107. What are value sets ?
Ans. Value sets are nothing but a list of values with some validations.There are 8 types of value sets.They are
7.Translatable Independent
8.Translatable Dependent
108. What do you mean by HZ_ in customer tables ?
Ans. hz stores the customer information
some table which stores customer information
hz_parties -> store oraganization and people information
hz_cust_accounts -> sores customer informatiom
hz_cust_acct_sites_all->customers site info like bill-to ship-to
hz_cust_site_use_all->stores the business requirement of the site
hz_location->physical location address of customers
109. How can you handle multiple rows without using loops in PL/SQL ?
Ans. Using cursors.
110. What are the different types of files used in SQL Loader ?
Ans. There are 5 files are user in SQL Loader.
they are.
1. Data File.
2.Control File.
3.Log file.
4.Bad File.
5.Discard file.
data file and control file are required file.
SQL> sqlldr userid apps/apps control XYZ.ctl
This control file contain the referance of data file.
log file and bad file autometically created by sql Loader.
and Discard file is optional.
111. What are Interface table in AP, AR,GL ?
112. What are the setup steps for AP, AR, GL?
Ans. Below are some of the Main Step in GL, AP, AR Module
GL: Account Flex field
Account Combinations
Period Types
Define Calendar
Define Currency
Define Set of Books
Assign Set of Books to Responsibility
Daily Conversion Rate Types
JE Sources
System Controls
Profile Options
Open and Close Accounting Period
AP: Define Payables Lookups.
Define Purchasing Lookups.
Define payment programs.
Define your payment terms.
Define bank accounts.
Define Suppliers.
Define invoice approval codes.
Open your Payables accounting period.
AR: Define Payment Terms
Open and Close Period
Auto Accounting
Transaction Types
Transaction Source
Approval Limit
Remittance Bank
Payment Method
Receipt Source
Aging Bucket
Customer Profile Classes
Customer Sites
Uses of Customer Sites (Ship to /Bill to)
Remit-to Address
113. In how many ways can you enter a journal in GL?
Ans. We can enter journal in GL in Three Ways.
1) Entering Journal by Journal Entry Screen on Application Side.
2) Importing Journals to GL by Interface.
3) Using Application Desktop Integrator ( ADI).
114. What is the difference between cross-validation rules and security-rules?
Ans. SR rules specify responsiblity level SR restrict user dedine segment values
cvr specify chart of account level cvr restrict enter the code combination
115. What is ICA (Internet Computing Architecture)?
Ans. In ICA we have desktop Client Application Server and Database Server.
116. How to take care of null values in SQL Loader ?
Ans. By using the following statement in Control file.
117. If any conflict occurs in FSG the who will override Column Set or Row Set ?
Ans. Column set provided while defining Columns you should have checked the Override Row Calculations checkbox.
118. Can you add a descriptive FlexField to a table which already have data in it ?
Ans. Yes we can add a DFF if table already have a data.
119. What are AP setup steps ?
Ans. setup---->suppliers....>invoices..>payments.....>reports......>periods.....>transfer to GL
120. What id recurring invoices ?
Ans. Recurring invoices are those invoices which re occur after a specific time interval eg. Monthly Rent
121. What are the setup steps for testing ?
Ans. ifits for PVCS testing instance then step -1 : developers develop or customize the form and is stored in the PVCS patches with the lateast version.step -2: this patches or developing packets are then compiled and tested at the end userplacestep 3: the developed PVCS packets are tested at the testing instance.if nay comopilation errors exist then they are again send to the developing insatnce or it is subimmitted to DBA to for production instance.
122. What is the difference between discounts and adjustments?
Ans. adjustment is some thing that is written off on a invoice.eg a customer short pays a 100$ invoice by 5 $ you write off this 5$ this is an adjustment.
while a discount is something a customer gets from our side. eg if the customer has net 30 5 discount in his payment term this means if he pays within 30 days he gets a discount of 5 so for the above eg the customer pays 95$ within 30 and oracle gives him a discount of 5$ automatically
from accounting perspective the 5$ of the adj will go to the account of the receivable activity
123. What are different types of invoices and what is a recurring invoice?
Ans. Types of Invoices:
1)standard invoice 2)pre-payment 3)debit memo 4)credit-memo 5)with-holding tax 6)PO DEFAULT 7) Quick Match 8)Expense Reort
Recurring Invoices: Recurring Invoices are the invoices in which the payment falls on every month such as rent electricity etc.
124. What are cycles of GL, AP, and AR?
Ans. the process is
P2P cycle come into picture here in AP GL AR. Its procure 2 pay
125. What are Summary Accounts and Roll up groups ?
Ans. Summary Account: An account whose balance represents the sum of other account balances. We can use summary accounts for faster reporting and inquiry as well as in formulas and allocations.
Rollup Groups: A collection of parent segment values for a given segment. We use rollup groups to define summary accounts based on parents in the group. We can use letters as well as numbers to name the rollup groups.
1. Single Inventory OrganizationIs it possible to have a single inventory organization associated to Multiple Operating Units?
