Developing XML Publisher Report - Using Data Template(.xml) as Data Source and Template(.rtf) as Layout.
Note that, we can use .rdf file as data source. But for this demo we are using Date Template.
Navigation: XML Publisher Administrator -> Data Definitions -> Create Data Definition
Screen 1 : Create Data Defintion
Enter the data definition Details and click on Apply. Note down the Code.
The code should be used as the short name of the concurrent program.
Screen 2: Associate Data Template
View Data Definition
Screen 2: Concurrent Program - Parameters
Screen 3: Associate the Concurrent Program to a request group.
Developing XML Publisher Report - Using Data Template(.xml) as Data Source and Template(.rtf) as Layout.
Note that, we can use .rdf file as data source. But for this demo we are using Date Template.
Prerequisite for the below Example:
1. Create a table
CREATE TABLE demo_products
( product_code NUMBER,
product_name VARCHAR2 (100));
2. Insert Values
INSERT INTO demo_products
VALUES (569, 'Oracle Cost Management');
3. Issue Commit
Step1: Define Data Template:
The data template is the method by which you communicate your request for data to the data engine.
The data template is an XML document that consists of four basic sections:
CREATE TABLE demo_products
( product_code NUMBER,
product_name VARCHAR2 (100));
2. Insert Values
INSERT INTO demo_products
VALUES (569, 'Oracle Cost Management');
3. Issue Commit
Step1: Define Data Template:
The data template is the method by which you communicate your request for data to the data engine.
The data template is an XML document that consists of four basic sections:
- Define parameters: In which parameters are declared in child <parameter> elements
- Define triggers:
- Define data query: In which the SQL queries are defined in child <sqlStatement> elements
- Define data structure: In which the output XML structure is defined
Create Data Template: (Save this file as DPDT.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataTemplate name="demoProductsDT" description="Demo Products Details" version="1.0">
<parameter name="p_product_id" datatype="number"/>
<sqlStatement name="DQ">
<![CDATA[ SELECT product_code, product_name FROM demo_products
WHERE product_code = NVL(:p_product_id,product_code) ]]>
<group name="G_DP" source="DQ">
<element name="PRODUCT_CODE" value="product_code"/>
<element name="PRODUCT_NAME" value="product_name"/>
<dataTemplate name="demoProductsDT" description="Demo Products Details" version="1.0">
<parameter name="p_product_id" datatype="number"/>
<sqlStatement name="DQ">
<![CDATA[ SELECT product_code, product_name FROM demo_products
WHERE product_code = NVL(:p_product_id,product_code) ]]>
<group name="G_DP" source="DQ">
<element name="PRODUCT_CODE" value="product_code"/>
<element name="PRODUCT_NAME" value="product_name"/>
- This Data Template selects the product details from the demo_products table. It uses a bind parameter to find the product name against the product code.
- For each bind parameter in the query , we need to define a Parameter in the Concurrent Program
Navigation: XML Publisher Administrator -> Data Definitions -> Create Data Definition
Screen 1 : Create Data Defintion
Enter the data definition Details and click on Apply. Note down the Code.
The code should be used as the short name of the concurrent program.
Screen 2: Associate Data Template
View Data Definition
Screen 3: Data Definiton
Data Template is associated with Data Definition
Data Template is associated with Data Definition
Step 3: Define a Concurrent Program to generate the Data XML output.
1. Output format should be XML
2. Short Name in the concurrent program and Code in the data definition should be same.
2. Short Name in the concurrent program and Code in the data definition should be same.
Screen 2: Concurrent Program - Parameters
For each parameter in the Data Template, define a parameter in the concurrent program.
The Data Template parameter name should match the concurrent program parameter token
The Data Template parameter name should match the concurrent program parameter token
is p_product_id. This is the bind parameter we have used in date
template. For every bind parameter used in the data template, we have to
define parameter in the concurrent program.
Screen 3: Associate the Concurrent Program to a request group.
Screen 4:
Execute the concurrent program "Product Demo Report"and click on the
output button get the Data XML. Save the XML file. We will use it to
generate the RTF Template.
Screen 5: Concurrent Program Output
We are getting the output in xml because we didn’t define template & associated yet.
Step 4: Define the RTF Template using the Generated Data XML
Pre-requisite : Install XML Publisher Desktop
After installation following Menus & Toolbars gets added to the MS Word.
Step 6: Run the concurrent program to see the output
Pre-requisite : Install XML Publisher Desktop
After installation following Menus & Toolbars gets added to the MS Word.
Load XML Data generated by Concurrent Program
Data -> Load XML Data
Message after loading the data
Using the Table Wizard as below to create the 'Table Report Format' with the columns of demo_products
Final Output layout look like this.
Data -> Load XML Data
Message after loading the data
Using the Table Wizard as below to create the 'Table Report Format' with the columns of demo_products
Final Output layout look like this.
Save this file with .rtf extension
Step 5: Registering the Template with BI Publisher
Navigation: XML Publisher Administrator -> Templates -> Create Template
Step 6: Run the concurrent program to see the output
As already mentioned output format can be anything. Here it is pdf. We can select format that we want at the runtime.
Oracle® XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide
What is XDODTEXE used in the Executable section of Concurrent Program?
XDODTEXE is a BI Publisher Data Template Executable. The purpose of this executable is to identify data template file (.xml) and execute the data template to generate the raw xml data, that later can be used by BI Publisher formatting engine to format as as per the layout (RTF, PDF etc).
This executable will be used by all the BI Publisher reports (Concurrent Program) which are using Data Template to generate the xml data.
Oracle® XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide
What is XDODTEXE used in the Executable section of Concurrent Program?
XDODTEXE is a BI Publisher Data Template Executable. The purpose of this executable is to identify data template file (.xml) and execute the data template to generate the raw xml data, that later can be used by BI Publisher formatting engine to format as as per the layout (RTF, PDF etc).
This executable will be used by all the BI Publisher reports (Concurrent Program) which are using Data Template to generate the xml data.
ReplyDeleteI have a question regarding XML publisher.
I have updated the xml using XML Publisher Administrator repsonsibility. I know want to reset it back to the original one. I couldn't find an option where I could reset it. Could you tell me how to achieve that?