Friday 7 August 2015

oracle okc contracts core table in r12

OKC_11510MIGRATION_T Temp table
OKC_ACTION_ATT_LOOKUPS Defines table/column lookup for an Action Attribute
OKC_ACTION_ATT_VALS Stores value of an instance of Action Attribute for every occurrence of an Action
OKC_ACTION_ATTRIBUTES_B Stores attributes that describe the Action.
OKC_ACTION_ATTRIBUTES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_ACTION_ATTRIBUTES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_ACTIONS_B This table stores information about Actions
OKC_ACTIONS_TL Stores the translatable attributes for actions.
OKC_ALLOWED_TMPL_USAGES Table that contains document types that are allowed to use a given contract template.
OKC_ANCESTRYS Holds ancestor Contract Lines for a Contract Line.
OKC_APP_FUNCTION_ACCESSES Development-seeded table which is used to control access of objects based on their owning application and the application of the user
OKC_AQERRORS This holds a list of Advanced Queuing (AQ) errors reported by the process(es)  subscribing to the Actions AQ.
OKC_AQMSGSTACKS This holds details of the message stack for errors reported from process(es) subscribing to an AQ.
OKC_ART_INT_BATPROCS_ALL An internal system table that stores the batch process parameters and statistics for each import run.
OKC_ART_INT_ERRORS This table stores all the errors encountered during the clause import process.
OKC_ART_INTERFACE_ALL This is the interface table for import of standard clauses from external systems.  All valid data in this table will be imported to OKC_ARTICLES_ALL, OKC_ARTICLE_VERSIONS and OKC_ARTICLE_ADOPTIONS by  the Clause Import Concurrent program. T
OKC_ART_RELS_INTERFACE This is the interface table for import of relationships between standard clauses from external systems.  All valid data in this table will be imported to  OKC_ART_RELATNS_ALL using XML Based Clause Import Concurrent program. The users are e
OKC_ARTICLE_ADOPTIONS This table stores the adoption details of a global clause  version in any given local operating unit. This table has rows for local operating units only.  This stores rows for clause adoptions as AVAILABLE, LOCALIZED and ADOPTED.
OKC_ARTICLE_RELATNS_ALL This table stores the relationship between clauses in an operating unit. e.g. INCOMPATIBLE or ALTERNATE. This table replaces OKC_STD_ART_INCMPTS used prior to 11.5.10. Also, for each relationship defined between any two clauses in a given o
OKC_ARTICLE_TRANS Relationship between an Article and the Rules or Lines created from it.
OKC_ARTICLE_VARIABLES This table stores the variables associated with a clause version. The rows in this table are created by the system by extracting  the embedded variables in the clause text.
OKC_ARTICLE_VERSIONS This table stores all the versions of a standard clause and non-standard clause created on a business document. Standard Clauses have multiple versions while the non-standard clauses are created as a single version. This table replaces the 
OKC_ARTICLES_ALL This table stores all the clauses that are used for an organization. This includes the standard clauses that exist in the clause library as well as the non-standard clauses that are specific to a contract document. This table replaces the O
OKC_ASSENTS Indicates if an Operation is to be performed for a Subclass of Contract while in a Status.
OKC_BUS_DOC_EVENTS_B OKC_BUS_DOC_EVENTS stores valid business document events. These events are seeded per business document type.
OKC_BUS_DOC_EVENTS_TL Stores translatable information for a Business Document Event.
OKC_BUS_DOC_TYPES_B Stores all business document types and preferences related to those documents. This information is seeded by each product team that integrates with Oracle Contracts to implement Contract authoring.
OKC_BUS_DOC_TYPES_TL This table stores the translatable attributes of the Business Document Types.
OKC_BUS_VARIABLES_B This table stores all the business variables that can be used in clauses. This table contains variables of all type - System-defined, User-defined, Table and Deliverable.
OKC_BUS_VARIABLES_TL This table stores the translatable attributes of business variables that can be used in clauses.