Ans. Yes it Is possible to have a single inventory organization associated to Multiple Operating Units. each organization you created will have an Organization_ID. Operating unit is an organization and inventory organization is an organization too and each of them have its own ID.
2. Segment QualifiersWhy should we have to give flexfield qualifiers for company and account segments?
Ans. Segment qualifiers is the way off letting the system know how to for eg balance a company segment. Unless the system knows which segment is the company segment all reporting may not balance at the company level
3. advance pricing :what is advance pricing and how do you define it in oracle application
Ans. Oracle Advanced Pricing supports e-business applications by providing a flexible pricing engine that executes pricing and promotional calculations for Oracle Order Management and other Oracle Applications. This application is licensed as Oracle Advanced Pricing.
Oracle Advanced Pricing provides the flexibility to meet the needs of complex pricing situations for a range of demanding industry business requirements which include: Consumer goods telecommunications services high technology automotive businesses and aerospace/defense businesses that sell to other businesses. Telemarketing mail order catalog and web store businesses that sell directly to consumers. Oracle Advanced Pricing provides advanced pricing capabilities that enable you to set up your pricing information and to model complex data relationships to determine the correct price.
4. suppliers mergeAt the time of suppliers merge if we choose None (Means all the invoices are not transferred) then how will you make the payment of old suppliers invoices?
5. What are Oracle Apps API? Where APIs are physically store? n What is the latest version of API?
Ans. They are Application Program Interfaces which are standard stored procedure package or functions created for performing specific activities in theOracle Apps E-Business Suite.
Ex: The Order Import API when called would create orders corresponding to the record in the Order Interface tables.
6. What is the difference between Customization and Personalization?
Ans. Customization is done by making the changes in the cutom.pll whereas the Form Personalization is done through the Front End in Oracle Apps.
7. What is the difference between spfile and pfile?
Ans. An spfile and a pfile are both init parameter files.
The pfile is a readable text file which you can edit directly in Notepad (Windows) or vi (Unix). The pfile's name is initSID.ora.
The spfile is a binary file which means it can't be edited directly (if you try to edit it directly it'll corrupt the file). The spfile can only be modified by using the "alter system" command. The spfile's name is spfileSID.ora.
The spfile is useful to have because it lets you dynamically make changes to some parameters whereas the pfile does not - you will need to shutdown and startup the instance for any changes you make in the pfile to be applied.
8. What are the validations to be taken in doing Customer Conversion using TCA APIs
9. What is the difference between Supplier and Vendor?
Ans. Supplier - Supplier are those which provide some material to the company but they have not any contract to the company Vendor - They also provide the material to the company but they have contract to the company
10. Explain about localizations (Ind, US) in Oracle Financials ?
Ans. Do u know meaning of localization? In India to identify the person legal entities and suppliers etc use some specific method like PAN TIN TDS. Actually these term differed with nation or state so to capture identification data of legal entities needed to setup a patch in Oracle 11i that called Lacalization patch. Aftersetup a patch we get some more screens menu and reports for lacalizations. Localization made be country specific for US:Faderal Financials for india: india Localizations. I use PAN to identify the Employee in India other side in US use Social Security Number. so we need to setup country specific loacalizations. Mostly varied in taxation identification and business methods-reporting.
11. What is FNDLOAD and how is this used
Ans. FNDLOAD is an API provided by Oracle to download/upload Flexfields Concurrent programs Valuesets Menu etc.
12. What is the use of Translator Code in Trading Partner E-commerce gateway?
Ans. No Answer
13. What is Receipt Routing
Ans. Receipt routing is a process by which the receipt is processed and sent to Accounts Payables for payment to vendor or supplier 3 options are available for processing the receipts in oracle
1. Direct
2. Standard
3.Inspection required Direct : Delivers directly to stores Standard : Standard process of receipts Inspection Required : Raw Material is checked for Quality parameters (as per the quality plan) then accepted or rejected and sent to stores.
14. Open interfaces in oracle application 11i module wise?
Ans. GL
1) Gl Interface using gl_interface (watch out gl_pa_interface and gl_hr_interface new table for 11.5.9 on words)
2) GL Budget Interfce using gl_budget_interface 3) Currency Interface using GL_daily_rates_interface AP 1)Invoice import using ap_invoices_interface ap_invoice_lines_interface 2) AP Expense Report ap_expesne_report_headers_all ap_expense_report_lines_all 3) No interface exists for AP Payment if you try to convert legacy payment But you will need to populate ap_invoice_checks_All and ap_invoice_payment directly(need to get approval from Oracle opening SR on Metalink) AR 1) Invoice Import using auto invoice RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL 2)AR Payement Receipt AR_PAYMENT_Interface_all 3) Customer Import RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE_ALL 4) Sales Tax Interface FA 1) FA_MASS_ADDITIONS Cash Management CE_STatement_headers_int_all CE_statement_lines_interface
15. What is the need of a staging table or temporary table in between flat file and standardinterface table while transferring data from flat file to interface table?
