Friday 7 August 2015

Oracle sourcing tables in apps

PON_ACCEPTANCES Stores the acceptance of a respomses for an on-line negotiation of an item.
PON_ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Holds the supplier user response of whether they acknowledged the changes in negotiation amendments.
PON_ACTION_HISTORY To store Approval History
PON_APPLICATION_LOGO Stores details for obtaining the logo for an application.
PON_ATTACHMENTS_INTERFACE Interface table to store imported negotiation attachments
PON_ATTRIBUTE_LISTS Stores the attribute lists that belong to a trading partner.
PON_ATTRIBUTE_SCORES stores the scoring criteria for a particular attribute
PON_ATTRIBUTES_INTERFACE Temporary table that contains the attribute details about the attributes that are transferred from BPA to a negotiation document.
PON_AUC_ATTRIBUTES_INTERFACE Temporary table that contains the attribute details that have been imported or exported to to excel.
PON_AUC_BIZRULE_VALUES Stores  the value for the negotiation business rule
PON_AUC_BIZRULES Stores negotiations business rules
PON_AUC_DOCTYPE_RULES Stores the business rules is applicable to a negotiation document type
PON_AUC_DOCTYPES Stores the negotiation document type
PON_AUC_DOCTYPES_TL Stores the translated document type name
PON_AUC_HEADERS_INTERFACE Interface table to store imported negotiation header information
PON_AUC_ITEMS_INTERFACE Interface table to store imported negotiation item  information
PON_AUC_PAYMENTS_INTERFACE Interface table to store imported information of the payments that are defined on a negotiation for complex services.
PON_AUC_PAYMENTS_SHIPMENTS This contains the details of the payments that are defined on a negotiation for complex services.
PON_AUC_PRICE_DIFFER_INT Temporary table that contains the price differential details that have been imported or exported to to excel.
PON_AUC_PRICE_ELEMENTS_INT Temporary table that contains the price element details that have been imported or exported to to excel.
PON_AUC_SHIPMENTS_INTERFACE Interface table to store imported negotiation shipment  information
PON_AUCTION_ATTR_MAPPING_B Supplier Management project.  Mapping auction attributes to user-defined attributes.
PON_AUCTION_ATTRIBUTES Stores negotiation item attributes.
PON_AUCTION_CURRENCY_RATES Stores the currency conversion rate between the negotiation currency and the response currency
PON_AUCTION_EVENTS Stores the event details of a group of negotiations.
PON_AUCTION_HEADERS_ALL Stores the negotiations header level details.
PON_AUCTION_ITEM_PRICES_ALL Stores the negotiation item details including price.
PON_AUCTION_SECTIONS This table stores the distinct sections for Requirements (Header Attributes)
PON_AUCTION_SHIPMENTS_ALL Stores the negotiation shipment details
PON_AUCTION_SUMMARY Temporary table used to generate summary data for an item involved in an auction to display in the auction summary page
PON_AUCTION_TEMPLATES Stores the template information from which negotiations can be created
PON_AWARD_ALLOCATIONS Contains the allocation of each awarded response  to the backing requisitions for a particular negotiation line.
PON_AWARD_ITEMS_INTERFACE Temporary table used to transfer data from spreadsheet to the negotiation award table.
PON_BACKING_REQUISITIONS This table stores information about all the backing requisitions ties to a negotiation item line
PON_BID_ATTR_VALUES_INTERFACE Temporary table that stores data of response attribute values uploaded from spreadsheet
PON_BID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES Stores the attributes value of a line item which is part of a response to a negotiation.
PON_BID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_ARCH Stores the archive of the response attribute values
PON_BID_HEADERS Contains header level data for a response to a negotiation
PON_BID_HEADERS_ARCH No longer used.
PON_BID_HEADERS_INTERFACE Temporary table that contains the Bid Header details that have been imported or exported to to excel.
PON_BID_ITEM_PRICES Contains information regarding the responses submitted by a supplier on a negotiation.
PON_BID_ITEM_PRICES_ARCH Contains an archive of the response details for an item in a negotiation.
PON_BID_ITEM_REFERENCES Contains information regarding the relation of Unsolcited Lines to Solicitation Lines done by a supplier.