OKC_CHANGE_PARTY_ROLE Relates a Contract Party to a Change Request.
OKC_CHANGE_REQUESTS_B A request to make one or more changes to a Contract.
OKC_CHANGE_REQUESTS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_CHANGE_REQUESTS_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_CHANGES_B Documents a change to a Contract as a result of a Change Request.
OKC_CHANGES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_CHANGES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_CLASS_OPERATIONS Holds seeded data with allowed operations for various classes
OKC_CLASSES_B The highest level categorization of a Contract.
OKC_CLASSES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_CLASSES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_CONC_REQUESTS Table to launch copy concurrent requests
OKC_CONDITION_HEADERS_B Stores Condition definition.
OKC_CONDITION_HEADERS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_CONDITION_HEADERS_B, as per MLS standards
OKC_CONDITION_LINES_B Stores boolean expressions which further qualify a Condition Header
OKC_CONDITION_LINES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_CONDITION_LINES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_CONDITION_OCCURS An occurrence of a Condition defined in OKC_CONDITION_HEADERS_B.
OKC_CONTACT_SOURCES A valid data source  used to define a Contract Contact in a certain role.
OKC_CONTACTS An individual acting as a contact point or otherwise named in a Contract.
OKC_CONTACTS_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_CONTACTS, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_CONTRACT_DOCS This intermediate table is used by Contract Documents to store Business Document attachments entries.
OKC_CONTRACT_RISKS Stores the risks associated with a contract.  The Risks are not version-specific.
OKC_COVER_TIMES Associates time components to time values.
OKC_CR_K_ACCESSES An intersection which associates a contract, change request, process, or user for a change request on a contract.
OKC_DEL_BUS_DOC_COMBXNS Contains valid combinations of Business Document Classes and Deliverable Types
OKC_DEL_MESSAGES OKC_DEL_MESSAGES stores the metadata for building various combinations of due date messages for deliverables.
OKC_DEL_RESP_ATTRIBUTES Contains metadata for attributes of responsible parties based on the deliverable type.
OKC_DEL_RESP_PARTIES_B This table contains responsible party codes for Contract Deliverables, striped by intent.
OKC_DEL_RESP_PARTIES_TL Stores translatable information for the Responsible Party on a Contract Deliverable
OKC_DEL_STATUS_COMBXNS Contains valid combinations of statuses
OKC_DEL_STATUS_HISTORY Stores deliverable's status change history
OKC_DELIVERABLE_TYPES_B Lookup table for all the deliverable types.
OKC_DELIVERABLE_TYPES_TL Stores translatable information for a Deliverable Type
OKC_DELIVERABLES This table stores Deliverables and amendments to deliverables.
OKC_DOC_QA_LISTS This table will store list of all QA checks to be performed for a given business document type, and the severity of the checks.
OKC_EXPRT_IMPORT_REFS This table will store all the references of the Library data imported into Contract Expert
OKC_EXPRT_TEST_T Temporary Table to store all the test data for testing Contract Expert
OKC_FOLDER_CONTENTS This table stores the clauses associated to a folder. This replaces the table OKC_STD_ART_SET_MEMS used in releases prior to 11.5.10.
OKC_FOLDERS_ALL_B This table stores the folders created for an organization. Prior to 11.5.10, folders were stored in FND_LOOKUP_VALUES and were referred to as "Article Sets".
OKC_FOLDERS_ALL_TL This table stores the translatable attributes of the folders created for an organization.
OKC_FUNCTION_EXPR_PARAMS The parameter values to be supplied for the function in a CONDITION LINE.
OKC_FUNCTION_EXPR_PARAMS_H The parameters to be supplied to a FUNCTION EXPRESSION.
OKC_GOVERNANCES Intersection entity.
OKC_INCLUDED_OPERATIONS Indicates which OPERATIONS are to be allowed for a given status type.