Ans. these staging tables are used to hold temporary data i.e data with in the temporary table will be automatically get deleted when we issue commit or when we close oracle session that depends on how we create table eg: create global temporary table eg1(name varchar2(20) num number(10)) on commit delete rows; this will delete the rows on temporary table when we issue a commit at sql prompt. moreover these staging tables are used to do some primray validations before inserting data into actual tables. so we need data to be erased after inserting into acutal tables. so we go for staging tables. we can use normal tables also as staging table but we need to truncate table for each insert. thats why we go for temporary tables.
16. Interview Questions for Oracle 11i Apps (Manufacturing)?Item Setup FAQs
Once an item is assigned to an organization, is it possible to remove this association at a later time? A. If you have assigned an item to an organization, it can only be deleted from that organization if the item has NOT been transacted. If it has been transacted against youcannot delete the item from the organization. See the Oracle Inventory User's Guide. You can, however, make the status of the item "inactive" on the main region of the Item Define form INVIDITM in 'Item Status' field. This will prevent users from transacting against the item although the item will continue to be included in LOV's. ---
Q. How do you setup Unit of Measure for an item? A. When transacting an item, it will always default to the defined Primary Unit of Measure, so if you need to use another UOM, you must select it from the List of Values when you transact it. This implies that you want the Primary Unit of Measure to be that which is used most often and which is likely to be the smallest unit of that type of item. Once you have set the primary UOM for an item, it CANNOT be changed.
--- Q. How do I change an item's locator control method once I have transacted against it, for example from No Control to Prespecified?
A. You cannot change this attribute if there is onhand quantity for the item. You must first perform a miscellaneous issue of all quantity. Then the attribute can be changed and once the locator(s) are set up, you can perform a miscellaneous receipt to receive the quantity back into a specified subinventory/locator.
--- Q. How do I change an item's Unit of Measure?
A. You CANNOT change the UOM for an item once the UOM is assigned to the item. The suggested solution is as follows: If the item has not been transacted you can delete the item and then re-add it with the correct UOM. If the item has been transacted and has no outstanding orders, purchase orders or WIP jobs you can do the following if approved by your management.
1. Rename the existing item '123' to '123-Bad UOM' and save the item. Any prior history for item '123' will now be associated with item '123-Bad UOM'.
2. Add a new item '123' with the correct UOM.
--- Q. How do I delete an Item Template I no longer use?
A. Suggested steps to follow to delete unwanted Item Templates: 1. Navigate Setup: Items: Templates - Find Item Templates form appears. 2. Click on the LOV, and select the Item Template that is to be removed. 3. Click the [Find] button on the Find Item Templates form. The Item Templates Summary form appears, with the Item Template selected. 4. Click the [Open] button on the Item Templates Summary form, and the Item Templates form appears. 5. From the menu, select Edit | Delete Record, then select Action | Save and Proceed. 6. Close the Item Templates Summary form. Be careful not to delete Item Templates you may need again as they are not retrievable once deleted.
--- Q. Is there a way to create custom item attributes?
A. No but you can create and define the descriptive flexfield for this form. This will allows you to associate additional data with an item such as an attribute. See theOracle System Administrators Users Guide and the Oracle Flexfields Manual for information on creating Descriptive Flexfields.
--- Q. Why does the application prompt you for Organization when you enter the Master Item form for the very first time even though you have only one Master Organization.
A. Once you setup a Multi-Org environment and you enter the form for the first time, there is the possibility there can be more than one MasterOrganization. The application therefore prompts you for an organization which is then used to determine the Master Organization associated with it. In other words, you are choosing the Master Organization by choosing one of the Orgs that belongs to it.
--- Q. How do you change the control level for item attributes from master level to organization level for example. When I try to change this in the Attribute Control Form, I get the message: frm-40200: field protected against update.
A. First change value of the field called "status" to "not used". You should then be able to change the control level of the attribute from master level to org level. Make sure and change tostatus back to what it was before the change and save the record.
--- Q. How do I inactivate an item?
A. On the Master Item Form (Inventory->Items->Master Items), change the item status field to "Inactive" or any another defined status which disables all attributes that make an item usable (stockable, shippable, orderable, etc.). The "Inactivate" status comes pre-seeded with the Application and is for this purpose.
--- Q. What characters can I use in an item name (including special characters)?
A0. The only hard fast rule is not to use the character designated in the segment delimiter for the System Item Flexfield. Also, you will not be able to enter any characters not allowed by the valueset associate with the flexfield. It is recommended that you avoid the use of any char that can be used as a delimiter to avoid future problems. It is best to not use special characters like #@%& if at all possible as these may have a negative impact down the road. Some characters, like percent (%), underscore (_), and pound(#), have special meaning when performing queries by form as do the query operator characters (=!><).
--- Q. Can you change the costing enabled and inventory asset flags on an item that has already been transacted against even if there is no on-hand quantities for the item?