PON_BID_PAYMENTS_INTERFACE Interface table to store imported information of the payments that are defined on a response to a negotiation for complex services.
PON_BID_PAYMENTS_SHIPMENTS This contains the details of the payments that are defined on a response with complex services.  This corresponds to the PON_AUC_PAYMENTS_SHIPMENTS table which defines payments on a negotiation.
PON_BID_PRICE_DIFFER_INT Temporary table that contains the response price differential details that have been imported or exported to to excel.
PON_BID_PRICE_DIFFERENTIALS Response price differentials table
PON_BID_PRICE_ELEMENTS Stores price element bid details included in an auction or RFQ.
PON_BID_PRICE_ELEMENTS_INT Interface table for price element
PON_BID_PRICES_ARCH Contains the archive of the regional response price variation for an item involved in a negotiation.
PON_BID_REBATES This table is used to store rebates for a particular bid
PON_BID_SHIPMENTS Contains the response details for an shipment in a negotiation
PON_BID_SHIPMENTS_INT Store tempory data for Price Breaks spreadsheet uploading.
PON_BIDDERS_LISTS Stores the header level data of an invitation list
PON_BIDDING_PARTIES Stores the parties participating in a negotiation.
PON_BUNDLE_FILES Stores the list of files within a customization bundle
PON_BUNDLES Stores header level data about customization bundles
PON_CACHE_UPDATES The table that stores the last update date of middle tier cached objects that are customizable
PON_COLORS This contains the list of allowable colors which will be used in the Live Console graphs.  The shapes and the associated image file names are also stored.  The colors are used to uniquely identify each supplier's bids on the graphs.
PON_CONTRACTS Stores the contract information such as Terms and Conditions that the negotiation owner would like a participant to accept.
PON_CONTRACTS_TL Stores the contract information in each language
PON_CUSTOM_BUNDLE_FILES Stores the list of files within a customization bundle
PON_CUSTOM_BUNDLES Stores header level data about customization bundles
PON_CUSTOM_IMAGES Stores the image names and sizes for sourcing
PON_CUSTOM_LANGUAGES Contains Enabled Languages available to Sourcing Product
PON_CUSTOM_MESSAGES Stores application messages that are customized
PON_DISCUSSIONS This is the driving table for discussions.
PON_DOCTYPE_STYLES This table stores whether a style is enabled for a document type.
PON_EVALUATION_TEAM_MEMBERS Supplier Management project.  Evaluation team members table.
PON_EVALUATION_TEAM_SECTIONS Supplier Management project.  Evaluation team sections table.
PON_EVALUATION_TEAMS Supplier Management project.  RFI Evaluation Team table.
PON_FBO_POSTS This will store history of notice posted to FedBizOpps
PON_FIELDS Stores information about a field.
PON_FIELDS_TL Stores translatable information about a field.
PON_FORM_FIELD_VALUES Stores the form data.
PON_FORM_SECTION_COMPILED Stored the "compiled form".
PON_FORM_SECTION_FIELDS Stores the relationships between a form, section or abstract and its components.
PON_FORMS_INSTANCES Stores the relationship between the form and the negotiation/event.
PON_FORMS_SECTIONS Store the header details for a form, section or abstract.
PON_FORMS_SECTIONS_TL Stores the language specific information for a form, section or abstract.
PON_FPJ_DELETED_ATTRIBUTES This table is used to store data from the attributes table  that was deleted as part of the Minimun release upgrade
PON_FPK_DELETED_PRICE_ELEMENTS This table stores information about the deleted unit price elements in FPK.
PON_GLOBAL_BUTTON Stores the button configuration that are usually used for starting or completing a task
PON_IMAGES Stores the images available to this Exchange
PON_INTERFACE_ERRORS Contains any errors from interfaces to other applications
PON_ITEM_PRICES_INTERFACE Temporary table contains the item price details that have been imported or exported to to excel.
PON_LANGUAGE_SETTINGS Stores the language settings required for screen display
PON_LARGE_NEG_PF_VALUES This table stores the buyer price factor values for a given supplier for a large negotiation
PON_MNG_EVAL_BID_SECTIONS Supplier Management project. Table to track sections removed or added to evaluations after Manage Evaluation Teams.
PON_MNG_EVAL_TEAM_MEMBERS Supplier Management project. Table to track changes to team members after Manage Evaluation Teams.
