax Rule This package contains state tax rules APIs.
PAY_STATUS_PROCESSING_RULE_API Status Processing Rule This package contains Status Processing Rule APIs.
PAY_US_TAX_API Tax for United States This package contains United States tax details maintenance APIs.
PAY_US_TAX_BALS_ADJ_API Tax Balance Adjustment for United States This package contains US Tax Balance Adjustments API.
PAY_USER_COLUMN_API User Column This API creates a new user column for an user table.
PAY_USER_COLUMN_INSTANCE_API User Column Instance This package contains the User Column Instance APIs.
PAY_USER_ROW_API User Row This package contains user row APIs.
PAY_USER_TABLE_API User Table This package contains User Table APIs.
PAY_WCI_ACCOUNTS_API Worker Compensation Account for Canada This Package contains Workers Compensation Account APIs.
PAY_WCI_OCCUPATIONS_API Workers Compensation Occupation This package contains Workers compensation Occupation APIs.
PAY_WCI_RATES_API Worker Compensation Rate This package contains WCI rates APIs.
PER_BF_BALANCE_AMOUNTS_API Backfeed Balance Amount This package contains APIs that will maintain backfeed balance amounts.
PER_BF_BALANCE_TYPES_API Backfeed Balance Type This package contains APIs that will maintain backfeed balance types for
PER_BF_PAYMENT_DETAILS_API Backfeed Payment Detail This package contains APIs that maintain backfeed payment details.
PER_BF_PAYROLL_RUNS_API Backfeed Payroll Run This package contains APIs that maintain backfeed payroll runs details.
PER_BF_PROC_ASSIGNMENT_API Backfeed Processed Assignment This package contains APIs for maintaining backfeed processed assignments
PER_CA_PERSON_ADDRESS_API Person Address for Canada This package contains person address APIs.
PER_CANCEL_APPLICATION_API Cancel Application This package contains APIs relating to canceling application.
PER_CHECKLIST_ITEMS_API Checklist Item This package contains checklist item APIs.
PER_DISABILITY_API Disability This package contains APIs which maintain a history of any disabilities a
PER_DK_WORK_INCIDENT_API Work Incident for Denmark This package contains work incident APIs for Denmark.
PER_ESTAB_ATTENDANCES_API Establishment Attendance This package contains HR Establishment Attendance APIs.
PER_EVENTS_API Event This package contains HR Event APIs.
PER_HIERARCHY_API Generic Hierarchy This package contains APIs which maintains generic hierarchy records.
PER_HIERARCHY_NODES_API Generic Hierarchy Node This package contains APIs which maintain node data (value or leave) records
PER_HIERARCHY_VERSIONS_API Generic Hierarchy Version This package contains APIs which create and maintain the structure version
PER_JOB_EXTRA_INFO_API Job Extra Information This package contains APIs which create and maintain extra information
PER_JOB_GROUP_API Job Group This package contains APIs that create and maintain job group information.
PER_KW_DISABILITY_API Kuwait Disability APIs This API creates a disability record for a person.
PER_KW_WORK_INCIDENT_API Work Incidents for Kuwait This package contains APIs for work incidents for Kuwait.
PER_MEDICAL_ASSESSMENT_API Medical Assessment This package contains APIs which create and maintain medical assessment
PER_MX_DISABILITY_API Disability for Mexico This package contains disability API wrappers for Mexico.
PER_MX_WORK_INCIDENT_API Work Incident for Mexico This package contains APIs which create and maintain work incident records
PER_NO_WORK_INCIDENT_API Work Incident for Norway. This package contains work incidents APIs for Norway.
PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_VERSION_API Organization Hierarchy Version This package contains APIs that create and maintain organization hierarchy
PER_ORGANIZATION_STRUCTURE_API Organization Hierarchy This package contains APIs that create and maintain organization
PER_POS_STRUCTURE_VERSION_API Position Hierarchy Version This package contains APIs that create and maintain Position Hierarchy
PER_POSITION_STRUCTURE_API Position Hierarchy This package contains APIs that create and maintain position hierarchies.