A. Yes, you can change the flags. If you are changing the flags from checked to unchecked you will receive a warning that the associated cost records will be deleted alerting you that the Cost of Goods will not be calculated any longer for transactions of this item. In effect what you are doing is changing the item from an asset item to an expense item. If you are changing the flags from being unchecked to checked then a database trigger will fire and cause cost records to be added for this item. There is no warning that is given.
--- Q. When I create a new item, and choose to assign to All orgs, the application allows me to even though some of those organizations are restricted to my responsibility. Is this the way it is supposed to work? If I assign in anOrganization by Organization fashion, I am not allowed to assign to the restricted organizations.
A. The situation described is standard functionality. Even if a responsibility has limited access to a certain number of organizations, the "Assign to All Organizations" check box will assign the item to all orgs, not just the ones limited to the user's responsibility.
--- Q. How do you tell that an item is an expense item or asset item?
A. Navigate to the Organization Items form: Inventory->Items->Organization Items. Query up the item in question. Change to the "Costing" alternative region. The value of the "Inventory Asset Value" flag determines this. If checked, the item is an asset item.
--- Q. Is there a way to delete or disable an item revision once entered?
A. There is no way to delete a revision nor is there a way to disable it. It must remain there for historical data. The suggested workaround is to create a new item, transfer any Quantity on-hand from the old item to new item and delete the old item. The only down side is you will lose some transaction history.
17. What is business process in oracle applications11i?
Ans. For any Organization or company which is dealt with Business of any kind and the same business process would be studied for mapping into Oracle 11i Software.
18. What is auto invoice in OM module?what is use of it?
Ans. invoice can be raised in two ways 1.auto invoice 2.manual invoice invoice must be raised in ar module na. in manual invoice we will enter all details about customers manually like cust id contacts address . incase on autoinvoice we will not enter all these data. just we will run programs 1. wfbp(work flow background process) this will dump data from omtables to om_interface 2. autoinvoice master program: this will dump data from om_interface to ar_interface 3. autoinvoice import program : this will dump data from ar_interface to ar tables so data will be automatically dumped from om tables to ar tables and invoice will be raised automatically. i dont have table names exactly but i will let you know them later.
19. What is the difference between Organization_id and Org_id ?
Ans. Organization ID refers to a unique id of an inventory organization (mtl_parameters)
Org_id refers to a operating unit (hr_operating_units)
Below is the hirerarchy for your reference.
Set of Books | OU | inv org | sub inventory | Locator
20. Is the accounting entry different for Credit Card Transactions or normal Invoice - Payment transactions. If so, how?
Ans. A credit card order is same as any other order for accounting. i.e. DR Rec CR Rev
But the receipt process can be different depending on ur clients requirements to categorize remitted receipts and cleared receipts different.
Receipt Cleared CR Rec DR Cash ( Clearing account)
Receipt Remitted CR Cash (Clearing) DR Cash ( Remitted account)
if both are setup same in bank then the above is just a moo point :-)
21. What are the setup steps to setup Credit Card Transactions?
Ans. For the setup of Credit Cards we have to initally set Credit Card Programs and Code Sets Window. We are setting credit card programs for our enterprise's credit card and procurement card requirements.Set up Credit Card Program with a card type of Travel for employees to enter credit card transactions on expense reports.Set up Credit Card Program with a card type of Procurement for employees to use procurement cards to purchase items directly from suppliers. In Code Sets Window we are setting credit card codes for our Procurement cards.Payables use these codes to create default accounting distributions for transactions that we import from our credit card issuer.
22. How do we change a custom API to include business needs?
23. What is the difference between data conversion and data migration?
Ans. Data Migration is upgrading from one version to another version fro e.g. from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10.. Data Conversion is receiving data from a legacy system or receiving data from another module ( e.g. PA) validating it and converting it to ur our the target module using the standard import program.
24. What are the related set ups to be done for AP invoice approval?Can we set the approval hierarchy even for this?
Ans. For Approving an invoice in AP we have to raise one invoice for raising an invoice we have some mandatory fields like supplier supplier number Payment terms distribution sets date payment method bank payment document etc. After defining all the above we can raise a invoice There s no need of defining the approval group it s not a mandatory
25. Invoice Accounting - TDS entry not generated in service bills?
Ans. For TDS Credit Memo Generation make sure that TDS Type TDS age and TAxable amount is entered.
