Tuesday 27 March 2012


1.    About Exceptions
·         An exception is an identifier in PL/SQL that is raised during the execution of a black that terminates its main body of actions.
·         A block always terminates when PL/SQL raises an exception so that an exception handler should be specified to perform final actions.
Ø  Exception can be raised in two ways exception is raised automatically.
Ex: - when no rows are retrieved from the database in a SELECT statement, then error
ORA-01403 occurs and the exception NO-DATA-FOUND is raised by PL/SQL.
Ex: - Exception can be raised explicitly by issuing the RAISE statement with in the block.
Ø   The exception being raised may be either.


Trapping an exception:-

·         If the exception is raised in executable section of the block, processing branches to the corresponding exception handler in the exception section of the block.
·         If PL/SQL successfully handles the exception, then the exception doesn’t propagate to the enclosing block or calling environment.
·         The PL/SQL block terminates successfully.


If the exception is raised in the executable section of the block and there is no corresponding exception handler, the PL/SQL block terminates with failure and the exception will be propagated to the calling environment.


A)   Pre-Defined Oracle Server Exceptions. -à Implicitly Raised.
B)   Non-Pre defined Oracle server exceptions. -à Implicitly Raised.
C)   User-defined exceptions -à Explicitly Raised.


·         These are the errors (20) that occur most often in PL/SQL code.
·         These exceptions need not be declared and raised implicitly by Oracle Server, NO-DATA-FOUND, LOGIN_DENIED, ZERO_DIVIDE.


·         These are the other standard Oracle Server errors.
·         These exceptions need to be declared ion the declarative section and raised by Oracle server implicitly.


·         These are the conditions that the developer determines as abnormal.
·         These need to be declared and raised explicitly.


Statement is used to associate a declared exception with the standard Oracle Server error number.
Syntax: - PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (exception, error number)
Ø  SQLCODE, SQL ERRM are two functions which can be used to identify the associated error code or error message when exception occurs.
·         SQLCODE function returns the numeric value for the error code.
·         SQLERRM function returns the character data containing the message associated with the error number.
·         SQLCODE f SQLERRM cannot be used directly in SQL statements.
2.    What is Dynamic SQL?
Ø  Dynamic SQL is a SQL statement that contains variables that can change during runtime.
Ø  It is a SQL statement with place holders and is stored as a character string.
Ø  Dynamic SQL enables DDL, DCL or session control statements to be written and executed (by) from PL/SQL.
·         Dynamic SQL can be written in two ways.
A)          DBMS_SQL. -à 8i
B)          Native Dynamic SQL.  -à 8i
Ø  Basically Dynamic SQL means creating the SQL statements dynamically at runtime by using variables.
Ex: - Dynamic SQL can be used to create a procedure that operates on a table whose name is not known until runtime or to execute DDL/DCL/SCS statements.
--à In Pl/SQL such statements cannot be executed statically.
--à EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Statement can perform dynamic single row queries.

D_str  varchar2 (200);
Val varchar2 (20);
D_str= insert into table1 values (;val);
Val= ‘ Bye’ Execute Immediate str using val; end;

3.    What are Autonomous Transactions?
Ø  Autonomous transactions are the processes run independently of its parent.
Ø  By means of Autonomous Transaction, the current transaction can be temporarily suspended and another operation can be begun.
Ø  The basic idea behind this is to have some operation take place independently of the current transaction.
Ex: - to allow error messages written to table to be committed but to rollback everything else that has taken place prior to the error.
Ø  The autonomous or child transaction can commit or rollback as applicable with the execution of the parent transaction being resumed upon its completion.
Ø  The parent may then perform further operations of any operations performed with in the child transaction.
Ø  By using Autonomous Transactions, modular and reusable components can be developed more easily.
Ø  In fact Oracle already uses similar functionality internally, known as  recu   transactions to handle the updating of system resources.
Ex: - When one application selects ‘nextval’ from a non eached sequence, the value is in the database.
Ø  Thus a second application will always get the incremented application has committed or rolled back.
Ø  Autonomous Transaction should be defined in PL/SQL in the following manner.