OKC_ITEM_PARTYS_B This table is obsolete
OKC_ITEM_PARTYS_BH This table is obsolete
OKC_ITEM_PARTYS_TL This table is obsolete
OKC_ITEM_PARTYS_TLH This table is obsolete
OKC_K_ACCESSES Level of access granted to a resource or resource group for a contract.
OKC_K_ART_VARIABLES Document clause variable table. This will store clause variables used in a document through contract terms
OKC_K_ART_VARIABLES_H Document clause variable history table. This will store clause variables used in a document through contract terms
OKC_K_ARTICLES_B OKC_K_ARTICLES holds the use of standard and non-standard ("custom", one-time use) clauses in business documents.When associated with a document header, the clause governs the entire document. When associated with a line, the clause governs
OKC_K_ARTICLES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_K_ARTICLES_B, as per MLS standards.Obsolete table - obsoleted in 11.5.10.
OKC_K_ARTICLES_TLH History table for OKC_K_ARTICLES_TL.Obsolete table - obsoleted in 11.5.10.
OKC_K_GROUPS_B A user defined "bucket" for contracts.
OKC_K_GROUPS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_K_GROUPS_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_K_GRPINGS This table holds the membership of a contract group for both contracts and other contract groups.
OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B Stores header level attributes of a Contract. It groups all the lines and terms and conditions of a contract
OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_BH This is a mirror image of base table OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information
OKC_K_HEADERS_B Stores header level attributes of a Contract. It groups all the lines and terms and conditions of a contract.
OKC_K_HEADERS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_K_HEADERS_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_K_HEADERS_TLH This is a mirror image of base table OKC_K_HEADERS_TL, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_K_HISTORY_B Contract status change history and history for any actions during contract life cycle
OKC_K_HISTORY_TL Translatable columns from OKC_K_HISTORY_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_K_ITEMS Stores item attributes for Contract Lines.
OKC_K_ITEMS_H This is mirror image of base table OKC_K_ITEMS, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_K_LINES_B Deliverable ITEMS grouped into a logical set usually defined by unitary price, delivery or some other classification.
OKC_K_LINES_BH This is a mirror image of base table OKC_K_LINES_B, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_K_LINES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_K_LINES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_K_LINES_TLH This is a mirror image of base table OKC_K_LINES_TL, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B Records the three-way relationship between a contract, the parties to that contract, and the roles that  the parties play as they participate in the contract.
OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_BH This is a mirror image of base table OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_TLH This is a mirror image of base table OKC_K_PARTY_ROLES_TL, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_K_PROCESSES Defines the use of a particular process for a particular contract.
OKC_K_PROCESSES_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_K_PROCESSES, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information
OKC_K_REL_OBJS An intersection entity which links a contract header or line to other objects in the schema in a predefined manner.
OKC_K_SALES_CREDITS Records sales credits for the sale of services in a service contract.
OKC_K_SALES_CREDITS_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_K_SALES_CREDITS, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information
OKC_K_SEQ_HEADER Holds the configuration rules for Autonumbering setup
OKC_K_SEQ_LINES Holds the detail records for Autonumbering configuration
OKC_K_VERS_NUMBERS Indicates the current version of the contract as a document.
OKC_K_VERS_NUMBERS_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_K_VERS_NUMBERS, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_KEXP_REPORT This is a temporary table to store the contract search results initiated from contract search screen.    These results are later used by discoverer business views to generate reports.
OKC_LINE_STYLE_ROLES Party roles that may be associated with a contract line of a certain line style.
OKC_LINE_STYLE_SOURCES Valid data sources for contract lines of a certain line style.
OKC_LINE_STYLES_B OKC_LINE_STYLES provides meta-data that governs how lines may be defined in a contract.
OKC_LINE_STYLES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_LINE_STYLES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_LSE_RULE_GROUPS Rule groups associated with a contract line of a certain line style.
OKC_MASSCHANGE_REQ_DTLS This table contains the details of the change requested in the mass change operation.