26. Which table stores receipts information?
Ans. If you are looking for Receipt information in Receivables (AR) then these are the following tables: 1) AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL (Header Level) 2) AR_CASH_RECEIPT_LINES_ALL (Line Level) and 3) AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_HISTORY_ALL (History) If you are looking for Receipt Information in Purchasing (PO) then the tables are: 1) RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS (Header Level) 2) RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES (Line Level) 27. What is profile options? what are the types of profile options in AR / AP ? Ans. The profile options are available to every product in Oracle Applications. For each profile option we give a brief overview of how Oracle Application Object Library uses the profile's setting. 1)User Level 2)Responsibility Level 3)Application Level 4)Site Level. 28. How many templates use for oracle reports in oracle applications and what they are ? Ans. There are 8 templates in Oracle Reports. 1.Tabular 2.Group Above 3.Group Left 4.Mailing Label 5.Matrix 6.Matrix with Group 7.Form Like 8.Form Letter 29. What is one full life cycle implementation? Ans. Full life cycle is started from scratch to Production which includes mainly 1) Designing Modules. 2)Development of Modules. 3)Testing of Modules. 4)Going to Production. 30. What are _ALL tables in Oracle Apps? Ans. _all tables will store information about multiple oraganizations. these table contain ORG_ID column that picks particular organizations from multiple organizations. _all tables will be created when we install multiorg. 31. What are APIs? Can you name a few APIs? Ans. API - Application Program Interface is a PL/SQL call made to the application to create business transactions or events. This is an alternative to using the interface tables in applications to insert and process transactions. You can find the APIs from the database by querying the all_objects table for name like '%_PUB' eg: AR_ADJUST_PUB in AR to create adjustments 32. What is Ship-From/Customer Rules?Ship-From/Ship-To Rules? Ship-From/Customer Item Rules? Ans. These are Global Scheduling Rules or Logistics Rules use for Scheduling the Order in Order Management. 33. What is descriptive flex field and what is the use of them? What is the procedure for using them? Ans. Descriptive Flexfileds r used to add additional informations.and these values r stored to the column attributes. go to sysadmin application-flexfields-descriptive-segments 34. Why is FND CURRENCY used in reports? Ans. FND_CURRENCY is basic foundation class used to format currency. Ex. 1234556 By using above we can print it as 12 34 556 35. What happens to the form when u register? Ans. Registration of Form in Oracle Apps indicates that the form can be accessed from Oracle Application Responsibility. For that you have define the following. 1. Define the form 2. Define the function 3. Attach the funtion to the Menu 4. Attach the Menu to the responsibility. 36. Difference between Key and Descriptive Flexfield? Ans. Key flex filed is used to store key information whereas descriptive flexfiled is used to store additional informations. ex: if you go to Application Developer then flexfiled---key flexfiled ---segments---segment separator Segment separator is a key flexfiled whereas a small box besides segment separator is descriptive flexfiled. 37. What is Key and Descriptive Flexfield? Ans. Key Flex Field: KFF is a Mandatory field which is already driving the functionality and it is the field where atleast first segment is made mandatory. KFF willbe filled in segments KFF Is mandatory KFF Drives functionality Navigation is Inventory(Navigator)->Setup->FlexField-Key->Segments then you can search for application and the flex field Examples : in Oracle Inventory System Items Stock Locators Item Categories Item Catalogs etc Descriptive Flex Field :Descriptive flex field is the data which can be entered into the each of the oracle forms which can take extra information and this option is there for almost all forms in oracle.you find the option of dff in every form that you work DFF: Is not a mandatory field DFF Information will go into attributes of the table DFF does not drive any functionality but you can drive by writing a custom code on the dff fields.. Navigation is Inventory(Navigator)->Setup->FlexField-Descriptive->Segments then you can search for application and the flex field Examples : in Oracle Inventory System Items subinventories stock locators any other form 38. How to use Flexfields in reports? Ans. There are two ways to use Flexfields in report. One way is to use the views (table name + ‘_KFV’ or ’_DFV’) created by apps, and use the concatenated_segments column which holds the concatenated segments of the key or descriptive flexfields. Or the other way is to use the FND user exits provided by oracle applications. 39. What are forms customization steps ? Ans. For form customization we need to download the template.fmb in binary format from AU_TOP directory. Then rename template.fmb to the your form name and start customizing it. Upload the form into AU_TOP/forms/US Compile the form. Copy the form into respective custom top as INV_TOP PO_TOP etc. For registering in apps - Register form --> Register function --> Register Menu --> 40. Do you have to register feeder programs of interface to AOL ? Ans. Yes ! you have to register the feeder programs as concurrent programs to Apps. 41. How to pass parameters to a report ? Do you have to register them with AOL? Ans. frist of all you have to register the parameters of your repot in AOL. setps 1.switch to SYSADMIN responsibility. 2 register the executable navigation is Concurrent>program>executable 3 register the program for this navigation is concurrent>program>define in this form there is a one button click and register your report parameter. 42. What are the steps to register concurrent programs in Apps ? Ans. The steps to register concurrent programs in apps are as follows : · Register the program as concurrent executable. · Define the concurrent program for the executable registered. · Add the concurrent program to the request group of the responsibility 43. What is the use of Temp tables in Interface programs ? Ans. Temporary tables are used in Interface programs to hold the intermediate data. The data is loaded into temporary tables first and then, after validating through the PL/SQL programs, the data is loaded into the interface tables. 