Thursday, 15 May 2014

Writing a Skip Rule Formula in Oracle HRMS Payroll

Sometimes it is a requirement that a formula is processed when a certain condition is met. For instance, your company would pay an allowance every quarter. So to achieve this goal, there a functionality available of writing Skip Rule Formula.

Here is the element window and where we specify the Skip Rule.

Navigation: Global HRMS Manager -> Total Compensation -> Basic-> Element Description

Element Description - Skip Rule

Now Let's write the Skip Rule Formula.

Navigation: Global HRMS Manager -> Total Compensation -> Basic-> Write Formulas

Write Formula - Skip Rule

Choose Edit and write your formula as follows:


skip_flag = 'y'


Return skip_flag

Verify the formula, close the Edit window, and save your work.

Formula Code - Skip Rule

Now navigate back to Element screen.

Navigation: Global HRMS Manager -> Total Compensation -> Basic-> Element Description

Now select the skip rule formula field as shown in Screenshot 1.

1 comment:

  1. hi,
    how can i pay an amount once each four year using the same concept.