OKC_NUMBER_SCHEME_DTLS Store the details for Numbering Schemes.
OKC_NUMBER_SCHEMES_B Translation table for Numbering schemes
OKC_NUMBER_SCHEMES_TL Numbering schemes translation table
OKC_OPERATION_INSTANCES An Operation Instance is an instance of a Contract Operation. The Operation Instance contains information about the instance and serves as a collection point for detailed information.
OKC_OPERATION_LINES The Operation Line provides additional information about what did happen or will happen for an Operation Instance.
OKC_OPERATIONS_B Set of processes performed by the application to, or as a result of, a contract.
OKC_OPERATIONS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_OPERATIONS_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_OUTCOME_ARGUMENTS Values to pass to process definition parameters.
OKC_OUTCOME_ARGUMENTS_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_OUTCOME_ARGUMENTS, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information
OKC_OUTCOMES_B Indicates the use of a process definition by a condition.
OKC_OUTCOMES_BH This is a mirror image of base table OKC_OUTCOMES_B, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information
OKC_OUTCOMES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_OUTCOMES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_OUTCOMES_TLH This is a mirror image of base table OKC_OUTCOMES_TL, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information
OKC_PH_LINE_BREAKS This table will store the information about line breaks on a price hold - Not Used
OKC_PH_LINE_BREAKS_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_PH_LINE_BREAKS, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information - Not Used
OKC_PRICE_ADJ_ASSOCS Associates price adjustments to the object for which price has been adjusted.
OKC_PRICE_ADJ_ASSOCS_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_PRICE_ADJ_ASSOCS, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_PRICE_ADJ_ATTRIBS Price attribute values which are based  on a price adjustment.
OKC_PRICE_ADJ_ATTRIBS_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_PRICE_ADJ_ATTRIBS, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS Record of actual adjustments made to price based on price attribute values.
OKC_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information.
OKC_PRICE_ATT_VALUES Values of price attributes for an object to be used to derive the price for a contract header and contract line
OKC_PRICE_ATT_VALUES_H Values of price attributes for an object to be used to derive the price for a contract header and contract line.
OKC_PROCESS_DEF_PARMS_B Records the parameters for a process definition, including such information as the parameter name, datatype, optionality, and default value.
OKC_PROCESS_DEF_PARMS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_PROCESS_DEF_PARMS_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_PROCESS_DEFS_B This table stores information of PL/SQL processes or workflows within the application which are used as OUTCOME, CONTRACT PROCESS, QA PROCESS, or FUNCTION in a CONDITION LINE.
OKC_PROCESS_DEFS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_PROCESS_DEFS_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_QA_CHECK_LISTS_B Associates a list of quality assurance processes with a specific contract or contract template.
OKC_QA_CHECK_LISTS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_QA_CHECK_LISTS_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_QA_ERRORS_T Temporary table to store quality assurance check errors and warnings
OKC_QA_LIST_PROCESSES The usage of a process def  in a particular QA check list.
OKC_QA_PROCESS_PARMS  Values to be provided to the process parameters when the QA check list is run.
OKC_REACT_INTERVALS Duration of time within which reaction must occur for particular periods of time.
OKC_REP_BOOKMARKS Contract Repository.  This table stores bookmarks created by users to access contracts quickly.
OKC_REP_CON_ACTIONS This table stores valid 'Actions' for a given page mode and contract status.  This is a SEED data table.
OKC_REP_CON_APPROVALS This table stores a Contract's approval data.  .
OKC_REP_CON_ARROVALS Stores information about the Workflow approval process. This table stores each approver's notfication response.
OKC_REP_CON_STATUS_HIST This table stores the status changes history of a contract.  Each version of a contract can have its own status history.
OKC_REP_CONTACT_ROLES_B This table stores user-defined Contact Roles.
OKC_REP_CONTACT_ROLES_TL This table stores the translatable information for Contact Roles.