44. What is the use of triggers in Forms ? Ans. Triggers are used in forms for event handling. You can write PL/SQL code in triggers to respond to a particular event occurred in your forms like when user presses a button or when he commits the form. The different type of triggers available in forms are : · Key-triggers · Navigational-triggers · Transaction-triggers · Message-triggers · Error-triggers · Query based-trigger 45. What are Autonomous transactions ? Give a scenario where you have used Autonomous transaction in your reports ? Ans. An autonomous transaction is an independent transaction started by another transaction, the main transaction. Autonomous transactions let you suspend the main transaction, do SQL operations, commit or roll back those operations, then resume the main transaction. Once started, an autonomous transaction is fully independent. It shares no locks, resources, or commit-dependencies with the main transaction. So, you can log events, increment retry counters, and so on, even if the main transaction rolls back. More important, autonomous transactions help you build modular, reusable software components. For example, stored procedures can start and finish autonomous transactions on their own. A calling application need not know about a procedure's autonomousoperations , and the procedure need not know about the application's transaction context. That makes autonomous transactions less error-prone than regular transactions and easier to use. Furthermore, autonomous transactions have all the functionality of regular transactions. They allow parallel queries, distributed processing, and all the transaction control statements including SET TRANSACTION. Scenario : You can use autonomous transaction in your report for writing error messages in your database tables. 46. What is a FlexField ? What are Descriptive and Key Flexfields ? Ans. A flexfield is made up of sub-fields or segments.. A flexfield appers on ur form as a pop-up window that contains a prompt for each segment.Each segment has a name and a set of valid values.. Two types of Flex field.. Key Flexfield: Key flexfield are flexible enough to let any organization use the code scheme they want wothout programming.Key flexfield can be used to represent codes that is made up of meaningful segment to identify GL a/c Part no. and other business entities..Oracle app store these codes in key flexfields.. Descriptive Flexfield: They provide customizable expansion space on ur forms. You can use desc flexfields to tract additional information important and unique to ur business that would not otherwise be captured by the form. 47. What is record group ? Ans. Record group are used with LOVs to hold sql query for your list of values. The record group can contain static data as well it can access data from database tables thru sql queries. 48. What is the use of cursors in PL/SQL ? What is REF Cursor ? Ans. The cursor are used to handle multiple row query in PL/SQL. Oracle uses implicit cursors to handle all it’s queries. Oracle uses unnamed memory spaces to store data used in implicit cursors, with REF cursors you can define a cursor variable which will point to that memory space and can be used like pointers in our 3GLs. 49. What are different report triggers and what is their firing sequence ? Ans. There are five report trigger : · Before Report · After Report · Before Parameter Form · After Parameter Form · Between Pages
The Firing sequence for report triggers is
- Before Parameter Form
- After Parameter Form
- Before Report
- Between Pages
- After Report.
50. How to attach reports in Oracle Applications ?
Ans. Design your report put your file into product_top>version>language>file.name define executable define concurrent add to the request group run the report respective responsibility.
51. How to debug the form?
Ans. Forms has features that helps you more easily debug your application including Debug Messages which notifies you every time a trigger starts to fire and Debug Mode which allows you to dynamically view the execution of your triggers and variables.
52. What is auto reduction?
Ans. LOV Auto-reduction : Lov Auto-reductions is used in forms.
The general idea is to wrie a statement like Select {name column} {value column} from {table} where {name column} like ' {:Combo_Item} ' You can create a record group out of this statement ans populate the combo box dynamically.
When the user types in 0208
This list has the following items is displaced 02080006 02080023 02080116 02080222 02080273 02080452 02080705 02080709 02080749 02080800
53. What are context sensitive segments?
Ans. Context Sensitive Segment is a type of Descriptive Flex Feild.
Context Sensitive Segment: only appears when an appropriate selection is made in the context segment (the controlling field) See below for more details. Global and context-sensitive segments may consist of the following widgets:
http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/blaf/specs/flexfields.html#contextual_descriptive view-only label/data pair text box date picker choice list LOV field
54. What are global segments?
55. What is segment qualifier?
Ans. Segment qualifiers hold extra information about individual segments such as if the account is an Asset Liability or Expense if you can post to the account and more.
When we define a segment value in the Segment Values window we must also assign qualifiers which determine the account type (asset liability or expense) whether budgeting is allowed whether posting is allowed and other information specific to the segment value.
Allow Budgeting Allow Posting Account Type Control Account Reconciliation Flag.
segment qualifier are used to identify a particular segement within key flexfield
56. What is flex field?
Ans. A flexfield is a placeholder set of fields that can be configured by customers for use by their organizations. Once configured, the customer-defined fields (label/widget pairs) may appear in either form or tabular layouts. There are two main types of flexfields: Descriptive flexfields, which are configured as a set of fields that are indistinguishable from core (default) application fields, and key flexfields, which consist of multiple segments for entry of codes, such as a product serial numbers or bank account numbers.