Ø  Autonomous transaction also can be nested.
Ø  The parent transaction remains active while any statements specified in the declare section of the autonomous unit are executed.
Ø  As the code unit exits and control returns to the parent the main (parent) transaction is resumed and the transaction context is switched back to the parent.
5.    What is Bulk binding of Bulk collect?

Bulk Binding:-

Ø  The assignment of values to PL/SQL variables in SQL statements is called binding.
Ø  The binding of an entire collection at once is refilled to as bulk binding.
Ø  Bulk bind improves performance by minimizing the number of context switches between PL/SQL and SQL engines while they pass an entire collection of elements (varray, nested tables, index-by table or host array) as bind variables back and forth.
Ø  Prior to Oracle 81, the execution of every SQL statements required a switch between the Pl/SQL and SQL engines, where as bulk binds use only one context switch.
Ø  Bulk binding includes the following
A)       Input collections; use the FORALL statement.
B)       Output collections, use the BULK COLLECT clause.


Ø  Input collections are data passed from Pl/SQL engine to the SQL engine to execute INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements.
Syntax:- FORALL index in lower_bound.. upper_bound sql_statement;



Ø  Output collections are the data passed from the SQL engine to the PL/SQL engine as a result of SELECT or FETCH statements.
Ø  The keyword BULK COLLECT can be used with SLECT INTO, FETCH INTO and RETURNING INTO clauses.
Syntax: - BULK COLLECTS into collection_name,

6.    What are Materialized Views and Snapshots?
Materialized View:-
Ø  A Materialized view is a replica of a target master from a single point in time.
Ø  In Oracle 7, it is terned as SNAPSHOT
Ø  Oracle 7.1.6 --à Uptable Snapshots
Ø  Oracle 7.3 -à Primary Key Snapshots
Ø  Oracle 8 -à Materialized view
Ø  Oracle 9 -à Multifier Materialized View.
Ø  Materialized views can be used both for creating summaries to be utilized in data warehouse environments.
v  Replicating data in distributed environments.
Target Master -à The table(s) which is (are) referenced by the MVIEW query.
Best Table -à The tables are that is (are) created by MVIEW create statement and that stores data that satisfy the MVIEW query.
Syntax: - Create materialized view <name>
            Refresh fast
            Start with sysdate
            Next sysdate +1 as
            Select *from <master table>;
Ø  Since this is a fast refreshed MVIEW the master table should have a log (Master log) to record the changes on it that can be created by running.
Create materialized view log on master_table;
-à This statement creates the following objects
Ø  a table called MLOG$_Master_table
Ø  An internal trigger on Master_table that populates the log table.
Ø  Master Log tables (MLOG$) are used by fast refresh procedure.

Refreshing Materialized Views:-

Ø  Initially a materialized view contains the same data as in the master table.
Ø  After the MVIEW is created, changes can be made to the master table and possibly also to the MVIEW.
Ø  To keep a MVIEW data relatively current with the data in the master table, the MVIEW must be periodically refreshed.
v  Refresh can be accomplished by one of the following procedures.
Dbms_mview.refresh (<mview list>, <Refresh types>)
Dbms _ refresh.refresh (<Refresh Groups>)
Refresh Types -à Complete Refresh, Fast Refresh, Force Refresh
v  Complete Refresh is performed by deleting the rows from the snapshot and inserting the rows satisfying the MVIEW query.
v  In Fast refresh only the rows updated since last refresh are pulled from the master table to insert into MVIEW.
v  This requires a log table called as MVIEW Log to be created on the Master Table.
v  Force refresh first tries to run a Fast refresh if possible.
v  If fast refresh is not possible, it performs complete refresh.


Ø  These are used to refresh multiple snapshots in a transitionally consistent manner.
Ø  When a refresh group is refreshed all MVIEWS in that group are populated with data from a consistent point in time.
Ø  Refresh groups are managed by using the procedures in the package

Ø  DBMS-REFRESH, MAKE of DBMS-REFRESH.ADD are used to create a refresh group and add new snap shots to an existing group.