OKC_REP_CONTRACT_ACCESS Stores the access control list information for a contract.
OKC_REP_CONTRACT_RELS This table stores a relationship between two contracts that are created in Repository.
OKC_REP_CONTRACT_VERS This table stores previous versions of a contract.
OKC_REP_CONTRACTS_ALL This table is the main Contracts table. This table stores the latest version of all contracts authored in Contract Repository.
OKC_REP_IMP_CONTRACTS_T This is a temporary table for storing imported contract header attributes. It is used for validating contract attributes, preparing contract header data for importing into Contracts Repository schema and generating error output file for inv
OKC_REP_IMP_DOCUMENTS_T This is a temporary table for storing imported Contract Documents attributes. It is used for validating Contract Documents and generating error messages for invalid records.  The data is deleted after each Import process.
OKC_REP_IMP_ERRORS_T This is a temporary table that stores the error messages generated during the validation of the Import data.  It is used to generate the output CSV file with the invalid records and the relevant error messages.  The data is deleted after ea
OKC_REP_IMP_PARTIES_T This is a temporary table for storing an imported contract party's attributes.  It is used for validating contract parties, preparing parties data for importing into Contracts Repository schema and generating error messages for invalid part
OKC_REP_INTENT_PARTY Stores valid Party Roles for Contract Intent
OKC_REP_PARTY_CONTACTS This table stores the contacts for a party in a contract.  The contact record can be from PO_VENDOR_CONTACTS, HZ_PARTIES, or PER_PEOPLE_F, depending on the party role of the contact party.  A contact whose party has a role of SUPPLIER_ORG c
OKC_REP_RECENT_CONTRACTS The table stores a reference to the contract that a user recently viewed from the Contract Repository.
OKC_REP_RELATIONSHIPS_B This table stores the seeded contract Relationships for Contract Repository.
OKC_REP_RELATIONSHIPS_TL This table stores the translatable information for Contract Relationships.
OKC_REP_SIGNATURE_DETAILS This table stores the Signature details of a Contract Party.
OKC_REPORT_HTM Used for Contract Printing. Keeps HTML document produced withsql-xml-xsl-html transformation based on the query and stylesheet selected.
OKC_REPORT_PRM_B SQL-XML Parameters. Used for Contract Printing
OKC_REPORT_PRM_TL SQL-XML Parameters. Used for Contract Printing
OKC_REPORT_SQL_B Used for Contract Printing. Keeps query for the sql-xml-xsl-html report.
OKC_REPORT_SQL_TL Used for Contract Printing. Keeps help text about xml structure produced with XSUtilitybased on the query.Usage: for XSL writer.
OKC_REPORT_TAG_B Published XML tags. Used for Contract Printing.Prior to 11.5.9 tags published in help tab.
OKC_REPORT_TAG_TL Published XML tags. Used in Contracts Printing.Prior to 11.5.9 tags published in help tab.
OKC_REPORT_XML Used for Contract Printing. Keeps XML document produced with XSUtility based on the query.
OKC_REPORT_XSL_B Used for Contract Printing. Keeps stylesheet that drives XSLT in sql-xml-xsl-html report.
OKC_REPORT_XSL_TL Used for Contract Printing. Stylesheet that drives XSLT in sql-xml-xsl-html report.Help text about tokens defined in stylesheet, usage: for Articles writer.
OKC_REPORT_XST Used for Contract Printing. Combinations of sql and xsl that can produce reportwith sql-xml-xsl-html transformations.
OKC_RESOLVED_TIMEVALUES Instantiates a TIMEVALUE definition as an absolute trackable date.
OKC_RESP_PARTIES_B This table contains responsible party codes for Contracts and Deliverables, striped by intent.