57. How to register Form , Reports?
Ans. Registering Oracle Reports: Step 1: Register a concurrent program executable Navigate to the Define Executable form (AOL Reference manual pg 9-84) This determines the type of program being run,ie an Oracle Report. Fill in the executable name, application and execution method. For the Execution File, fill in just the filename. The concurrent manager will look in the appropriate directory under the application's top directory. For spawned programs, the file must be in the bin directory, for Oracle Reports the rdf file must be in the srw directory. For PLSQL concurrent programs, put the name of the stored procedure. Step 2: Define the concurrent program Navigate to the Define Concurrent Program form (AOL Reference manual pg 9-87) This form links a concurrent program to the executable you just defined, as well as defines the programs parameters, incompatibilities, and other options. Enter the concurrent program name, application, short name and description. Check Standard Submission if you want to be able to submit this program from the Standard Report Submission form. Enter the name of the executable you defined and any report information if necessary. Also define any parameters your program needs here and any incompatibilities. Step 3: Add the concurrent program to a Report Group First you will need to find the name of the Report Group to use. Go to Security->Responsibility and query the responsibility you want to run the program with. It should show a Report Group name. Query this name in Security->Responsibility->Report Add your new program to the list of available programs. Now when you go to submit a request with this responsibility, you will be able to submit your custom program. Forms Registration 1. Develop the form in Developer 2000. 2. Save the FORM and move it to UNIX. [Form to be moved to $CUSTOM_TOP/forms/US] 3. Define the FORM in Application Developer 4. Define FORM as FUNCTION. 5. Identify MENU, where the FORM to be attached. [SysadminResponsibilityDefine] 6.Copy the above MENU and go to Application Developer and query on MENU tab
58. Where you will keep the host source code? Ans. Host resource is located under AU_TOP/11.5.0/bin Ans might be C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. 59. How to implement Flex fields in forms , name the triggers & user exits? Ans. The necessary step we have to follow to implement Flexfield in forms: 1. Create a table through which we are going to create the flex field. 2.Registered the table. 3.Registered the column of the table. 4.Insert few data into the table. 5.fire a commit statement after inserting the data. 6.Nevigate to Oracle System Administrator Responsibility->Corresponding flexfield Register. 7.Nevigate to Oracle System Administrator Responsibility->Corresponding flexfield Segment. 8.Create a non-database field in your form where you are going to implement the flexfield. 9.Define the corresponding flexfield in the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger of your form. 10.Activate the event like WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE and WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM in the created non-database field item by using FND_FLEX.EVENT procedure. 11. Run your form and text it. 60. What is the difference in Quick pick & quick code? Ans. Quick codes form is used to predefine a list of values for a particular field. 61. What are special triggers created in the form when u register it? Ans. No special trigger created in the form when it is registered....the triggers mentioned is created only when one creates the master detail relation ship between two data blocks..... 62. How will u display message for testing the form u modified? Ans. You can use fnd_message.debug('message string'); for testing purpose 63. How can u see the global parameter values in the form without coding? Ans. One way of viewing parameter values at run-time in Apps is by Navigating to Tool-->Examine menu. Enter the block name as parameter and then give the parameter name in the item field and then press tab.examine 64. What was the structure of the accounting flexfield in previous project? Ans. NO ANSWER 65. What is balancing segment?
Ans. Balancing segment is the level for balancing the accounting entries.
For example the accounting flexfield structure is company-costcenter-project.
If you define the balancing segment as company then both debit and credit should be balanced at the company level when the transactions are posted to GL.
66. What is cost center segment? Ans. It is one of the segment in the accounting flexfield. It is not necessary that this segment should always be there in the accounting flexfield, but most of the companies include this segment in the accounting flexfield to post the assets and expenses costcenter wise and get the report accordingly. 67. Can you have two accounting Flexfields in AR? Ans. No. You cannot have more than one Accounting Flexfields for a Set of Books in AR. Accounting Flexfield defines a Chart of Accounts. Having 2 different Accounting Flexfield structure implies that they should correspong to 2 different SoB's because if any of the 3 C's chage (Currency Chart of Accounts and Currency) SoB differs. One can have >1 Accounting flexfield if he has >1 SoB created. 68. What are on-account sales credits? Ans. By definition credits you assign to your customer s account that are not related to a specific invoice. You can create on account credits in the Transaction window or through AutoInvoice. If the item is returned and the order flow for your return includes the Invoicing Activity and if you use a reference source for a return line you can populate the Credit Invoice field. In this case Oracle Receivables creates an applied credit memo and the sales credits from your original invoices are reduced accordingly regardless of the sales credits you enter on the return. If you create an on-account credit from a return sales credits are reduced according to the sales credit information you enter on the return. Order Management also provides the option of not using any reference source and entering return line information without defaults. This results in the creation of a single return line and an on-account credit. 69. What is customer merging? Ans. Customer merging is done to avoid the Customer Duplication For Ex: You can Create Same Customer: ABC Limited as 1) ABC Limited 2) ABC LTD So You can merge ABC LTD to ABC Limited and Maintain ABC Limited going forward 70. What happens when u complete an invoice? Ans. It is interfaced to AR 71. What all things are stored in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX? Ans. The header information about transactions are stored in this view(RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALLtable). The RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table stores invoice debit memo commitment bills receivable and credit memo header information. Each row in this table includes general invoice information such as customer transaction type and printing instructions. One row exists for each invoice debit memo commitment bill receivable and credit memo that you create in Oracle Receivables. Invoices debit memos credit memos bills receivable and commitments are distinguished by their associated transaction types which are stored in the RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL table. 72. What are chargebacks? Ans. A new debit item which we assign to a customer while closing a existing, outstanding debit item is known as 'Chargebacks'. 73. What is lockbox? Ans. Lockbox is a services provided by bank to corporate customers to transfers there payables in receviables so that they can update their balances. here all the cheque or payments are collect by bank and send a dat file to there corporate so that they can directly transfer that file through interface in their modules (ap ar) 74. What is address validation? Ans. The type of validation you want the system to use for your address if you are not using a flexible address format for validation. You can implement address validation at three levels: Error No Validation or Warning. 'Error' ensures that all locations exist for your address before it can be saved. 'Warning' displays a warning message if a tax rate does not exist for this address (allows you to save the record). 'No Validation' does not validate the address