1.    Read-only materialized views
ü  DML cannot be performed on the snapshots in this category.
2.    Up datable materialized views
ü  These MVIEWS eliminates the restriction of DML’s on snapshots.
3.    Sub query materialized views
ü  These are the MVIEW’S that are created with sub queries in the WHERE clause of a MVIEW query.
4.    Row id Vs Primary Key materialized views
ü  MVIEW’S that use Row id for refresh are called Row id MVIEW’s (Oracle 7).
ü  MVIEW’S that use primary key for refresh are called primary key MVIE’S(Oracle 8).
ü  Fast refresh requires some association (mapping) Between rows at snapshot and master tables.
5.    Multitier materialized views (Oracle 9)
ü  In this type MVIEW, its master table itself is a MVIEW.
ü  This feature enables fast refresh of MVIEW’S that have MVIEW’S as their masters.
ü  Many companies are structured on at least three levels
A.    International
B.    National
C.    Local
ü  Many nodes at both the national and local levels are required
ü  The best possible solution in such cases is to use multifier MVIEW’S.
6.    Simple Vs Complex MVIEW’S.
ü  MVIEW’S being simple or complex determines whether it can be fast refreshed or not.
ü  A MVIEW is fast refreshable if it is simple.
ü  A MVIEW is not fast refreshable if it is complex.
ü  A MVIEW can be considered CONNECT BY, INTERSECT, MINUS or UNION or UNION ALL clauses in its detining query.
Ø  The following data types are not supported in MVIEW replication.
A) LONG          B) LONG RAW        C) BFILE     D) UROWID
Ø  MVIEW’S are typically used in data ware house or decision support systems.


Ø  Snapshots are mirror or replace of tables in a single point of time.
Ø  A Snapshot is a local copy of a table data that originates from one or more remote master tables.
Ø  To keep a snapshots data current with the data of its master the Oracle server must periodically refresh the snapshot.


Ø  Views are built using the columns from one or more tables.
Ø  The single table view can be updated, but the view with multiple tables cannot be updated.
Ø  A snapshot contains a complete or partial copy of a target master table from a single point in time.
Ø  A snapshot may be read only or up datable.

7.    How duplicate rows are deleted?
Duplicate rows are deleted by using ROWID
Syntax à delete from <Table>
Where ROWID not in (Select max (ROWID) from  <Table>
                     Group by <Column_name>);

8.    How do you call function and procedure in PL/SQL as well as in SQL prompt?
SQL*plus à EXECUTE < Function/Procedure name >;      (SQL prompt)
PL/SQL à < Procedure Name / Function Name>;    (From another procedure)
Development Tools à <Procedure name>;

9.    Difference between IN and OUT parameters.
Three types of parameters
  1.  IN                     2. OUT           3.IN OUT
IN parameter:
Ø  This parameter passes a values from the calling environment into the procedure.
Ø  This is the default mode
Ø  A formal parameter of In mode cannot be assigned a value ( we IN parameter cannot be modified in the body of the procedure )
Ø  IN parameters can be assigned a default value in the parameter list.
Ø  IN parameters are passed by reference.
OUT parameters: 
Ø  OUT parameter must be assigned a value before returning to the calling environment.
Ø  OUT parameter passes a value from the procedure to the calling environment
Ø  OUT parameter can not be assigned a default value in the parameter list.
IN OUT parameter:
Ø  this type of parameter pass a value from the calling environment into the procedure and a possibly different value from the procedure back to calling environment using the same parameter.
Ø  IN OUT parameter cannot be assigned a default value. * By default OUT & IN OUT parameters are passed by value.
Ø  These can be passed by reference by using NOCOPY.