PER_QUALIFICATIONS_API Qualification This package contains Qualification APIs.
PER_REC_ACTIVITY_FOR_API Recruitment Activity For This package contains APIs to create and maintain Association between a
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITY_API Recruitment Activity This package contains HR Recruitment Activity APIs.
PER_REQUISITIONS_API Requisition This package contains APIs to create, update and delete vacancy
PER_SA_DISABILITY_API Disability for Saudi Arabia This package contains disability APIs for Saudi Arabia.
PER_SA_WORK_INCIDENT_API Work Incident for Saudi Arabia This package contains work incident APIs for Saudi Arabia.
PER_SUPPLEMENTARY_ROLE_API Supplementary Role This package contains APIs that create and maintain supplementary roles.
PER_VACANCY_API Vacancy This package contains HR Vacancy APIs.
PER_WORK_INCIDENT_API Work Incident This package contains APIs which create and maintain work incident records
PO_CHANGE_API1_S Purchase Order Change APIs This package contains procedures that enables you to record supplier
PO_CUSTOM_PRICE_PUB Purchase Order Custom Pricing APIs Provide the ability to perform custom pricing on Oracle Purchasing
PO_DOCUMENT_CONTROL_PUB Purchase Order Document Control APIs Provides the ability to cancel Purchasing documents directly through
PQH_ACCOMMODATIONS_API Accommodation for France This package contains APIs to create, update and delete accommodations.
PQH_ASSIGN_ACCOMMODATIONS_API Assign Accommodation for France This package contains APIs to create, update and delete an employee's
PQH_ATTRIBUTE_RANGES_API Attribute Range This package contains attribute range APIs.
PQH_BDGT_CMMTMNT_ELMNTS_API Budget Commitment Element This package contains APIs to create, update and delete the elements for
PQH_BDGT_POOL_REALLOCTIONS_API Budget Pool Reallocation This API creates the budget pool reallocation transaction detail.
PQH_BUDGET_DETAILS_API Budget Detail This package contains APIs to create, update and delete the budget details.
PQH_BUDGET_ELEMENTS_API Budget Element This package contains APIs to create, update and delete the elements
PQH_BUDGET_FUND_SRCS_API Budget Fund Source This package contains APIs to create, update and delete the Budget Costing
PQH_BUDGET_GL_FLEX_MAPS_API Budget General Ledger Flexfield Mapping This package contains APIs to create, update or delete costallocations with
PQH_BUDGET_PERIODS_API Budget Periods This package contains APIs to create, update and delete period level
PQH_BUDGET_POOLS_API Budget Pool This package contains APIs to create, update or delete reallocation folders
PQH_BUDGET_SETS_API Budget Set This package contains APIs to create, update and delete the budget sets for
PQH_BUDGET_VERSIONS_API Budget Version This package contains APIs to create, update or delete budget versions.
PQH_BUDGETS_API Budget This package contains APIs to create, update and delete budgets.
PQH_CORPS_DEFINITIONS_API CORPS Definition for France This package contains APIs to validate, create, update and delete corps
PQH_CORPS_EXTRA_INFO_API CORPS Extra Information for France This package contains APIs to validate, create, update and deletecorps
PQH_DFLT_BUDGET_ELEMENTS_API Default Budget Element This package contains APIs to create, update and delete the default budget
PQH_DFLT_BUDGET_SETS_API Default Budget Set This package contains APIs to create, update and delete a default budget
PQH_DFLT_FUND_SRCS_API Default Funding Source This package contains APIs to create, update and delete the default funding
PQH_FR_GLOBAL_PAYSCALE_API Global Payscale for France This package contains global payscale APIs.
PQH_FR_STAT_SIT_RULES_API Statutory Situation Rule for France This package contains APIs to validate, create, update and delete statutory
PQH_FR_STAT_SITUATIONS_API Statutory Situation for France This package contains APIs to validate, create, update and delete statutory
PQH_FR_VALIDATION_EVENTS_API Validation Event for France This package contains APIs to create, update and delete events in a services
PQH_FR_VALIDATION_PERIODS_API Service Validation Period for France This package contains APIs to create, update and delete service periods.
