Thursday, 18 April 2013

SQL Query to get all the personalization on the OAF pages in the application

SELECT   PATH.path_docid perz_doc_id,
         jdr_mds_internal.getdocumentname (PATH.path_docid) perz_doc_path
    FROM jdr_paths PATH
   WHERE PATH.path_docid IN (
            SELECT DISTINCT comp_docid
                       FROM jdr_components
                      WHERE comp_seq = 0
                        AND comp_element = 'customization'
                        AND comp_id IS NULL)
     AND UPPER (jdr_mds_internal.getdocumentname (PATH.path_docid)) LIKE
                                                 UPPER ('%AbsenceHomePagePG%')
ORDER BY perz_doc_path;

1 comment:

  1. Can you please tell how the path_id gets generated in the table jdr_paths for each personalizations we do