10. Triggers:
Ø  A trigger is a PL/SQL block or a PL/SQL procedure associated with a table view schema or the database.
Ø  The code in the trigger executes implicitly whenever a particular event occurs.
Two types of triggers:

Application trigger

Ø  fires whenever an event occurs with in a particular application

Database Trigger

Ø  Fires whenever a data event (Such as DML ) or system event (such as log on or shut down) occurs on a schema or database.
Ø  Executes implicitly when a data event. Such as DML on a table (insert, delete or Update), an INSTEAD OF trigger on a VIEW or DDL statements are issued no matter which user is connected or which application is used.
Ø  Also executes implicitly when some user or data base system actions occur.
Ex. When user logs on to the system.
Ø  When DBA shuts down the data base.
Ø  Date base triggers can be defined on tables and on views.
Ø   If a DML operations as issued on a view, the INSTEAD OF trigger defines what action takes place, if these actions include any DML operations on tables, then any triggers on the base tables are fired.
Ø  Data base triggers can be system triggers on a data base or a schema.
Ø  With a data base, triggers fire for each event for all users, with a schema, triggers fire for each event for the specific user.

Recursive trigger :
Ø  This is a trigger that contains a DML operation changing the very same table.
Cascading Trigger:
Ø  The action of one triggers cascades to another trigger, causing this second trigger to fire.
Ø  Oracle server allows up to 32 triggers to cascade at any one time.
Ø  This number can be changed by changing the value of the OPEN - CORSORS. Data bases initialization parameter. (Default value is 50).
Ø  A triggering statement should contain
1.    Trigger Timing
Before, After (For Table)
Instead of (For View)
Ø  Determines when the trigger needs to be fired in relation to the triggering event.
2.    Triggering Event->Insert, Update, Delete
Ø  Determines which on the table or view causes the trigger to fire.
3 Trigger Type-> Statements, Row
Ø  Determines how many times the trigger body executes
4 Table name->Table, View
5 Trigger body à PL/SQL – block
Ø  Determines what actions the trigger should perform.
ü  INSTEAD of triggers are used to provide a transparent way to modifying views that cannot be modified directly through SQL, DML statements because the view is not modifiable.
-à INSTEAD of triggers provide writing of Insert, Update and Delete statements against the view.
Ø  The INSTEAD if trigger works invisibly in the background performing the action coded in the trigger body directly on the underlying tables.
Ø  INSTEAD of trigger execute the trigger body instead of the triggering statement.

Statement Triggers

Ø  In this type of triggers, the trigger body executes once for the triggering event.
Ø  This is the default.
Ø  Statement triggers fires once, even if no rows are affected at all.

Row Trigger

Ø  In this type, the trigger body executes once for each row affected by the triggering event.
Ø   Row trigger is not executed if the triggering event affects no rows.
ü  A view cannot be modified by normal DML if the view query contains set operators, group functions, group by, connect By, start with clauses or joins.

11. Mutating Table
Ø  A Mutating table is a table that is currently being modified by an UPDATE, DELETE OR INSERT statement, or a table that might need to be updated by the effects of a declarative DELETE CASCADE referential integrity action.
Ø  A table is not considered mutating for statement triggers.
Ø  A mutating table cannot be changed because the resulting DML could change data that is in consistent state.

12. What is SQL Trace?  
Ø  SQL Trace is the main method for collecting SQL execution information in Oracle collecting a wide range of information and statistics that can be used to tune SQL operations.
Ø  The SQL – Trace facility can be enabled / disabled for an individual session or at the instance level.
Ø  If the initialization parameter SQL-TRACE is set to TRUE in the init.ora of an instance, then all sessions will be traced.
Ø  SQL-TRACE can be set at the instance level by using the initialization parameter SQL-TRACE.
Ø  SQL-TRACE can also be enabled / disabled at the system/session level by using. Alter system/session set SQL-TRACE = TRUE/FALSE.

13. Explain Plan
Ø  Explain plan command generates information that details the execution plan that will be used on a particular query.
Ø  A uses a pre created table (PLAN_TABLE) in the current schema to store information about the execution plan chosen by the optimizer.

à Creating the plan table
Ø  Plan table is created by using the script utl x plan, sql
(Oracle Home / RDBMS / admin / uti x plan.sql)
UNIX à $ ORACLE_HOME / rdbms / admin
This script creates an output table, called PLAN-TABLE for holding the output of the explain command.
à Populating the PLAN TABLE
Ø  PLAN TABLE is populated using the explain plan.
SQL> Explain Plan for select * from emp where emp no = 1000;
Ø  This command inserts the execution plan of the SQL statement into the plan table.
Ø  A name tag can be added to explain information by using the set statement_id clause.