PON_MNG_EVAL_TEAM_SECTIONS Supplier Management project. Table to track changes to team sections assignment after Manage Evaluation Teams.
PON_NEG_TEAM_MEMBERS Stores Collaboration Team member details included in a negotiation or template.
PON_NEGOTIATION_STYLES This table stores  negotiation style related information.
PON_NEGOTIATION_STYLES_TL This table stores language specific negotiation style information.
PON_NOTIF_GROUP_MEMBERS This table stores the individual notifications assigned to a particular group.
PON_NOTIF_SUBSCRIPTION_GROUPS This table stores the notification subscription preferences for the sourcing instance.
PON_OFFER_COMMITMENTS Stores the commitments for an Offer
PON_OPTIMIZE_BID_CLASS This table stores the suppliers for a particular constraint
PON_OPTIMIZE_CONSTRAINTS This table stores information about the user created constraints
PON_OPTIMIZE_RESULTS This table stores information about the results of award optimization scenarios
PON_OPTIMIZE_SCENARIOS This table stores information about the award optimization scenarios
PON_PARTY_LINE_EXCLUSIONS Table stores negotiation line restrictions for a particular supplier/line combination
PON_PARTY_PREFERENCES Stores data for a party preferences within an application
PON_PF_SUPPLIER_FORMULA This table stores aggregated price factor values for a given supplier.
PON_PF_SUPPLIER_VALUES This table stores auction costfactor values for invited suppliers.
PON_PRICE_DIFFER_INTERFACE Interface table to store imported negotiation price differential  information
PON_PRICE_DIFFERENTIALS Negotiation price differentials table
PON_PRICE_ELEMENT_LISTS Stores price element list details
PON_PRICE_ELEMENT_TYPES Stores price element type details
PON_PRICE_ELEMENT_TYPES_TL Stores price element type language details
PON_PRICE_ELEMENTS Stores price element details included in an auction or RFQ.
PON_SCORING_TEAM_MEMBERS PON_SCORING_TEAM_MEMBERS is a logical intersection entity between PON_NEG_TEAM_MEMBERS and PON_SCORING_TEAMS. It lists the members for each scoring team for a given negotiation. Typically this will be a subset of those collaboration team me
PON_SCORING_TEAM_SECTIONS PON_SCORING_TEAM_SECTIONS records the team that has been assigned the responsibility of scoring each header attribute group for a negotiation that allows team scoring.  Only one team may be assigned to a particular header attribute group wh
PON_SCORING_TEAMS This table stores information about scoring teams that may be created optionally for a negotiation. A scoring team is a group of collaboration team members who are assigned the responsibility of evaluating various negotiation attribute grou
PON_SIDEBAR_ITEMS Stores sidebar item data
PON_SUBTAB Stores the tab configurations of the 2nd level navigation
PON_SUBTAB_PERM Stores the visibility permisions for a subtab
PON_SUPPLIER_ACCESS This table will record the lock status for a supplier.   As the negotiation proceeds the user might lock a supplier out of the negotiation from the 'Manage Supplier Activities' screen.  At that point in time we will flag the supplier as 'Lo
PON_SUPPLIER_ACTIVITIES This table will contain a row for each distinct activity performed by a Supplier User on the Negotiation as he/she navigates through the bidding flow. The latest activity will be indicated as such by the last_action_flag.
PON_SUPPLIER_PROVIDERS PON_SUPPLIER_PROVIDERS stores details of supplier providers.
PON_TAB_SETUP Stores the tab configurations of the 1st level navigation
PON_TE_RECIPIENTS This table lists the recipient of the message.
PON_TE_VIEW_AUDIT A simple table keeping track of who viewed which message when.
PON_TEAM_MEMBER_ATTR_SCORES This table records scores for every scoring team member for a given attribute and a response.
PON_TEAM_MEMBER_BID_SCORES For negotiations enabled for team scoring, this table stores the evaluation for the responses on this negotiation for each team member. The table also records the date the response was scored and current score statusFor negotiations enabled
PON_THREAD_ENTRIES Stores message content for threaded discussions
PON_THREADS This identifies simple metadata for the thread.
PON_WF_DEBUG Holds the debug statements for workflow processes

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