Introduction to Data Groups
A data group is a list of Oracle Applications and the Oracle username assigned to each application. Each application in a data group must have a Oracle username assigned to it. An application may be listed only once in a data group. An Oracle username and password allow access to an application's tables in an Oracle database. Each Oracle username in a data group determines the database tables and table privileges accessible by the corresponding application or applications.Figure 1 - 8.
Data Group's Purpose
Each responsibility has a data group associated with it. A data group serves two purposes:- 1. It identifies the Oracle username that forms connect to when you select the responsibility.
- 2. Concurrent managers use a data group to match the application
that owns a report or concurrent program (submitted by a user of the
responsibility) with a Oracle username.
Remarks on Data Group's structure
There are four points concerning the makeup of any Data Group.- 1. Within each data group, an application can be listed only one time.
- 2. Within each data group, an Oracle username can be paired with more than one application.
- Application Object Library's Oracle username cannot be updated or deleted.
- Application Object Library owns the database tables that oversee concurrent processing and the standard submission of reports by any Oracle Application.
- 4. Within each data group, a Tool Oracle username can be associated
with each application-Oracle username pair. If that application-Oracle
username pair is chosen as the one for forms to connect to when the
responsibility is selected, then the Tool Oracle username is relevant,
and appears by default.
Attention: To prevent users of a responsibility from connecting to the database using a Tool Oracle username, you can backspace over (erase) the default entry. You cannot select a Tool Oracle username associated with another application in the data group.The Tool Oracle username identifies the database tables and privileges a user of the responsibility has when connecting to the database using an Oracle Tool, for example, SQL*Plus.
- When users of the responsibility select Oracle Tools window to run a tool that requires a database connection, the Tool Oracle Username appears as the default tool access Oracle Username.
- Users do not need to enter an Oracle password to use the Oracle Username.
Attention: The Oracle Tools window may not be available on your desktop platform.
Warning: If the Oracle Tool is query-only, for example, Oracle Browser, you may assign an unrestricted Tool Oracle Username. If the Oracle Tool allows write privileges, you should assign a Tool Oracle Username that is restricted (read-only).
Warning: Modifying data or table structures using an Oracle Tool, for example, SQL*Plus or SQL*Forms, may damage your data's integrity and is not supported by Oracle.
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