PQH_FR_VALIDATIONS_API Service Validation for France This package contains APIs to create, update and delete services validation.
PQH_REF_TEMPLATES_API Reference Templates This package contains reference template APIs.
PQH_ROLE_EXTRA_INFO_API Role Extra Information This package contains role extra information APIs .
PQH_ROLE_TEMPLATES_API Role Template This package contains role template APIs.
PQH_ROLES_API Role This package contains role APIs.
PQH_ROUTING_CATEGORIES_API Routing Category This package contains routing category APIs.
PQH_ROUTING_LIST_MEMBERS_API Routing List Member This package contains routing list members APIs.
PQH_ROUTING_LISTS_API Routing List This package contains routing list APIs.
PQH_RULE_ATTRIBUTES_API Rule Attribute This package contains rule attribute APIs.
PQH_RULE_SETS_API Rule Set This package contains rule set APIs.
PQH_SITUATIONS_API Situation for France This package contains APIs to validate, create, update and delete seniority
PQH_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTES_API Template Attribute This package contains template attribute APIs.
PQH_TEMPLATES_API Transaction Template This package contains transaction template APIs.
PQH_TRAN_CATEGORY_API Transaction Category This package contains transaction category API.
PQH_TXN_CAT_ATTRIBUTES_API Transaction Category Attribute This package contains transaction category attribute API.
PQP_PCV_API Configuration Value This package contains APIs for configuration values.
PQP_SHP_API Employment Service History This package contains employment service history API's.
PQP_VEH_ALLOC_EXTRA_INFO_API Vehicle Allocation Extra Information This package contains vehicle allocation extra information APIs.
PQP_VEH_REPOS_EXTRA_INFO_API Vehicle Repository Extra Information This package contains vehicle repository extra information APIs.
PQP_VEHICLE_ALLOCATIONS_API Vehicle Allocation This package contains APIs to create, update or delete a Vehicle Allocation
PQP_VEHICLE_REPOSITORY_API Vehicle Repository This package contains vehicle repository APIs that can be used to create,
PQP_AAT_API Assignment Attribute This package contains APIs for assignment attributes.
PSA_FUNDS_CHECKER_PKG PSA Funds Checker PSA_FUNDS_CHECKER_PKG is an online funds checker that enforces budgetary control.
PSP_EFF_REPORT_DETAILS_API Effort Report Detail This package contains Update API for Effort Report Details.
PY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_API Element Entry This package contains obsolete element entry APIs.
QA_PLANS_PUB Collection Plan Setup This package is the public interface for Quality Collection Plans setup.
QA_SPECS_PUB Specifications Definition This package is the public interface for Quality Specifications setup.
QP_CURRENCY_PUB Multi-Currency Conversion Setup This package consists of entities to set up Multi-Currency Conversion.
QP_CUSTOM Custom Pricing This package contains the specification for the GET_CUSTOM_PRICE API.
QP_MODIFIERS_PUB Modifier Setup This package consists of entities to set up modifiers.
QP_PREQ_PUB Price Request This package contains procedures to be called to pass the request information
QP_PRICE_FORMULA_PUB Formula Setup This package consists of entities to support the formulas window.
QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB Price List Setup This package consists of entities to set up price lists.
QP_QUALIFIER_RULES_PUB Qualifier Setup This package consists of entities to set up qualifiers.