OKC_RESP_PARTIES_TL Stores translatable information for the Responsible Party on a Contract or Deliverable
OKC_REVIEW_MESSAGES This table is used to store the messages during the upoload of Word document
OKC_REVIEW_UPLD_HEADER This table stores the header information during the upload of word document to strucutred terms
OKC_REVIEW_UPLD_TERMS This table stores the details during the upload of a word dpcument to structured terms
OKC_REVIEW_VAR_VALUES This table stores the variable information during the upload of word document to structured terms
OKC_RG_DEF_RULES Defines what rule definitions are associated with what rule group definitions and the optionality of that association.
OKC_RG_PARTY_ROLES Defines which party in a contract is acting as the subject of a rule group and which is acting as the object of the rule group.
OKC_RG_ROLE_DEFS Defines which roles can act as subject or object for a rule group for a contract subclass.
OKC_RISK_EVENTS_B Stores the user-defined risk events.
OKC_RISK_EVENTS_TL Translation table for Risk Events.
OKC_ROLE_SOURCES Defines the valid data sources for a PARTY playing a certain ROLE in a contract.
OKC_ROLES_B For future use
OKC_ROLES_TL For future use
OKC_RULE_DEF_SOURCES Valid data sources for a rule when it is used in a rule group.
OKC_RULE_DEFS_B Contracts Rule Definitions base table- rules striped
OKC_RULE_DEFS_TL Contracts Rule Definitions traslation table- rules striped
OKC_RULE_GROUPS_B Collection of RULES needed to inform an automated process about a business function.
OKC_RULE_GROUPS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_RULE_GROUPS_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_RULES_B Structured data representation of free format text contained in an ARTICLE.
OKC_RULES_BH History table for OKC_RULES_B.
OKC_RULES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_RULES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_RULES_TLH History table for OKC_RULES_TL.
OKC_SECTION_CONTENTS This table holds the components of a section like a label or article
OKC_SECTIONS_B Sections are used to format clauses of a Contract while printing
OKC_SECTIONS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_SECTIONS_B, as per MLS standards.Obsolete table - obsoleted in 11.5.10.
OKC_SECTIONS_TLH Translatable columns from OKC_SECTIONS_B, as per MLS standards.Obsolete table - obsoleted in 11.5.10.
OKC_SPAN Defines the legs, stages or intervals which compose a cycle, including their duration in some designated time unit.
OKC_STATUSES_B User defined values that define a contract's status.
OKC_STATUSES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_STATUSES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_STD_ART_CLASSINGS Defines which Standard Article Sets are commonly used in a certain subclass of contract.
OKC_STD_ART_INCMPTS Registers incompatiblities between standard articles.
OKC_STD_ART_SET_MEMS Records the membership of articles in a Standard Article Set.
OKC_STD_ART_VERSIONS_B Maintains prior and future text for Standard Articles.
OKC_STD_ART_VERSIONS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_STD_ART_VERSIONS_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_STD_ARTICLES_B Standard text commonly used in the creation of a contract. Desupported from 11.5.10 onwards.
OKC_STD_ARTICLES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_STD_ARTICLES_B, as per MLS standards. Desupported from 11.5.10 onwards.
OKC_SUBCLASS_RESPS Defines the access level granted to a subclass of contract for a specific AOL responsibility.
OKC_SUBCLASS_RG_DEFS Associates a SUBCLASS with a rule group definition.
OKC_SUBCLASS_ROLES Associates a subclass with a role.
OKC_SUBCLASS_TOP_LINE Associates a subclass with a top line in a line style hierarchy.
OKC_SUBCLASSES_B Determines the line style hiearchy of the contract, the valid rule groups, the valid party roles, and the commonly used standard article sets.
OKC_SUBCLASSES_TL Translatable columns from OKC_SUBCLASSES_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_SUBJECT_GROUPS Allows subjects to be grouped hierarchically to make it easier to organize and find articles.
OKC_TEMPLATE_USAGES This entity will contain relationship between template and document where it is used.
