Friday 25 July 2014

UpdateNativeDir Utility

Update Native Dir Utility

What is the UpdateNativeDir utility used for?

This utility is used to update external user and group identities in the Hyperion Native Directory for those

objects that have moved in the external directory.The data related to all the external providers in the search
 order is synchronized.

This utility is used also delete user and group entries from the Hyperion Native Directory that cannot be located in
 the external directory. User and group information such as membership, provisioning, cache will be deleted from
 Native Directory if the user or group is not found in the external providers.

Where can the UpdateNativeDir utility be installed from?

Its located in HYPERION_HOME/Common/ Utilities/SyncOpenLDAPUtility directory

When is a user or group deleted from Hyperion Native Directory?

When a user is actually removed from external directory OR
External provider is removed from search order of CSS.xml

When is a user or group updated in the Hyperion Native Directory?

If the user is moved from one OU to other and the new OU is configured in CSS.xml.

When is a user or group not updated or deleted in the Hyperion Native Directory?

If any provider of the user/group type is not reacheable due to communication problems OR
There are no changes to the user.

How to run the UpdateNativeDir?

To run this utility, make sure that JAVA_HOME in updateNativeDir.bat (or .sh) is modified so that it points to
 a value Java Runtime.

Run the script provided ( or UpdateNativeDir.bat) giving absolute path of CSS.xml as argument. Ensure
 that all the required jar files and dll files are located in lib/bin folder.

updateNativeDir.bat -cssLocation D:\CSS.xml [-options]
-Unix: -cssLocation /vol1/CSS.xml [-options]

where options include:
-cssLocation - Required. Absolute path to the location of the CSS.xml configuration file
-nodelete - Optional. When provided the utility will not delete any users/groups from Native Directory.
The users/group that will be deleted is listed in the CSSMigration-Deleted*.log log file
-noprompt - Optional. Silent mode operation. No manual key press needed. Can be used for scheduled jobs.
-noupdate - Optional. When provided the utility will not update any users/groups in Native Directory.
The users/group that will be update is listed in the CSSMigration-Update*.log log file
-doprovider - Optional. When provided the utility will also perform Provider Migration.


File Path with out options :
updateNativeDir -cssLocation D:\CSS.xml

File Path with options :
updateNativeDir -cssLocation D:\CSS.xml -noprompt -nodelete

HTTP Path with out options:
updateNativeDir -cssLocation http://hss_machine_name:port_number/

HTTP Path with options :
updateNativeDir -cssLocation http://hss_machine_name:
port_number/interop/framework/getCSSConfigFile -noprompt -nodelete

What are the logs generated by this Utility?

4 log files will get created under "\updateNativedir\logs" folder each time the utility is run.
If utility unable to create in the above mentioned folder due to any reason, it will get created under
"$TMP\Hyperion-logs" or "%TEMP%\Hyperion-logs" folder each time the utility is run.

Files created:




WARNING: Provisioning data will be lost for any providers that are not listed on console.

The data related to all the external providers in the search order is synchronized. User and group

information such as membership, provisioning, cache will be deleted from Native Directory if
 the user or group is not found in the external providers.

After this utility is run, we need to restart HSS so that the cache is refreshed and the data updated. The
 other option is to wait for cache to refresh.

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