Displaying the Execution Plan

Ø  Once the table has been populated, the explain info needs to be retrieved and formatted.
Ø  Number of scripts is available to format the plan table data.
$ ORACLE_HOME/rdbms / admin / utlxpls. Sql – to format serial explain plans.
$ ORACLE_HOME/ rdbms/admin/utlxpil. Sql – to format parallel explain plans.

Ø  The AUTOTRACE facility in SQL* plus allows analysts to view the execution pan d some useful statistics for a SQL statement within a SQL*plus session.
Ø  AUTOTRACE needs to be initiated in the SQL*Plus session prior to executing the statement.
Ø  As with the explain plan command, to obtain an execution plan the PLAN-TABLE must be created in the user’s schema prior to Auto Tracing.
SQL> Set Auto trace trace only explain
SQL> Select * from dual;
Ø  To enable viewing of STATISTICS data, the auto tracing user must have access to dynamic performance tables.
Ø  To achieve this, grant PLUS TRACE role to the user.
PLUS TRACE role is created by the plus trace. Sql script
$ ORACLE_HOME / sql plus admin
SYS user must run this script.
DBA can them grant the role to the users who wish to use the AUTOTRACE.
15. TK PROF  
Ø  Tk prof facility accepts as input a SQL Trace File and produces a formatted output file.
Ø  Tk Prof Filename_source filename_output EXPLAIN = [user name / password] sys = [yes/no] TABLE = [Table Name]

16. How do you add trace to a report?
  By using the package SRW.TRACE_ADD_OPTION
17. How do you execute a specified DDL in a report?
BY using the package PW.DO_SQL
18. How do you generate message in reports?
By using the packages PW.MESSAGE (Reg Num, );
19. Explain BLOBS of CLOBS?
LOBà  A LOB is a data type that is used to store large, unstructured data such as text, graphic images, video, clippings etc.
ü   Four large object data types.
BLOB: Represents a binary large object
CLOB: Represents a character large object
NCLOB: Represents a multi byte character object.
BFILE: Represents a binary file store of in an os binary file outside the data base.
LOB’S  à Internal LOBS (CLOB, BLOB, NCLOB), External Files (BFILE)
Ø  Depending on the storage aspects and their interpretation by Oracle server.
ü  LONG_TO_LOB API is used to migrate LONG columns to LOB columns.


LOB Locator

Ø  A table can have multiple LOB columns
Ø  The maximum size of a LOB can be 4 GB
Ø  LOB’S return the locator
Ø  LOB’S store a locator in the table end data in a different segment unless the data is less than 4000 bytes.

LOB value (real data)

   LOB locator (pointer to the location of the LOB value)                   

Ø  A LOB column doesn’t contain the data and it contains the located of the LOB value.
Ø  When a table is created with LOB column, the default storage is ENABLESTORAGE IN ROW.
Ø  If DISABLE storage in Row option is used the LOB value is not stored in the ROW even if the size is less then 4000 bytes.



Ø   Stored inside the Oracle server.


Ø   BFILE’S are external LOB’S.
Ø   These are stored in OS files outside the database table spaces.
Ø   The data type is BFILE.
Ø   BFILE data file stores a locator to the physical file.
Ø   BFILE can be GIF, JPEG, MPEG, text or other formats.
ü  DBMS_LO.READ of DBMS_lob.WRITE are used to manipulate LOBS.
20. Oracle Applications Architecture
Ø  Internet computing Architecture is a frame work for 3-tired, distributed computing that supports Oracle Applications products.
Ø  The Three tiers are
1.    Data Base Tier
2.    Application Tier
3.    Desk Top Tier
Ø  Database tier manages Oracle 8i database.
Ø  Application tier manages Oracle Applications and other tools.
Ø  Desktop tier provides the user interface displace.
Ø  With internet computing architecture, only the presentation layer of Oracle Applications is on the Desk Top tier in the form of a plug-in to a standard internet browser

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