OKC_TEMPLATE_USAGES_H This entity will contain relationship between template and document where it is used. (history records)
OKC_TERMS_DEVIATIONS_T Temporary Table to store Contract Standard Deviations data
OKC_TERMS_TEMPLATES_ALL Master table for contract terms templates
OKC_TIME_CODE_UNITS_B Used to map the user defined time units in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE to the known time units.
OKC_TIME_CODE_UNITS_TL Translatable columns from OKC_TIME_CODE_UNITS_B, as per MLS standards.
OKC_TIMEVALUES Quantifies the time component of a rule.
OKC_TIMEVALUES_B Quantifies the time component of a rule.
OKC_TIMEVALUES_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_TIMEVALUES, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information
OKC_TIMEVALUES_TL This table is now obsolete
OKC_TIMEVALUES_TLH This table is now obsolete
OKC_USER_BINS Denormalized entity used to maintain various lists of contracts for user portals.
OKC_USER_HOOK_CALLS Calls made to pl/sql routines.
OKC_USER_HOOK_CALLS_H This is a mirror image of base table OKC_USER_HOOK_CALLS, please refer to the base table for detailed column level information
OKC_VAL_LINE_OPERATIONS Defines which line operations are valid choices for a top line style.
OKC_VALUESETS_INTERFACE This is the interface table for import of fnd flex value sets from external systems.  All valid data in this table will be imported to FND schema by  the XML Based Clause Import Concurrent program. The users are expected to upload data into
OKC_VARIABLE_DOC_TYPES This table stores the document types that are associated to system-defined  variables. This is used to determine the source of the system variable values.
OKC_VARIABLES_INTERFACE This is the interface table for import of user defined variables from external systems.  All valid data in this table will be imported to OKC_BUS_VARIABLES_B, OKC_BUS_VARIABLES_TL by  the XML Based Clause Import Concurrent program. The user
OKC_VS_VALUES_INTERFACE This is the interface table for import of fnd flex values from external systems.  All valid data in this table will be imported to FND schema by  the XML Based Clause Import Concurrent program. The users are expected to upload data into thi
OKC_WORD_SYNC_T Temporary table to store the contract document and clauses in word format
OKC_XPRT_DEVIATIONS_T Temporary Table to store Contract Standard Deviation details (expert rule conditions with document values)  data
OKC_XPRT_QUESTION_ORDERS This entity stores the order of the questions to be displayed at runtime. This is an intersection entity between templates and questions.
OKC_XPRT_QUESTIONS_B This entity stores the user questions, constants and expert variables.
OKC_XPRT_RULE_COND_ACTIVE This table stores all the conditions of the rules. This is a child entity of rule header entity.
OKC_XPRT_RULE_COND_VALS This table stores all the conditions values in expert rules. This is a child entity of rules conditions entity. This is required mainly to support multiple values for conditions on a rule
OKC_XPRT_RULE_COND_VALS_ACTIVE This table stores all the conditions values in expert rules. This is a child entity of rules conditions entity. This is required mainly to support multiple values for conditions on a rule
OKC_XPRT_RULE_CONDITIONS This table stores all the conditions of the rules. This is a child entity of rule header entity.
OKC_XPRT_RULE_EVAL_CONDVAL_T This table stores the document values needed for the rule condition evaluation
OKC_XPRT_RULE_EVAL_RESULT_T This table stores the evaluation result of the rules and conditions at any point of time
OKC_XPRT_RULE_HDRS_ALL This table has the rule header information for template specific rules as well as rules assigned at all templates in the Operating Unit
OKC_XPRT_RULE_HDRS_ALL_ACTIVE This table has the header information of the active rules which are currenlty being revised
OKC_XPRT_RULE_OUTCOMES This table will store the results defined in the expert rules. This is a child entity of rules header entity
OKC_XPRT_RULE_OUTCOMES_ACTIVE This table will store the results defined in the expert rules. This is a child entity of rules header entity
OKC_XPRT_TEMPLATE_RULES Intersection entity between rules and templates

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