75. What is "Finance Charge"?
Ans. Additional charges that you assign to customers for past due items.Finance charges can be included on your customer s statements and dunning letters.
76. How AR & OE are related?
Ans. AR and OE are related by the following keys: 1. sales_rep_id (oe_order_headers_all <-> ra_salesreps_all) 2. invoice_to_org_id site_use_id (oe_order_headers_all <-> ra_site_users_all)
77. What Credit memo / Debit Memo?
Ans. Credit memo In Oracle Payables and Oracle Projects, a document that partially or fully reverses an original invoice. Debit memos Debits that you assign to a customer to collect additional charges. For example, you may want to charge a customer for unearned discounts taken, additional freight charges, taxes, or finance charges.
78. What is the link between CM & invoice column name ?
Ans. The Parent_invoice_id column of the ap_invoice_distributions_all will give you the main invoice# to which this CM/DM has been matched to.
79.What is set of books?
Ans. You define 3c's i.e. Chart of accounts currency & calender to define chart of accounts
80. How to find overdue invoices?
Ans. Use Past Due Invoice Report.
81. What is accounting rule?
Ans. accounting rules detrmine the period in which the revenues were genereated against the transactions. Rules that Receivables AutoInvoice uses to specify revenue recognition schedules for your transactions. You can define an accounting rule where revenue is recognized over a fixed or variable period of time.
82. What is invoicing rule?
Ans. Invoicing Rule determine when to recognise the receivable for transactions. There are 2 types invoicing rules:Bill in arrears and Bill in advance. Bill in Arrears recognise receivables at the end of the revenue recognistion schedule. Bill in advance recognise receivables as soon as invoice generated.
83. What is auto invoice?
Ans. It is a program that imports invoices credit memos debit memos on account credits from other system to Receivables.
84. List the key flexfields in AR?
Ans. There are 2 Kff's are there in AR1.Sales Tax Location FF-this is a mandatory one to implement2.Territory- its an optional one.
85. Which is the parameter set to validate keyflexfield value?
Ans. Validation occurs on exit of the key flexfield (on the primary page) and any subsequent action is ignored until the validation is finished. Validation on field exit allows robust pre-search capabilities: The value is checked against the database list of values and based on the findings the appropriate functions occur (for example if exact match dependent fields may also be populated or on exit of field with a partial string the Search page may appear allowing the user to select one of the partial string matches.) Source:http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/blaf/specs/flexfields.html#key_populate
86. What is dunning letter?
Ans. Dunning Letter: A letter which is sent to customers to inform about the past due debit items is know as 'Dunning Letter'
87. What is profile?
Ans. Profile is one of the option which is used to change the application based on value.
88. What is pick release
Ans. Pick release is the process by which the items on the sales order are taken out from inventory. The flow is as follows: 1) When an order is booked based on the setups the lines are scheduled and they are ready to release. This means the inventory is informed that there is requirement of certain quantity of certain items on certain date. 2) The inventory person according to availability allocates the items to those SO Lines and reserves them. 3) Then on the day of delivery or somewhere between these items are taken out of inventory and moved to staging subinventory. This means that the items are now ready for shipping and are out of inventory. When the items reach staging subinventory they are said to be picked and shipping execution can now ship these items.
89. Concurrent prg.
Ans. Concurrent Program is nothing but an instance of execution file along with parameters and incompatable.
90. What are the i/p for pick release?
Ans. Order Number -- Order Tab form Warehouse and Ship Locator --INVENTORY Tab form
91. After which stage we can not cancel the order?
Ans. order status has changed to shipped/interfaced/closed these orders only not able to cancel remaining all other order status are possible to cancel
92. What is order cycle
Ans. The order cycle is as follows: Order entry Book the order Schedule the order Pick release Ship confirm Close the order
93. Name important tables from OE /AR?
Ans. AR: Ra_customer_trx_all
94. Give the complete process cycle for OE / AR?
Ans. Order EnteredOrder BookedDispatch EligibleDispatchedPick Release EligiblePick ReleasedShip ConfirmInvoicedPosted in GL
95. Interface tables in OE/AR?
Ans. In Ar 1) Invoice Import using auto invoice