QP_SECURITY Object Security This package contains a function to determine functional object access for a
UMX_PUB User Management Public Interface This is the public interface that provides APIs to execute various
USER_PKG_LOT User Defined Lot Generation API The user defined lot generation procedures allow a user to create a lot
USER_PKG_SERIAL User Defined Serial Generation API The user defined serial generation procedures allow users to create Serial
WF_AGENT_GROUPS_PKG Workflow Agent Group Member Provides APIs to communicate agent group member definitions to and
WF_AGENTS_PKG Workflow Agent Provides APIs to communicate agent definitions to and from the
WF_BES_CLEANUP Workflow Control Queue Cleanup Cleans up the standard WF_CONTROL queue in the Business Event System
WF_CORE Workflow Core Provides APIs that can be called by an application
WF_DIRECTORY Workflow Directory Services Provides APIs that can be
WF_ENGINE Workflow Engine Provides APIs that can be called by an application program
WF_ERROR_QH Workflow Error Queue Handler Handles business event messages on error queues that use the WF_EVENT_T
WF_EVENT Workflow Business Event System Provides APIs to communicate with the Business Event System and manage
WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG Workflow Event Functions Provides utility functions to communicate with the Business Event
WF_EVENT_GROUPS_PKG Workflow Event Group Member Provides APIs to communicate event group member definitions to and
WF_EVENT_OJMSTEXT_QH Workflow JMS Text Queue Handler Handles business event messages on queues that use the
WF_EVENT_QH Workflow Event Queue Handler Handles business event messages on queues that use the WF_EVENT_T
WF_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PKG Workflow Event Subscription Provides APIs to communicate event subscription definitions to and
WF_EVENTS_PKG Workflow Event Provides APIs to communicate event definitions to and from the
WF_MAIL Workflow Message Subsystem Provides APIs to access the Oracle Workflow message subsystem and send messages through e-mail.
WF_MAIL_UTIL Workflow Notification Mailer Utility Provides notification mailer utility APIs to perform conversions of
WF_MONITOR Workflow Monitor This public interface provides APIs to retrieve an
WF_NOTIFICATION Workflow Notification System Provides APIs to access the Oracle Workflow Notification
WF_PREF Workflow Preference Provides an API to retrieve user preference information.
WF_PURGE Workflow Purge Provides APIs to purge obsolete runtime data for
WF_QUEUE Workflow Queues Provides APIs that can be called by an application program or a
WF_RULE Workflow Event Subscription Rule Function Provides standard rule functions that you can assign to event
WF_SYSTEMS_PKG Workflow System Provides APIs to communicate system definitions to and from the
WF_XML Workflow XML Message Processing Subsystem Provides APIs to access the Oracle Workflow XML message processing subsystem.
WIP_EAM_WORKREQUEST_PUB Work Request Import This package is used for importing the Work Requests.
WMS_CONTAINER_PUB License Plate Number APIs for WMS This object handles the creation and updating license plate numbers
WMS_DEVICE_INTEGRATION_PUB User defined Device Interfacing API for WMS User defined device integration procedures allows user to process the WMS
WMS_INSTALL WMS Install This package provides routine to verify that Oracle Warehouse Management
WMS_RFID_DEVICE_PUB RFID/barcode read processing APIs for WMS This object processes EPC/LPN data read through RFID or barcode reader.
WMS_SHIPPING_TRANSACTION_PUB Integraion object between Shipping and WMS These procedures act as an integration between Shipping and WMS
WSH_CONTAINER_PUB Container This package provides the APIs for  execution of various container functions,
WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB Delivery This is the public interface for the Delivery entity.
WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB Delivery Line This is the public interface for the Delivery Line entity.
WSH_EXCEPTIONS_PUB Exceptions This package provides the APIs to create Exceptions for delivery lines, deliveries, trips
WSH_FREIGHT_COSTS_PUB Freight Cost This is the public interface for freight costs.
WSH_PICKING_BATCHES_PUB Picking Batch This is the public interface for picking batches.
WSH_TRIP_STOPS_PUB Trip Stop This is the Stop Public Application Program Interface.
WSH_TRIPS_PUB Trip This is the Trip Public Application Program Interface.
XDP_INTERFACES_PUB Service Fulfillment Order Processing A public interface for Service Fulfillment Manager that is used to submit,
XNB_BILL_SUMMARIES_PKG Create Bill Summary This is the public interface of TBI that is used for inserting, creating, or populating

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