Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Express Receipts in Oracle Purchasing - R12.2

Express Transactions

The express transaction function is a quick method of entering receipts and receiving transactions.

Step1: Create a PO.

Create a purchase order and go to line level shipments and select the inventory organization.

Click on Distributions and give the sub-inventory details.

Do the same exercise and create an additional line in the PO as below.

Step 2: Receiving Options

Go to receiving options and enable "Allow Express Transactions" box.

NAV: Setup------ Organizations------ Receiving Options.

Step 3: Receipting.

NAV: Receiving--- Receipts.

Come to receiving form and enter the PO number and supplier details and Find.

(In case if you have multiple Po’s for the same suppliers, you can query with only supplier)

Click on "Express" ad select the destination type as "Final Destination" and click OK.

Select the lines and save.

Here if we observe the destination type in the form says Receiving.

Once saved you will find the below note saying that there were two express transactions created. Click OK.

Now there will a concurrent program which runs as below and make sure that ends without any error.

Step 4: Check the transaction.

Now check the Receiving transaction summary form and check the transaction.

NAV: Receiving----- Receiving Transaction Summary.

Give the PO number, supplier and select the transactions below and find.

Now we will find two lines created for one transaction which is Receive and Deliver.

1 comment:

  1. If sub inventory locator controlled then is this process work?
